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A QGIS field calculator expression to generate pie charts to be inserted into an HTML frame in the composer
#Korto19 2021
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
import math
@qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Svg')
def svg_Pie(value, donut, pcol, flipper, legenda, feature, parent):
Genera un grafico a torta inseribile in una cornice HTML nel compositore di stampe
<p style="color:Olive"><b>Sintassi</b></p>
<p style="color:blue"><b>svg_Pie</b><mark style="color:black">(</mark>
<mark style="color:red">array(values)</mark><mark style="color:black">,</mark>
<mark style="color:red">donut</mark><mark style="color:black">,</mark>
<mark style="color:red">array(colors)</mark><mark style="color:black">,</mark>
<mark style="color:red">array(descriptions)</mark><mark style="color:black">,</mark>
<mark style="color:red">legenda</mark><mark style="color:black">)</mark>
<p style="color:Olive"><b>Argomenti</b></p>
<p style="color:red"><b>array(values)</b><mark style="color:black"> - array percentuali </mark><br>
<mark style="color:red"><b>donut </b><mark style="color:black"> - raggio del vuoto al centro [0-1]</mark><br>
<mark style="color:red"><b>array(colors) </b><mark style="color:black"> - array colori</mark><br>
<mark style="color:red"><b>array(descriptions) </b><mark style="color:black"> - array descrizioni</mark><br>
<mark style="color:red"><b>legenda</b><mark style="color:black">
<li>[-1] torta senza percentuali e legenda completa</li>
<li>[ 0] torta con percentuali senza legenda</li>
<li>[ 1] torta con percentuali e legenda</mark><li>
<h2><mark style="color:Olive"><strong>Example usage:</mark></strong></h2>
<li><mark style="color:black"><strong>svg_Pie</strong>(array(.5,.1,.3),.8,array('red','cyan','gray'),array('uno','due','tre'),0)<li>
<mark style="color:black">
<strong> La somma delle percentuali deve essere pari a 1 o inferiore</strong><br>
<strong> Se la somma delle percentuali e' inferiore al 100% ci sara' un settore vuoto</strong><br>
<strong> Elenco dei colori desiderati, se vuoto o in numero insufficiente saranno utilizzati quelli di default</strong><br>
<strong> Elenco delle descrizioni, se vuoto o in numero insufficiente sara' utilizzato il carattere spazio</strong><br><br>
Colori di default in ordine di utilizzo<br>
Red, Aquamarine, Orange, Cyan, Yellow, Green, Grey, Beige, Gold, DarkKhaki, Royalblue, Fucsia<br>
e' comunque possibile utilizzare qualsiasi colore CSS inserendone il nome
dcol = ['red', 'Aquamarine', 'orange', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'green', 'grey', 'beige', 'Gold', 'DarkKhaki', 'royalblue', 'fucsia']
#aggiunge colori mancanti
if len(pcol) < len(value):
for j in range (0, len(value)-len(pcol)+1):
if dcol[j] not in pcol:
#aggiunge vuoti se non ci son testi
if len(flipper) < len(value):
for j in range (0, len(value)-len(flipper)+1):
vc = 0.85
vt = -0.81
xi = '1'
yi = '0'
if legenda:
riq = '''viewBox="-1.2 -1.2 4 4"'''
riq = '''viewBox="-1.1 -1.1 2.2 2.2"'''
svg_text = '''<svg width="100%" heigth="100%"'''+riq+'''" >
text-anchor: middle;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: .008em;
fill: purple;
font-weight: light;
font-size: .006em;
font-family: Arial;
transform: rotate(90deg);
fill: black;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: .006em;
font-family: Arial;
text-anchor: middle;
stroke: white;
stroke-width: 0.01;
<g transform="translate(0,0) rotate(-90)">'''
if sum(value[0:])>1:
svg_text = 'Somma valori maggiore del 100%'
for i in range (0, len(value)):
pr = sum(value[0:i+1])
vx = str(math.cos(2*3.14*pr))
vy = str(math.sin(2*3.14*pr))
if value[i] > 0.5:
larc = '1'
larc = '0'
svg_text = svg_text + '''<path d= "M '''+ xi + ''' ''' + yi +''' A 1 1 0 ''' + larc + ''' 1 '''+ vx + ''' ''' + vy +''' L 0 0" fill="''' + pcol[i] + '''"/>'''
xi = vx
yi = vy
if legenda == -1:
svg_text = svg_text + '''<circle r="0.06" cx="'''+ str(vc) +'''" cy="1.4" fill="''' + pcol[i] + '''"/>
<text x="1.5" y="'''+ str(vt) +'''" >'''+ "{:.2%}".format(value[i]) + " " + flipper[i] + '''</text>'''
vc = vc - .2
vt = vt + .2
if legenda == 1:
svg_text = svg_text + '''<circle r="0.06" cx="'''+ str(vc) +'''" cy="1.4" fill="''' + pcol[i] + '''"/>
<text x="1.5" y="'''+ str(vt) +'''" >'''+ " " + flipper[i] + '''</text>'''
vc = vc - .2
vt = vt + .2
if pr > 0.5:
larc = '0'
larc = '1'
if donut:
svg_text = svg_text + '''<circle r="''' + str(donut) + '''" cx="0" cy="0" fill="white" />'''
if legenda:
svg_text = svg_text + '''<text id="legend" x="1.9" y="-1">Legenda</text>'''
#scrive percentuali entro torta
if legenda >= 0:
pr = 0
for i in range (0, len(value)):
pr = sum(value[0:i+1]) - value[i]/2
vx = 0.8*math.cos(2*3.14*(pr-.25))
vy = 0.8*math.sin(2*3.14*(pr-.25))
svg_text = svg_text + '''<text id="perc" x="''' + str(vx) + '''" y="''' + str(vy) + '''">'''+"{:.2%}".format(value[i]) +'''</text>'''
svg_text = svg_text + '''</g></svg>'''
return svg_text
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Korto19 commented May 5, 2021

Alcuni esempi di utilizzo

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