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Bohdan Denysiuk Kotuhan

View GitHub Profile
const formatDate = () => {
let dateObj = new Date();
let month = dateObj.getMonth();
let day = String(dateObj.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
return Number(month) + 1 + '/' + Number(day);
const getTextRow = ([first, second], i) => {
return `${i + 1}. [и=${first}]: ${second}
## Ticking managing application
Build a ticket managing app, where the user can add, filter, assign, and complete tickets.
- The app should have two screens: the list screen and the details screen. Please use the Gatsby Link to manage the transitions between them. (hint: in detail page, use query params to get the correct ticket)
- Even though we tend to use Redux for state management, i would like to base your approach on Hooks and how we can replace Redux using a combination of React-Hooks along with React-context api
- Write a couple of tests. The goal here is not to build a production-quality app, so don't test every single detail. Two or three tests should be good enough.
- Don't forget about error handling and race conditions. The API server has a random delay. If you bump it up to say 10 seconds, would the app still work correctly?
curl 'http://localhost:8080/wfbs-svc/portal/en/api/global_settings/device_control/import_device/append' -H 'Cookie: lang=en; session=hM3L8HIgPNmrzLWC1YL6sQ.1CPLd0Jq-Zy31y5DM-clD_QyxUigitKQKqWen4YmPDU.1522787572961.31536000000.3DCQeo_ebeUjLDVqVgrOmOQkja43MWvCWwPoM9ZWhig; _ga=GA1.1.1176663478.1522787575; _tr_user=1; intercom-lou-fh7zhgcl=1;; intercom-session-fh7zhgcl=QzZSSTVKU25VTlRIK2xJUlkvRUhXSk9OejRnSnhkS1VMT2xreGg2NVFDSnJEQzE0QTJ2dnVKTEdqY05iSnpWYi0tMGVNQURPVHJIY1BHQ2FtbVBHaC9tQT09--4fcc4ef7b2647935a72ba3c5941b5815bfe3cb23; feature_type=mb; ubt_enable=1; ubt_siteid=1;; ur=dXNlcl9yb2xlPU0x; user=Test; session_token=%3DDB%3DLk8krWA40RD7oDXaMYPXTRGSPHvJmjz8fy5O1GmXTJIXzsWLVCYxNarIm1WwhXzxzzYdlUabWWVk-cMyOIGAd3I887Snry6zZ51wgNvxlFyIcp
import * as React from 'react';
import { View, Image, StyleSheet, Text, Platform } from 'react-native';
import Svg, { Defs, LinearGradient, Stop, Rect } from 'react-native-svg';
const LocalizedStrings = require ('react-native-localization');
import Button = require('apsl-react-native-button');
import {
Kotuhan / godmode.js
Created August 10, 2016 15:26
God Mode in JavaScript
// что возвращает эта функция?
(function fun(Infinity, length, __proto__)
return [,,~0.[0|0]][fun.__proto__.length && Infinity, -~String(this).length >> __proto__] << (0. === .0) + Infinity;
}).apply(typeof fun, [,,2]);
// рассмотрим массив с аргументами:
// "0" in [,,2] => false
// "1" in [,,2] => false