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Last active April 18, 2020 08:04
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  • Save KotorinChunChun/235ecc6f6ad9318ab99803069ff3d4c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Rem --------------------------------------------------
Rem FuncArray
Rem 配列/コレクション/辞書操作系
Rem から切り出したもの
Rem --------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Rem 配列変数の次元数を返す
Rem 旧名 GetDim
Rem 旧名 GetDimension
Rem 別名 ArrRank By Ariawase
Public Function GetArrayDimension(ByRef ArrayData As Variant) As Long
Dim retVal As Long
On Error Resume Next
Do While Err.Number = 0
retVal = retVal + 1
Dim tmp As Variant
tmp = UBound(ArrayData, retVal)
On Error GoTo 0
GetArrayDimension = retVal - 1
End Function
Rem 二次元配列をCSV等の文字列に変換する。
Public Function Join2(arr As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Delimiter1 As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal Delimiter2 As String = vbCrLf) As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim arr1() As Variant
Dim arr2() As Variant
If GetArrayDimension(arr) <> 2 Then Err.Raise 9999, "Join2", "Join2 : 入力変数Arrが二次元配列ではありません。"
ReDim arr1(LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1))
ReDim arr2(LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2))
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
For j = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)
arr2(j) = arr(i, j)
arr1(i) = Join(arr2, Delimiter1)
Join2 = Join(arr1, Delimiter2)
End Function
'RegApp 1.レジストリアプリケーション管理
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\[AppName]
Option Explicit
Public AppName As String
Public Function section(Section_ As String) As RegSec
Set section = New RegSec
Set section.App = Me
section.section = Section_
End Function
Public Function Delete()
DeleteSetting Me.AppName
End Function
Property Get Name(AppName) As RegApp
Me.AppName = AppName
Set Name = Me
End Property
Property Get Self() As RegApp
Set Self = Me
End Property
'RegSec 3.レジストリキー管理
Option Explicit
Public App As RegApp
Public Sec As RegSec
Public Key As String
Public Property Get GetValue(default_value)
GetValue = GetSetting(Me.App.AppName, Me.Sec.section, Me.Key, default_value)
If GetValue = "Null" Then Value = Null
End Property
Public Property Get Value()
Value = GetSetting(Me.App.AppName, Me.Sec.section, Me.Key, Empty)
If Value = "Null" Then Value = Null
End Property
Public Property Let Value(ByVal saveValue)
If IsNull(saveValue) Then saveValue = "Null"
SaveSetting Me.App.AppName, Me.Sec.section, Me.Key, saveValue
End Property
Public Function Delete()
DeleteSetting Me.App.AppName, Me.Sec.section, Me.Key
End Function
Property Get Self() As RegKey
Set Self = Me
End Property
'RegSec 2.レジストリセクション管理
Option Explicit
Public App As RegApp
Public section As String
Public Function Key(Key_ As String) As RegKey
Set Key = New RegKey
Set Key.App = Me.App
Set Key.Sec = Me
Key.Key = Key_
End Function
Property Get AllSettings()
AllSettings = GetAllSettings(Me.App.AppName, Me.section)
End Property
Property Get Keys() As Collection
Set Keys = New Collection
Dim KeyValue: KeyValue = GetAllSettings(Me.App.AppName, Me.section)
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(KeyValue) To UBound(KeyValue)
Dim k As RegKey
Set k = New RegKey
Set k.App = Me.App
Set k.Sec = Me
k.Key = KeyValue(i, 0)
Keys.Add k
End Property
Public Function Delete()
DeleteSetting Me.App.AppName, Me.section
End Function
Property Get Self() As RegSec
Set Self = Me
End Property
Option Explicit
' .Value = "あたい"
' End With
' With .Key("きいいいい")
' .Value = "あったいいい"
' End With
' .Key("キキキキキ").Value = "値値値値値"
' End With
' With .Section("せくしょ~~んつ~~~")
' .Key("キッキッキ").Value = "あいうえお"
' .Key("キリキリ").Value = "ほへふひは"
' End With
' End With
' RegApp("アプリ名").Section("せくしょん").Key("キー") = "あ"
Sub Test_SaveSetting()
SaveSetting "アプリ名", "セクション", "キー1", "書き込む値1"
SaveSetting "アプリ名", "セクション", "キー2", "書き込む値2"
SaveSetting "アプリ名", "セクション", "キー3", "書き込む値3"
End Sub
Sub Test_GetAllSettings()
Debug.Print Join2(GetAllSettings("アプリ名", "セクション"))
End Sub
Sub Test_GetSetting()
Debug.Print GetSetting("アプリ名", "セクション", "キー1", "存在しないときの値")
Debug.Print GetSetting("アプリ名", "セクション", "キー2", "存在しないときの値")
Debug.Print GetSetting("アプリ名", "セクション", "キー3", "存在しないときの値")
End Sub
Sub Test_DeleteKey()
DeleteSetting "アプリ名", "セクション", "キー1"
DeleteSetting "アプリ名", "セクション", "キー2"
DeleteSetting "アプリ名", "セクション", "キー3"
End Sub
Sub Test_DeleteSec()
DeleteSetting "アプリ名", "セクション"
End Sub
Sub Test_DeleteApp()
DeleteSetting "アプリ名"
End Sub
Sub Test_With_SaveSetting()
With RegApp("アプリ名")
With .section("セクション")
.Key("キー1").Value = "書き込む値1"
.Key("キー2").Value = "書き込む値2"
.Key("キー3").Value = "書き込む値3"
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub Test_With_GetAllsettings()
With RegApp("アプリ名")
With .section("セクション")
Debug.Print Join2(.AllSettings)
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub Test_With_GetAllsettings_RegKey()
With RegApp("アプリ名")
With .section("セクション")
Dim rk As RegKey
For Each rk In .Keys
Debug.Print rk.Key, rk.Value
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub Test_With_GetSetting()
With RegApp("アプリ名")
With .section("セクション")
Debug.Print .Key("キー1").Value
Debug.Print .Key("キー2").Value
Debug.Print .Key("キー3").Value
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub Test_With_Delete()
With RegApp("アプリ名")
With .section("セクション")
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub Test_With_Single_SaveSetting()
RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション").Key("キー1").Value = "書き込む値1"
End Sub
Sub Test_With_Main()
Call Test_With_Func(RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション"))
With RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション")
Call Test_With_Func(.Self)
End With
End Sub
Sub Test_With_Func(section As RegSec)
section.Key("キー2").Value = 2
End Sub
Sub Test_PredeclaredId()
Dim instRegApp As RegApp
Set instRegApp = New RegApp
Set instRegApp = instRegApp.Name("アプリ名")
Set instRegApp = RegApp.Name("アプリ名")
Set instRegApp = RegApp("アプリ名")
End Sub
Sub Test_With_Parent()
With RegApp("アプリ名")
With .section("セクション")
'セクション → アプリ名
Debug.Print .App.AppName
'キー → アプリ名
Debug.Print .Key("キー1").App.AppName
'キー → セクション名
Debug.Print .Key("キー1").Sec.section
End With
End With
End Sub
'RegKey.cls デフォルトプロシージャと、デフォルト値の指定について
Sub Test_With_DefaultValue()
RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション").Key("キー1").Value = "書き込む値1"
RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション").Key("キー1") = "書き込む値1"
Debug.Print RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション").Key("キー1").Value
Debug.Print RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション").Key("キー1")
Debug.Print RegApp("アプリ名").section("セクション").Key("キー1").GetValue("キーが存在しません")
End Sub
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