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Created February 28, 2020 15:01
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Sub ExcelWindowArrange(targets, arrange_style As XlOrientation)
Const PROC_NAME = "ExcelWindowArrange"
Dim win As Window
Dim obj As Variant
Dim arrangeWindows As Collection: Set arrangeWindows = New Collection
For Each obj In targets
Select Case TypeName(obj)
Case "Window": arrangeWindows.Add obj
Case "Workbook": arrangeWindows.Add obj.Windows(1)
Case "Worksheet": arrangeWindows.Add obj.Parent.Windows(1)
Case Else: Debug.Print PROC_NAME, "No Defined TypeName: " & TypeName(obj): Stop
End Select
If arrangeWindows.Count < 2 Then
Debug.Print PROC_NAME, "targetsが足りない"
' Err.Raise 9999, PROC_NAME, "targetsが足りない"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim withoutWindows As Collection: Set withoutWindows = New Collection
For Each win In Application.Windows
If win.Visible Then
Dim arrWin As Window
For Each arrWin In arrangeWindows
If win.Caption = arrWin.Caption Then GoTo ContinueFor
withoutWindows.Add win
End If
'非表示にして整列されないようにする (別案 win.WindowState = xlMinimized)
For Each win In withoutWindows: win.Visible = False: Next
arrangeWindows(1).WindowState = xlNormal '最大時の座標は設定出来ない
' Debug.Print arrangeWindows(1).Caption, arrangeWindows(1).Left, arrangeWindows(1).Top
For Each win In arrangeWindows
win.WindowState = xlNormal
win.Left = arrangeWindows(1).Left
win.Top = arrangeWindows(1).Top
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=arrange_style
'非表示にしておいた窓を再表示 (別案 win.WindowState = xlNormal)
For Each win In withoutWindows: win.Visible = True: Next
For Each win In arrangeWindows: win.Activate: Next
End Sub
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