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Created May 10, 2024 02:15
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How to write software


  • Why > How
  • Reliable velocity, not quick wins.
  • Agility - Change is the default
  • Pragmatic - Driven by Why, not how, hype, or the crowd.
  • Idiomatic - Leverage and prefer basic, composible, and reusableknowledge over proprietary/ecosystem knowledge.
  • Derivability over memorization.


  • Document, Why the code documents How
  • Who is it for?
  • Less documentation is better than More
  • Simplifiying a process is exponentially more valuable than documenting a complex process.
    • Faster onboarding
    • Less maintainence
    • Better agility


  • Less software is better than More
  • Write for readability:
    • Software is written for humans to understand, and THEN for computers to execute.
  • YAGNI:
  • Decouple early, Abstract late.
  • Single responsibility:
    • Components (modules / functions) should do one logical thing.
    • Components' names should clearly describe their responsibility.
  • Style
    • Non-esoteric
    • Consistent per project/service/module (not globally)
  • Testing
    • Test intent, not implementation.
    • Test at the boundaries (HTTP for servers. Dom for Web Apps. API for modules etc)
      • Avoid Mocks where possible
    • Aim for 100% coverage.
    • TDD where practical/pragmatic.
  • Dependencies
    • Strive for fully reviewed codebases.
    • Well tested.
  • Peer review gate to master.


  • Reject by default, use only when value STRONGLY and CLEARLY outweighs the cost.
  • Tool costs:
    • Maintenance
    • Readability
    • Learning curve/knoledge gap from no-tool
    • Build/run time (for bundlers, test tools, etc..)
    • Bundle size (for bundled/served code)
    • How hard is it to replace with a different tool?
  • Single responsibility (more features is bad)
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