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Created November 13, 2013 14:48
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eature: REST API
Scenario: Compare JSON # features/rest_api.feature:3
Given I have created a new Rails app "rails-3-app" and installed cucumber-rails # features/step_definitions/cucumber_rails_steps.rb:48
And I write to "app/controllers/posts_controller.rb" with: # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:31
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
render :json => {'hello' => 'world'}.to_json
And I write to "config/routes.rb" with: # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:31
Rails3App::Application.routes.draw do
resources :posts
And I write to "features/posts.feature" with: # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:31
Feature: posts
Scenario: See them
When the client requests GET /posts
Then the response should be JSON:
"hello": "world"
And I write to "features/step_definitions/rest_steps.rb" with: # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:31
When /^the client requests GET (.*)$/ do |path|
Then /^the response should be JSON:$/ do |json|
JSON.parse(last_response.body).should == JSON.parse(json)
And I run `bundle exec rake db:migrate` # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:60
And I run `bundle exec rake cucumber` # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:60
Then it should pass with: # aruba-0.5.3/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb:162
1 scenario (1 passed)
2 steps (2 passed)
expected " create \n create README\n create Rakefile\n create\n create .gitignore\n create Gemfile\n create app\n create app/controllers/application_controller.rb\n create app/helpers/application_helper.rb\n create app/views/layouts/application.html.erb\n create config\n create config/routes.rb\n create config/application.rb\n create config/environment.rb\n create config/environments\n create config/environments/development.rb\n create config/environments/production.rb\n create config/environments/test.rb\n create config/initializers\n create config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb\n create config/initializers/inflections.rb\n create config/initializers/mime_types.rb\n create config/initializers/secret_token.rb\n create config/initializers/session_store.rb\n create config/locales\n create config/locales/en.yml\n create config/boot.rb\n create config/database.yml\n create db\n create db/seeds.rb\n create doc\n create doc/README_FOR_APP\n create lib\n create lib/tasks\n create lib/tasks/.gitkeep\n create log\n create log/server.log\n create log/production.log\n create log/development.log\n create log/test.log\n create public\n create public/404.html\n create public/422.html\n create public/500.html\n create public/favicon.ico\n create public/index.html\n create public/robots.txt\n create public/images\n create public/images/rails.png\n create public/stylesheets\n create public/stylesheets/.gitkeep\n create public/javascripts\n create public/javascripts/application.js\n create public/javascripts/controls.js\n create public/javascripts/dragdrop.js\n create public/javascripts/effects.js\n create public/javascripts/prototype.js\n create public/javascripts/rails.js\n create script\n create script/rails\n create tmp\n create tmp/sessions\n create tmp/sockets\n create tmp/cache\n create tmp/pids\n create vendor/plugins\n create vendor/plugins/.gitkeep\n create config/cucumber.yml\n create script/cucumber\n chmod script/cucumber\n create features/step_definitions\n create features/support\n create features/support/env.rb\n exist lib/tasks\n create lib/tasks/cucumber.rake\n gsub config/database.yml\n gsub config/database.yml\n force config/database.yml\nUsing the default profile...\nFeature: posts\n\n Scenario: See them # features/posts.feature:2\n When the client requests GET /posts # features/step_definitions/rest_steps.rb:1\n Then the response should be JSON: # features/step_definitions/rest_steps.rb:5\n \"\"\"\n {\r\n \"hello\": \"world\"\r\n }\n \"\"\"\n\n1 scenario (1 passed)\n2 steps (2 passed)\n0m0.161s\n/home/kosmas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby -S bundle exec cucumber --profile default\n" to include "1 scenario (1 passed)\r\n2 steps (2 passed)"
@@ -1,3 +1,95 @@
+ create
+ create README
+ create Rakefile
+ create
+ create .gitignore
+ create Gemfile
+ create app
+ create app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+ create app/helpers/application_helper.rb
+ create app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
+ create config
+ create config/routes.rb
+ create config/application.rb
+ create config/environment.rb
+ create config/environments
+ create config/environments/development.rb
+ create config/environments/production.rb
+ create config/environments/test.rb
+ create config/initializers
+ create config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
+ create config/initializers/inflections.rb
+ create config/initializers/mime_types.rb
+ create config/initializers/secret_token.rb
+ create config/initializers/session_store.rb
+ create config/locales
+ create config/locales/en.yml
+ create config/boot.rb
+ create config/database.yml
+ create db
+ create db/seeds.rb
+ create doc
+ create doc/README_FOR_APP
+ create lib
+ create lib/tasks
+ create lib/tasks/.gitkeep
+ create log
+ create log/server.log
+ create log/production.log
+ create log/development.log
+ create log/test.log
+ create public
+ create public/404.html
+ create public/422.html
+ create public/500.html
+ create public/favicon.ico
+ create public/index.html
+ create public/robots.txt
+ create public/images
+ create public/images/rails.png
+ create public/stylesheets
+ create public/stylesheets/.gitkeep
+ create public/javascripts
+ create public/javascripts/application.js
+ create public/javascripts/controls.js
+ create public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
+ create public/javascripts/effects.js
+ create public/javascripts/prototype.js
+ create public/javascripts/rails.js
+ create script
+ create script/rails
+ create tmp
+ create tmp/sessions
+ create tmp/sockets
+ create tmp/cache
+ create tmp/pids
+ create vendor/plugins
+ create vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
+ create config/cucumber.yml
+ create script/cucumber
+ chmod script/cucumber
+ create features/step_definitions
+ create features/support
+ create features/support/env.rb
+ exist lib/tasks
+ create lib/tasks/cucumber.rake
+ gsub config/database.yml
+ gsub config/database.yml
+ force config/database.yml
+Using the default profile...
+Feature: posts
+ Scenario: See them # features/posts.feature:2
+ When the client requests GET /posts # features/step_definitions/rest_steps.rb:1
+ Then the response should be JSON: # features/step_definitions/rest_steps.rb:5
+ """
+ {
+ "hello": "world"
+ }
+ """
1 scenario (1 passed)
2 steps (2 passed)
+/home/kosmas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby -S bundle exec cucumber --profile default
features/rest_api.feature:43:in `Then it should pass with:'
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Can you run it with an @announce tag on the scenario so we can see the output from your machine more clearly?

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