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Last active October 19, 2020 18:50
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pokecrystal encounter checker. check for pokemon without encounters and more
# made for people modifying pret/pokecrystal who want to
# check what pokemon need changes in their wild encounter
# rates. prints 2 tables, one containing a list of all
# pokemon without encounters, one containing all
# encounters sorted by their total overall probability
# 1. place this file in your ./tools folder
# 2. make sure the paths and encounter rates below are accurate (only if you changed them)
# 3. if you don't want to incorporate water encounters comment out the last 2 'parse_encounters' lines
# 4. finally run 'python'
# made with python 3
# licensed under gpl3
from dataclasses import dataclass
POKE_CONST = "../constants/pokemon_constants.asm"
JOHTO_GRASS = "../data/wild/johto_grass.asm"
KANTO_GRASS = "../data/wild/kanto_grass.asm"
JOHTO_WATER = "../data/wild/johto_water.asm"
KANTO_WATER = "../data/wild/kanto_water.asm"
PROB = [30,30,20,10,5,4,1]
WATER_PROB = [60,30,10]
class EncounterData:
name: str
areas: int
prob: int
def __repr__(self):
return f"{ <14} areas:{self.areas: >2}, prob:{self.prob: >4}"
def parse_poke_contants():
table = {}
with open(POKE_CONST, "r") as consts:
lines = consts.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("const "):
name = line.split(" ")[1]
table[name] = EncounterData(name,0,0)
return table
def parse_encounters(table, file, prob, num_lines):
with open(file) as data:
line = data.readline()
while line:
if line.strip().startswith("map_id"):
data.readline() # skip encounter rates
remaining = num_lines
lines = []
while remaining > 0:
line = data.readline().strip()
while not line.startswith("db"):
line = data.readline().strip()
remaining -= 1
parse_area_data(lines, table, prob)
line = data.readline()
def parse_area_data(lines, table, prob):
index = 0
encountered = []
for line in lines:
name = line.split(",")[1].strip()
table[name].prob += prob[index]
if(not name in encountered):
table[name].areas += 1
index += 1
if index > len(prob)-1:
index = 0
def visualize(table):
no_enc = []
enc = []
for (k,value) in table.items():
if(value.areas > 0):
enc.sort(key=lambda item:item.prob, reverse=True)
print("| mons without encounters | mons sorted by encounters |")
pad = " "
if(len(no_enc) < len(enc)):
for _ in range(len(enc) - len(no_enc)):
no_enc.append(f"{pad: <34}")
elif(len(no_enc) > len(enc)):
for _ in range(len(no_enc) - len(enc)):
enc.append(f"{pad: <34}")
for (a,b) in zip(no_enc, enc):
print(a, "\t", b)
if __name__ == "__main__":
table = parse_poke_contants()
# 3 different sets of encounters and 7 encounters each
parse_encounters(table, JOHTO_GRASS, PROB, 3 * 7)
parse_encounters(table, KANTO_GRASS, PROB, 3 * 7)
# 3 encounters each
parse_encounters(table, JOHTO_WATER, WATER_PROB, 3)
parse_encounters(table, KANTO_WATER, WATER_PROB, 3)
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