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Created January 6, 2013 13:36
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Slicing gotchas in Python 2
# Some setup...
import sys
def throws(msg, f):
except Exception, e:
return msg in str(e)
return False
class OldStyle:
def __getitem__(self, arg):
return arg
class NewStyle(object):
def __getitem__(self, arg):
return arg
a = OldStyle()
b = NewStyle()
# And we're set!
# Basic lookup is the same for both old-style and new-style objects:
for x in a, b:
# Simple values are passed as-is
assert x[1] == 1
assert x["hi"] == 'hi'
assert x[-5] == -5
# Commas denote tuples:
assert x[1,2] == (1,2)
assert x[1,] == (1,)
# There's a special syntax for slices
# start:stop:step
assert x[1:5] == slice(1, 5, None)
assert x[1:10:2] == slice(1, 10, 2)
# Slice arguments can be of any type
assert x[-0.5:0.5:0.1] == slice(-.5, .5, .1)
assert x['Hello':123.45:[]] == slice('Hello',123.45,[])
# There's a special syntax for ellipses as well
assert x[...] == Ellipsis
# We can mix them together
assert x[1, ..., 2:3] == (1, Ellipsis, slice(2,3,None))
# There are differences, though.
# Remember: a SIMPLE SLICING looks like obj[a:b],
# where a and b are optional integers.
# We'll talk about them a lot.
# Difference 1: Omitted indices in simple slicings
assert a[:2] == slice(0, 2,None)
assert b[:2] == slice(None,2,None)
assert a[10:] == slice(10, sys.maxint, None)
assert b[10:] == slice(10, None, None)
# See? Old-style classes use 0 and sys.maxint respectively in place of omitted values
# and new-style classes simply put None.
# Q: Does this change results if we call .indices() on a slice?
# A: Nope, luckily:
for example_length in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 100):
assert a[:2].indices(example_length) == b[:2].indices(example_length)
assert a[:10].indices(example_length) == b[:10].indices(example_length)
# Difference 2: Negatives in simple slicings
# When a negative integer index is found,
# Old-style asks for __len__ and subtracts from it.
# New-style keeps it as is.
assert throws("has no attribute '__len__'",
lambda: a[0:-2] == slice(0, -2, None))
assert b[0:-2] == slice(0, -2, None)
# Let's give our classes a length now to see how things work...
Length = a.length = b.length = 15
def len(self):
return self.length
OldStyle.__len__ = NewStyle.__len__ = len
assert len(a) == len(b) == Length
# having that, let's try again
assert a[-10:-5] == slice(Length-10, Length-5, None)
assert b[-10:-5] == slice( -10, -5, None)
# Note that this substraction in old-style classes
# won't prevent you from actually ending up with negatives!
assert a[0:-Length*2].stop < 0
# Either way, use indices() and you're still safe, as long as you pass len() as length.
# Proof:
assert a[-10:-5].indices(len(a)) == b[-10:-5].indices(len(b))
assert a[-5:].indices(len(a)) == b[-5:].indices(len(b))
assert a[:-100].indices(len(a)) == b[:-100].indices(len(b))
# Q: Why do you specifically refer to "simple slicings"?
# A: Because extended slicings always use the new-style interpretation,
# no matter if the object is old-style or new-style!
# Extended slicing: slice with a non-integer value
assert a[-1:'a'] == b[-1:'a'] == slice(-1, 'a', None)
# Extended slicing: a tuple of slices
assert a[-2:-3, 4:6] == b[-2:-3, 4:6] == (slice(-2, -3, None), slice(4, 6,None))
# So if you want to easily enforce new-style slice interpretation for any reason,
# here are several tricks:
# Pass None instead omitting an omitted parameter
assert a[:None] == b[:None] == slice(None, None, None)
# Pass an empty 'step' parameter
assert a[-2::] == b[-2::] == slice(-2, None, None)
# Difference 3: __getslice__
# If a special member function __getslice__ is present,
# all simple slicings use it, while extended slicings use __getitem__.
# let's add it to our classes:
def getslice(self, start, end):
'''Contrary to __getitem__, __getslice__ always receives two integral parameters.'''
return 'getslice', start, end
OldStyle.__getslice__ = NewStyle.__getslice__ = getslice
# Even though __getslice__ is a legacy construct,
# it's applicable to both old-style and new-style classes.
assert a[1:2] == b[1:2] == ('getslice', 1, 2)
# __getslice__ behaves much like old-style interpretation:
assert a[:] == b[:] == ('getslice', 0, sys.maxint)
assert a[-2:-5] == b[-2:-5] == ('getslice', len(a)-2, len(a)-5)
# extended slicing still uses ol' good __getitem__:
assert a[::] == b[::] == slice(None, None, None)
assert a[1.:2.] == b[1.:2.] == slice(1., 2., None)
# There's a tiny gotcha with __getslice__ though:
# If they don't have len()s...
del OldStyle.__len__, NewStyle.__len__
# old-style fails
assert throws('__len__', lambda: a[-2:-5])
# while new-style assumes length == 0
assert b[-2:-5] == ('getslice', -2, -5)
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