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Last active August 4, 2022 10:18
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  • Save KraXen72/2ea1332440b0c66b83ca9b73afc38269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KraXen72/2ea1332440b0c66b83ca9b73afc38269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Keystrokes userscript by KraXen72 (for client)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Keystrokes
// @author KraXen72
// @version 1.2
// @desc Shows WASD, shift, space and 2 configurable keys on screen
// @src
// ==/UserScript==
//keystrokes userscript by KraXen72. made for the Crankshaft client.
//You are free to modify it for your own purposes (unpublished)
//if you are going to publish your modification, add a link to the gist and credit KraXen72
// here you can mess with the values
const size = 2.5 //how many rem will one of the keys be in height
const auxKey1 = "R" //the key to switch to secondary or any other extra key you want to track. UPPERCASE
const auxKey2 = "N" //the key to switch to knife or any other extra key you want to track. UPPERCASE
let prependCSS = ""
//uncomment this line to hide the auxillary keys
//prependCSS = `.key-aux1, .key-aux2 { display: none !important; }`
//ok don't touch it past this point unless you know what you're doing
const keysHTML = `
<span class="key key-w">W</span>
<span class="key key-a">A</span>
<span class="key key-s">S</span>
<span class="key key-d">D</span>
<span class="key key-sft">sft</span>
<span class="key key-space">__</span>
<span class="key key-aux1">${auxKey1}</span>
<span class="key key-aux2">${auxKey2}</span>
function precisionRound(number, precision = 2) {
let factor = Math.pow(10, precision);
return Math.round(number * factor) / factor;
let css = `
.keystrokes-hold {
display: grid;
grid-template: repeat(3, ${size}rem) / repeat(8, ${precisionRound(size / 2)}rem);
"empty1 empty2 keyw keyw empty3 empty4 empty5 empty6"
"keya keya keys keys keyd keyd aux1 aux1"
"shift shift shift space space space aux2 aux2";
position: absolute;
column-gap: ${precisionRound(size / 10)}rem;
row-gap: ${precisionRound(size / 5)}rem;
bottom: 2rem;
left: 28rem;
.key {
background: #262626;
color: white;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: ${precisionRound((size / 2) * 1.5)}rem;
font-weight: bold;
border: 2px solid black;
border-radius: 5px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
min-width: ${size}rem;
min-height: ${size}rem;
.key-sft, .key-space {
font-size: ${precisionRound((size / 2))}rem;
.key-w { grid-area: keyw; }
.key-a { grid-area: keya; }
.key-s { grid-area: keys; }
.key-d { grid-area: keyd; }
.key-sft { grid-area: shift; }
.key-space { grid-area: space; }
.key-aux1 { grid-area: aux1; }
.key-aux2 { grid-area: aux2; }
.active {
background: #868686;
color: #232323;
const injectSettingsCss = (css, classId = "keystrokes-css") => {
let s = document.createElement("style");
//s.setAttribute("class", classId);
s.setAttribute("id", classId);
s.innerHTML = css;
const hold = document.createElement("div")
hold.innerHTML = keysHTML
//if you use some other keybinds change the keycodes for it here. to get keycodes go to:
const keys = [
{ keyCode: 87, elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-w") },
{ keyCode: 65, elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-a") },
{ keyCode: 83, elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-s") },
{ keyCode: 68, elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-d") },
{ keyCode: 16, elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-sft") },
{ keyCode: 32, elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-space") },
{ keyCode: auxKey1.charCodeAt(0), elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-aux1") },
{ keyCode: auxKey2.charCodeAt(0), elem: document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold .key.key-aux2") }
function handleKeyDown(event) {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
if (event.keyCode === key.keyCode /*&& !key.elem.classList.contains("active")*/) {
function handleKeyUp(event) {
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
if (event.keyCode === key.keyCode /*&& key.elem.classList.contains("active")*/) {
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown)
document.addEventListener("keyup", handleKeyUp)
this.unload = () => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown)
document.removeEventListener("keyup", handleKeyUp)
document.querySelector(".keystrokes-hold").textContent = ""
return this
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keystrokes userscript by KraXen72.
made for the Crankshaft krunker client.
You are free to modify it for your own purposes (unpublished)
if you are going to publish your modification, add a link to this gist and credit KraXen72.

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revision 1.1 adds userscript metadata

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revision 1.2 adds unload function

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Neat. Though maybe change @src to @downloadURL to comply with metadata block standards. Will also allow for auto-updating (if you use the gh raw link)

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