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Last active March 29, 2020 05:02
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# Simple Main Logic Board (MLB) Serial Generator Script by TheRacerMaster
# Based off the work of Hanger1, AGuyWhoIsBored & Alien:X
# NOTE: This is a simple script that doesn't do any checking of other SMBIOS values. It needs valid SMBIOS data which includes the following:
# - Valid SmUUID value in Clover config.plist under SMBIOS (generated using uuidgen)
# - ROM value set to UseMacAddr0 in Clover config.plist (uses MAC address of your first NIC as ROM value)
# - Properly formatted serial number (doesn't have to be a real one, just formatted properly) in Clover config.plist under SMBIOS
# - Don't use a generic serial number (such as Clover's default)! It needs to be at least semi-unique.
# - Try using a generated serial number that isn't real (but formatted correctly) from Clover Configurator, Chameleon Wizard, etc.
# - You can check if a serial number is real here:
# After getting a value, insert it in Clover config.plist under RtVariables -> MLB, then reboot
# Try logging into iMessage. If you get a customer code, call Apple and go through the process.
# iMessage should work after going through the customer support process.
# Changelog:
# Version 1.1 - Add user input support; you can now input a serial number (as an argument: ./ XXXXXXXXXXXX) and the script will use that to generate a MLB
# Version 1.2 - Add more input checks for valid serial number and working internet connection; added support for generating 13 character MLB (does it if serial number is 11 characters)
# Version 1.3 - Fixed some bugs; removed internet connection requirement; now, the script gets week and year numbers from the serial number itself (more accurate than random generation)
# Version 1.4 - Added debug mode which prints info about the serial number and each step of the MLB generation process
# If user input is valid, use that instead of the serial number of the current machine from IORegistry
if [ ! -z "$1" -a ${#1} == 11 ]; then
MLBFormat=1 # 11 character SN = 13 character MLB
elif [ ! -z "$1" -a ${#1} == 12 ]; then
MLBFormat=2 # 12 character SN = 17 character MLB
# Otherwise use the serial number of the current machine from IORegistry
SN=$(ioreg -l | awk '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/ { print $4;}' | cut -d'"' -f2)
if [ ${#SN} == 11 ]; then
elif [ ${#SN} == 12 ]; then
echo "Error: Invalid serial number in IORegistry!"
exit 128
# Check for debug mode
if [ "$1" == "-debug" ] || [ "$2" == "-debug" ]; then
# Debug
if [ "$debug" == 1 ]; then
if [ "$MLBFormat" == 1 ]; then
echo "Input serial number:" $SN "(12 characters)"
echo "Input serial number:" $SN "(13 characters)"
# Get the manufacture year from the serial number
if [ "$MLBFormat" == 1 ]; then
serialNumberYear=$(echo $SN | cut -c 3) # 11-digit serials store the year in the serial number, so we'll just use that
serialNumberYear=$(echo $SN | cut -c 4) # 12-digit serials store them as letters, so we'll need to decode them first
case "$serialNumberYear" in
C | D) manufactureYear=0;;
F | G) manufactureYear=1;;
H | J) manufactureYear=2;;
K | L) manufactureYear=3;;
M | N) manufactureYear=4;;
P | Q) manufactureYear=5;;
R | S) manufactureYear=6;;
T | V) manufactureYear=7;;
W | X) manufactureYear=8;;
Y | Z) manufactureYear=9;;
echo "Error: Invalid serial number (reason: invalid year)!"
exit 128;;
# Debug
if [ "$debug" == 1 ]; then
if [ "$MLBFormat" == 1 ]; then
case "$serialNumberYear" in
0) year=2010;;
1) year=2011;;
2) year=2002;;
3) year=2003;;
4) year=2004;;
5) year=2005;;
6) year=2006;;
7) year=2007;;
8) year=2008;;
9) year=2009;;
case "$manufactureYear" in
0) year=2010;;
1) year=2011;;
2) year=2012;;
3) year=2013;;
4) year=2014;;
5) year=2015;;
6) year=2016;;
7) year=2017;;
8) year=2018;;
9) year=2019;;
echo "Year of manufacture (from serial number):" $year
# Get the week number from the serial number
if [ "$MLBFormat" == 1 ]; then # 11-digit serial numbers store the week number as two digits, so no decoding needed
if [[ $(echo $SN | cut -c 4-5) =~ ^-?[01-53]+$ ]]; then
weekNumber=$(echo $SN | cut -c 4-5)
echo "Error: Invalid serial number (reason: invalid week number)!"
exit 128
serialNumberYear=$(echo $SN | cut -c 4)
case "$serialNumberYear" in
D | G | J | L | N | Q | S | V | X | Z) weekNumber=27;; # These serial number year values are offset by 27 weeks
serialNumberWeek=$(echo $SN | cut -c 5)
case "$serialNumberWeek" in
[1-9]) ((weekNumber+=$serialNumberWeek));;
C) ((weekNumber+=10));;
D) ((weekNumber+=11));;
F) ((weekNumber+=12));;
G) ((weekNumber+=13));;
H) ((weekNumber+=14));;
K) ((weekNumber+=15));;
L) ((weekNumber+=16));;
M) ((weekNumber+=17));;
N) ((weekNumber+=18));;
P) ((weekNumber+=19));;
Q) ((weekNumber+=20));;
R) ((weekNumber+=21));;
S) ((weekNumber+=22));;
T) ((weekNumber+=23));;
U) ((weekNumber+=24));;
V) ((weekNumber+=25));;
W) ((weekNumber+=26));;
X) ((weekNumber+=27));;
Y) ((weekNumber+=28));;
echo "Error: Invalid serial number (reason: invalid week number)!"
exit 128;;
# Debug
if [ "$debug" == 1 ]; then
echo "Week of manufacture (from serial number):" $weekNumber
if [ "$MLBFormat" == 1 ]; then
# Get the PP value (manufacture location) from the serial number
PP=$(echo $SN | cut -c 1-2)
# Get the SSSS value (production number) from the serial number
SSSS=$(echo $SN | cut -c 6-8)
# Generate a random (yet valid) CCCC value (model ID)
BASE62=($(echo {0..9} {a..z} {A..Z}))
partNumber=$(echo $(($RANDOM*7584284)) | cut -c 1-8)
for i in $(bc <<< "obase=36; $partNumber"); do
echo ${BASE62[$(( 10#$i ))]} | tr "\\n" "," | tr -d , >> tmpCCCC
CCCC=$(cat tmpCCCC | cut -c 1-4 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
rm tmpCCCC
# TODO: Base the CCCC off the model identifier in the 11-digit serial
# Debug/Print MLB
if [ "$debug" == 1 ]; then
case "$PP" in
F | FC | XA | XB | QP | G8) location="United States";;
RN) location="Mexico";;
CK) location="Ireland";;
SE | E) location="Singapore";;
MB) location-"Malaysia";;
PT | CY) location="Korea";;
EE | QT | UV) location="Taiwan";;
1C | 4H | W8 | YM | VM | MQ | 7J) location="China";;
RM) location="Refurbished/Remanufactured";;
echo "Manufacture location (from serial number):" $location
echo "Production number (from serial number):" $SSSS
echo "Generated CCCC value:" $CCCC
echo "Generated Main Logic Board (MLB) serial number:" $MLB "(13 characters)"
echo $MLB # Print the generated MLB value
elif [ "$MLBFormat" = 2 ]; then
# Get the SSS value (manufacture location) from the serial number
SSS=$(echo $SN | cut -c1-3)
# Generate a random (yet valid) TTT value (board serial)
declare -a TTTCodes=('200' '600' '403' '404' '405' '303' '108' '207' '609' '501' '306' '102' '701' '301' '501' '101' '300' '130' '100' '270' '310' '902' '104' '401' '902' '500' '700' '802')
TTTIndex=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#TTTCodes[@]} - 1)) )
# Generate a random (yet valid) CC value
declare -a CCCodes=('GU' '4N' 'J9' 'QX' 'OP' 'CD' 'GU')
CCIndex=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#CCCodes[@]} - 1)) )
# Generate a random (yet valid) EEEE value
declare -a EEEECodes=('DYWF' 'F117' 'F502' 'F505' 'F9GY' 'F9H0' 'F9H1' 'F9H2' 'DYWD' 'F504' 'F116' 'F503' 'F2FR' 'F653' 'F49P' 'F651' 'F49R' 'F652' 'DYW3' 'F64V' 'F0V5' 'F64W' 'FF4G' 'FF4H' 'FF4J' 'FF4K' 'FF4L' 'FF4M' 'FF4N' 'FF4P' 'DNY3' 'DP00' 'DJWK' 'DM66' 'DNJK' 'DKG1' 'DM65' 'DNJJ' 'DKG2' 'DM67' 'DNJL' 'DJWM' 'DMT3' 'DMT5' 'DJWN' 'DM69' 'DJWP' 'DM6C')
EEEEIndex=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#EEEECodes[@]} - 1)) )
# Generating a random (yet valid) KK value
declare -a KKCodes=('1H' '1M' 'AD' '1F' 'A8' 'UE' 'JA' 'JC' '8C' 'CB' 'FB')
KKIndex=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#KKCodes[@]} - 1)) )
# Debug/Print MLB
if [ "$debug" == 1 ]; then
case "$SSS" in
CK2) location="Cork, Ireland";;
C02) location="Quanta Computer, China";;
echo "Manufacture location (from serial number):" $location
echo "Generated TTT value:" $TTT
echo "Generated CC value:" $CC
echo "Generated EEEE value:" $EEEE
echo "Generated KK value:" $KK
echo "Generated Main Logic Board (MLB) serial number:" $MLB "(17 characters)"
echo $MLB # Print the generated MLB value
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