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Last active April 3, 2019 10:11
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Quelle version de GMP ?

  1. Version 6.1.2

i) mpz_t = entier relatif à précision variable

ii) mpz_t = tableau de taille 1 de mpz_limb


  • _mp_aloc -> espace alloué
  • _mp_size -> signe et taille réelle du nombre
  • _mp_d -> pointeurs vers les limbs
open Big_int
let to_string x = string_of_big_int x
let print x = Printf.printf "%s" (to_string x)
let bi x = big_int_of_int x
module Polynome = struct
type degre = int * int * int
type distributed_polys =
| P of big_int * degre * distributed_polys
let poly_zero = Null
let monomial coef deg = P(coef, deg, Null)
let lex_smaller (a1, b1, c1) (a2, b2, c2) =
if a1 = a2 && b1 = b2
then c1 <= c2
else if a1 = a2
then b1 <= b2
else a1 <= a2
let add_degree (a1, b1, c1) (a2, b2, c2) =
(a1 + a2, b1 + b2, c1 + c2)
let deg_equals (a, b, c) (d, e, f) =
a = d && b = e && c = f
let print_degre (dx, dy, dz) =
let _ =
if dx > 0
then Printf.printf "X^%d" dx
else () in
let _ =
if dy > 0
then Printf.printf "Y^%d" dy
else () in
let _ =
if dz > 0
then Printf.printf "Z^%d" dz
else () in
let rec print_poly_aux p = match p with
| Null -> Printf.printf "\n"
| P(coef, (dx, dy, dz), p') ->
let _ = Printf.printf "%s * " (to_string coef) in
let _ = print_degre (dx, dy, dz) in
let _ =
if p' <> Null
then Printf.printf " + "
else ()
let _ = print_poly_aux p' in ()
let print_poly p = match p with
| Null -> Printf.printf "0\n"
| p -> print_poly_aux p
let leading_coefficient p = match p with
| Null -> zero_big_int
| P(x, _, _) -> x
let reductum p = match p with
| Null -> poly_zero
| P(_, _, p') -> p'
let degree p = match p with
| Null -> 0, 0, 0
| P(_, d, _) -> d
let rec correct_rep p =
let rec correct_rep_aux p d_last = match p with
| Null -> true
| P(_, d_cur, p') ->
if lex_smaller d_cur d_last
then correct_rep_aux p' d_cur
else false
match p with
| Null -> true
| P(_, d, p') -> correct_rep_aux p' d
let rec equals p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
| Null, Null -> true
| Null, _ | _, Null -> false
| P(c1, d1, p1'), P(c2, d2, p2') ->
if c1 <> c2
then false
else if not (deg_equals d1 d2)
then false
else equals p1' p2'
let rec add p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
| Null, p | p, Null -> p
| P(c1, d1, p1'), P(c2, d2, p2') ->
if deg_equals d1 d2
then P(add_big_int c1 c2, d1, add p1' p2')
else if lex_smaller d1 d2
then P(c2, d2, add p1 p2')
else P(c1, d1, add p1' p2)
let _ =
let z = Polynome.poly_zero in
let x = Polynome.monomial (bi 3) (1, 0, 0) in
let _ = Polynome.print_poly z in
let _ = Polynome.print_poly x in
let poly1 = Polynome.P((bi 5), (0, 1, 2), (Polynome.P((bi 5), (1,2,3), Polynome.Null))) in
let poly2 = Polynome.P((bi 5), (2, 1, 2), (Polynome.P((bi 5), (1,2,3), Polynome.Null))) in
let _ = Polynome.print_poly poly1 in
let _ = Polynome.print_poly poly2 in
let sum = Polynome.add poly1 poly2 in
let _ = Polynome.print_poly sum in
let test1 = not (Polynome.correct_rep poly1) in
let _ =
if not test1
then Printf.printf "ERROR 1\n"
else ()
let test2 = Polynome.correct_rep poly2 in
let _ =
if not test2
then Printf.printf "ERROR 2\n"
else ()
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