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Last active June 15, 2018 13:12
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#!/usr/bin/env php
* DISCLAIMER: Even though I tried my best to prevent anything bad from happening,
* I can't guarantee that your code won't break after using this script on it.
* What does this script do?
* It replaces all occurences of $FooBar and $foo_bar with properly camelCased $fooBar.
* Replacements also include references to class properties like $this->foo_bar and $this->FooBar
* Note: Function calls are being ignored (for now)
* If you find a bug, feel free to comment.
$content = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
$tokens = token_get_all($content);
$toReplace = [];
foreach($tokens as $key => $token) {
// Check T_VARIABLE ($foo_bar) and T_STRING with preceding T_OBJECT_OPERATOR ($this->foo_bar)
if (is_array($token)
&& (
$token[0] === 320 // T_VARIABLE
|| (
$token[0] === 319 // T_STRING
&& $tokens[$key -1][0] === 366 // T_OBJECT_OPERATOR
&& $tokens[$key +1] !== '(' // Ignore function calls
) {
$firstLetterPos = strpos($token[1], "$") === 0 ? 1 : 0;
$firstLetter = substr($token[1], $firstLetterPos , 1);
// Get triggered if you find underscores or if the first letter of the variable name is uppercased
if (strpos($token[1], "_") !== false || $firstLetter !== strtolower($firstLetter)) {
// Make every letter preceded by an underscore uppercased
$proper = ucwords($token[1], '_');
// Remove underscores from token
$proper = str_replace("_", "", $proper);
// Ensure the first letter is always lowercased
$proper = substr_replace($proper, strtolower($firstLetter), $firstLetterPos, 1);
// Ensure to only replace the string if it's preceded by an T_OBJECT_OPERATOR
if ($tokens[$key -1][0] === 366) {
$toReplace['>' . $token[1]] = '>' . $proper;
} else {
$toReplace[$token[1]] = $proper;
foreach ($toReplace as $find => $replace) {
echo $find . ' => ' . $replace . "\t";
if (strpos($content, $replace) === false) {
$content = str_replace($find, $replace, $content);
} else {
echo 'Can\'t safely replace! ' . $replace . ' already found in the code!';
echo PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($argv[1], $content);
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