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Created March 1, 2024 10:06
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Simple Plugin Example
// WARNING: Only types may be imported here.
import type { PluginLayer } from "client/src/layers/Plugins/createPluginLayer";
* Plugins must define a function named `createPlugin` that takes `PluginLayer`
* and returns an object with `mount` and `unmount` methods.
function createPlugin(pluginLayer: PluginLayer) {
const {
ui: {
preact: { html, render, h, hooks },
components: { Button, Select, TextInput },
} = pluginLayer;
function Spacer() {
return html`<div style=${{ height: "8px" }}></div>`;
return {
// Called when the plugin is first loaded.
mount: (container: HTMLDivElement) => {
function App() {
const [selectOption, setSelectOption] = hooks.useState<"option1" | "option2" | "option3">("option1");
const [textInputValue, setTextInputValue] = hooks.useState("");
return html`<div style=${{ maxWidth: "320px", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
<p style=${{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>Hi, I'm a plugin!</p>
<p>Try dragging me around or minimizing me.</p>
<p>Plugins have access to a library of components and utilities.</p>
<${Spacer} />
buttonType: "primary",
label: "I'm a button!",
style: { width: "100%" },
<${Spacer} />
buttonType: "secondary",
label: "I'm also a button",
style: { width: "100%" },
<${Spacer} />
label: "Select",
options: [
{ value: "option1", label: "Option 1" },
{ value: "option2", label: "Option 2" },
{ value: "option3", label: "Option 3" },
value: selectOption,
onChange: (value: string) => setSelectOption(value as "option1" | "option2" | "option3"),
style: { width: "100%" },
<${Spacer} />
label: "Text Input",
value: textInputValue,
placeholder: "Type something...",
onChange: (value: string) => setTextInputValue(value),
render(h(App, {}), container);
// Called when a user manually stops the plugin
// or when plugin code is updated.
// Use this to clean up any resources or event listeners
// that you set up during mount.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
unmount: () => {},
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