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Last active June 24, 2023 19:24
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Fork of Userscripts for (forceupdate) by TheJzoli

    Fetches the segments and updated info for the video when Loading the Page, so that you don't have to wait for the video page to update. Install
// ==UserScript==
// @name Force-update on Page Load
// @namespace
// @version 1.0.1
// @description Fetches the segments and updated info for the video, so that you don't have to wait for the video page to update.
// @author TheJzoli
// @match*
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @connect
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const SBLTNFI_TO_API_PARAMS = {views_min: 'minViews', views_max: 'maxViews', votes_min: 'minVotes', votes_max: 'maxVotes', category: 'category'};
const BASEAPIURL = '';
const ignoreParams = ['shadowhidden', 'uuid', 'username', 'user', 'sort', 'page'];
const exclude = ['input', 'textarea'];
const listNextToVideoEmbed = document.getElementsByClassName('list-group')[document.getElementsByClassName('list-group').length - 1];
// Force-update when Page Finished loading
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
const videoID = checkPageVideoID();
if (!videoID) return;
* Gets all the video's segments, then calls the {@link updateTable} function, and updates the submission amount.
* @param {string} videoID ID of the video whose segments we want to fetch
function getAndUpdateSegments(videoID) { = 'progress';
let segmentsArray = [];
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const filters = buildFilterParam(searchParams);
let page = 0;
let segmentCount = 0;
const callback = (responseObject) => {
if (responseObject.status !== 200) {
if (responseObject.status === 404) {
window.alert('No segments found for video');
} else {
window.alert(`API returned a status of ${responseObject.status} when getting segments`);
} = 'default';
segmentCount = responseObject.response.segmentCount;
segmentsArray = segmentsArray.concat(responseObject.response.segments);
if (segmentCount > 10 && (page+1)*10 < segmentCount) {
getSegments(videoID, filters, ++page, callback);
} else if (segmentsArray.length === segmentCount) {
// Update table once all segments have been fetched
updateTable(segmentsArray, searchParams);
// Update submission amount
getDivThatStartsWithText('Query results:').textContent = `Query results: ${responseObject.response.segmentCount}`;
// If total submissions is over current query's segment count, don't update it.
if (listNextToVideoEmbed.firstElementChild.textContent.split(':')[1].trim() < responseObject.response.segmentCount) {
listNextToVideoEmbed.firstElementChild.textContent = `Submissions: ${responseObject.response.segmentCount}`;
// Update ignored amount
let hiddenAmount = 0;
let ignoredAmount = 0;
segmentsArray.forEach(segment => {
hiddenAmount += segment.hidden;
ignoredAmount += segment.shadowHidden || segment.votes <= -2 ? 1 : 0;
listNextToVideoEmbed.children[1].textContent = `Ignored: ${ignoredAmount} `;
listNextToVideoEmbed.children[1].appendChild(createSpan('Segments that are also not sent to users, but don\'t count as ignored', `+ ${hiddenAmount} ❓`));
// Remove the "no submissions exist" alert if it exists. This would be on the page if the page didn't have any segments before updating.
document.querySelector("[role=alert]")?.remove(); = 'default';
// Fire event to signal other scripts of force refresh
const event = new CustomEvent("forceRefresh");
getSegments(videoID, filters, page, callback); // TODO only call for specific pages based on SBB page
* Calls the SponsorBlock API
* @param {string} videoID ID of the video whose segments we want to fetch
* @param {string} filters Filter params e.g. minVotes etc.
* @param {number} page The page number we want from the API. 1 page is 10 segments
* @param {function} callback callback function to call when onload triggers
function getSegments(videoID, filters, page, callback) {
method: 'GET',
url: `${BASEAPIURL}/searchSegments?videoID=${videoID+filters}&page=${page}`,
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 10000,
onload: callback,
onerror: () => { = 'default';
window.alert('An error occurred getting the segments!');
ontimeout: () => { = 'default';
window.alert('Segments request timed out! API didn\'t answer in time.');
* Gets the video's locked categories and updates them.
* @param {string} videoID ID of the video whose locked categories we want
function getAndUpdateLocks(videoID) {
const skipCallback = (responseObject) => {
updateLockedCategories(responseObject, 'Locked skips: ', 2);
const muteCallback = (responseObject) => {
updateLockedCategories(responseObject, 'Locked mutes: ', 3);
const fullCallback = (responseObject) => {
updateLockedCategories(responseObject, 'Locked full: ', 4);
getLocks(videoID, 'skip', skipCallback);
getLocks(videoID, 'mute', muteCallback);
getLocks(videoID, 'full', fullCallback);
* Calls the SponsorBlock API to get the locked categories with the specified actionType for the specified video.
* @param {string} videoID ID of the video whose locked categories we want
* @param {string} actionType Action type of the locked categories
* @param {function} callback callback function to call when the request loads
function getLocks(videoID, actionType, callback) {
method: 'GET',
url: `${BASEAPIURL}/lockCategories?videoID=${videoID}&actionTypes=["${actionType}"]`,
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 10000,
onload: callback,
onerror: () => {
window.alert(`An error occurred getting the locked categories with action type '${actionType}'!`);
ontimeout: () => {
window.alert(`Locked categories (with action type '${actionType}') request timed out! API didn't answer in time.`);
* Updates one of the actionTypes locked categories next to the embed player.
* @param {Object} responseObject onload response from the GM_xmlhttpRequest
* @param {string} startingString starting part of the locked categories string
* @param {number} index index of the actionType in the list next to the embed player
function updateLockedCategories(responseObject, startingString, index) {
if (responseObject.status !== 200 && responseObject.status !== 404) {
let actionType = startingString.slice(7, -3);
if (actionType.length === 3) actionType += 'l';
window.alert(`API returned a status of ${responseObject.status} when getting locked categories with action type ${actionType}`);
let lockedString = startingString;
const lockedStringStartingLength = lockedString.length;
responseObject.response?.categories?.forEach((category, i) => {
if (i !== 0) {
lockedString += ', ';
lockedString += category;
lockedString += lockedString.length === lockedStringStartingLength ? '—' : '';
listNextToVideoEmbed.children[index].textContent = lockedString;
* Updates the table with the new data from the provided array
* @param {Object[]} segmentsArray Array of the segments fetched from the API
* @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams Search parameters of the current page
function updateTable(segmentsArray, searchParams) {
[...document.querySelectorAll('table')].forEach(table => {
const headers = [...table.querySelectorAll('thead th')].map(item => item.textContent.trim());
if (headers.indexOf('UUID') === -1) {
const rows = [...table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')];
rows.forEach(row => updateRow(row, headers, segmentsArray)); // Update info for the old segments on the page
// Don't add new segments if on a page other than 1 (TODO remove when page support gets added)
let currentPage = parseInt(searchParams.get('page'));
currentPage = isNaN(currentPage) ? 1 : currentPage;
if (currentPage !== 1) {
// Add new segments to the page
const lastUpdateElement = getDivThatStartsWithText('Last update:');
const lastUpdateTime = dateToMillis(lastUpdateElement.textContent.trim().slice(13, 32).replaceAll(' ', 'T') + 'Z');
const newSegments = segmentsArray.filter((segment) => {
if (segment.timeSubmitted > lastUpdateTime) {
let addSegment = true;
if (searchParams.has('shadowhidden')) {
addSegment = addSegment && (segment.shadowHidden.toString() === searchParams.get('shadowhidden'));
if (searchParams.has('uuid')) {
addSegment = addSegment && (segment.UUID === searchParams.get('uuid'));
if (searchParams.has('user')) {
addSegment = addSegment && (segment.userID === searchParams.get('user'));
return addSegment;
return false;
const tableBody = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
newSegments.forEach(segment => {
for (const row of rows) { // Check if the new segment is already on the page from a previous force refresh
if (row.children[headers.indexOf('UUID')].firstElementChild.value === segment.UUID) {
tableBody.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', createRowElement(segment));
// Fire event to signal other scripts of new segments
if (newSegments.length !== 0) {
const event = new CustomEvent("newSegments");
if (newSegments.length > 0 && searchParams.has('username')) { // Notify user that filtering by username isn't supported
window.alert('Filtering by username is not supported due to API limitations. \nNew added segments may be from different users');
/* TODO Add support for different sort options and pages
switch (searchParams.get('sort')) {
case 'timesubmitted': // old -> new
case 'starttime':
case 'endtime':
case 'length':
case 'votes':
case 'views':
case 'category':
case 'shadowhidden':
case 'uuid':
case 'username':
case 'actiontype':
case 'hidden':
case 'userid':
case '-userid':
case '-starttime':
case '-endtime':
case '-length':
case '-votes':
case '-views':
case '-category':
case '-shadowhidden':
case '-uuid':
case '-username':
case '-actiontype':
case '-hidden':
case '-timesubmitted': // new -> old
default: // same as -timesubmitted
* Updates the data for the segment in this row
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} row Row to be updated
* @param {string[]} headers String array of the table's headers
* @param {Object[]} segmentsArray Array of the segments fetched from the API
function updateRow(row, headers, segmentsArray) {
const uuid = row.children[headers.indexOf('UUID')].firstElementChild.value;
const oldSegmentIndex = segmentsArray.findIndex(segment => segment.UUID === uuid); // Find the index for the segment on the page, so we can get its updated info from the API
if (oldSegmentIndex === -1) {
return; // If there is a segment UUID on the page that isn't on the API.
// Update Votes column
const votesEl = row.children[headers.indexOf('Votes')];
let underNegTwoVotesSpan;
let lockedSpan;
[...votesEl.children].forEach(el => { // Check for existing icons and save their element
if (el.textContent === '❌') {
underNegTwoVotesSpan = el;
if (el.textContent === '🔒') {
lockedSpan = el;
votesEl.firstChild.textContent = segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].votes; // Update votes from API
if (segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].votes <= -2) { // Add X symbol if votes under -1 and it already isn't there
if (!underNegTwoVotesSpan) {
votesEl.firstChild.after(createSpan('This segment is not sent to users', '❌'));
} else if (underNegTwoVotesSpan) { // Delete X symbol if it is there and votes are over -2
if (segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].locked) { // Add locked symbol if segment is locked and it already isn't there
if (!lockedSpan) {
votesEl.firstChild.after(createSpan('This segment is locked by a VIP', '🔒'));
} else if (lockedSpan) { // Delete locked symbol if it is there and the segment isn't locked
// Update Views column
const viewsEl = row.children[headers.indexOf('Views')];
viewsEl.textContent = segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].views;
// Update Category column
const newCategory = segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].category;
const categoryEl = row.children[headers.indexOf('Category')];
const span = categoryEl.getElementsByTagName('span');
const categorySpanEl = span[0]?.id === 'colorSquare' ? span[1]: span[0]; // colored categories userscript or chapter span
const buttons = categoryEl.getElementsByTagName('button');
const categoryButton = buttons.length !== 0 && buttons[0].hasAttribute('id') ? buttons[0] : undefined; // VIP tools userscript
if (newCategory !== 'chapter') { // Chapters cannot be changed to other categories
if (categoryButton) { // Check for VIP tools userscript button
categoryButton.firstChild.textContent = newCategory;
if (categorySpanEl && categorySpanEl.classList[0] === 'mruy_sbcc') { // Check for colored categories userscript
const newClass = categorySpanEl.classList[1].slice(0, 10) + segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].category;
categorySpanEl.classList.replace(categorySpanEl.classList[1], newClass);
categorySpanEl.textContent = newCategory;
} else if (!categoryButton) { // If no colored categories, or vip tools userscripts.
if (categoryEl.firstElementChild?.hasAttribute('id')) { // check for colored square span
categoryEl.childNodes[1].textContent = newCategory;
} else { // if no other script that messes with the category column
categoryEl.firstChild.textContent = newCategory;
// Update Shadowhidden column
const shadowHiddenEl = row.children[headers.indexOf('Shadowhidden')];
shadowHiddenEl.innerHTML = ''; // empty the element
shadowHiddenEl.appendChild(segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].shadowHidden ? createSpan('This segment has been shadowhidden.', '❌') : document.createTextNode('—'));
// Update Hidden column
const hiddenEl = row.children[headers.indexOf('Hidden')];
hiddenEl.innerHTML = ''; // empty the element
hiddenEl.appendChild(segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].hidden ? createSpan('This segment is hidden due to video duration change.', '❌') : document.createTextNode('—'));
// Update S/H column if Hide Columns userscript is being used
const shIndex = headers.indexOf('S/H');
if (shIndex !== -1) {
const shEl = row.children[shIndex];
shEl.textContent = segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].shadowHidden || segmentsArray[oldSegmentIndex].hidden ? '❌' : '—';
* Builds a string from the given parameters.
* Transforms the parameters from the way they appear in SBB's url, to what SponsorBlock's API accepts.
* @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams The parameters from SBB's url with which we want to call the API
* @returns {string} Parameters string that should be appended to the API request url
function buildFilterParam(searchParams) {
let paramString = '';
searchParams.forEach((value, key) => {
if (ignoreParams.includes(key)) {
paramString += `&${SBLTNFI_TO_API_PARAMS[key]}=${value}`;
return paramString;
* Returns the div element that starts with the specified text.
* @param {string} text Text we want to search
* @returns {HTMLDivElement}
function getDivThatStartsWithText(text) {
const divElements = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('div'));
const result = divElements.filter(element => element.innerHTML.trim().slice(0, text.length) === text);
if (result.length !== 0) {
return result[0];
* Converts milliseconds to a date.
* @param {number | string} millis Milliseconds to be converted to a date
* @returns {string} The date in a YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
function millisToDate(millis) {
return new Date(millis).toISOString().slice(0, -5).replaceAll('T', ' ');
* Converts date string to milliseconds.
* @param {string} date Date string. Date should conform to the ISO 8601 format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ"
* @returns {number}
function dateToMillis(date) {
return new Date(date).getTime();
* Converts the time from seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds.
* @param {number | string} timeInSeconds Seconds to be converted
* @returns {string} The time in H:MM:SS.mmmmmm format
function secondsToTime(timeInSeconds) {
const pad = num => { return ('0' + num).slice(-2) },
time = parseFloat(timeInSeconds).toFixed(6),
hours = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60),
minutes = Math.floor(time / 60) % 60,
seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60),
milliseconds = time.split('.')[1];
return hours + ':' + pad(minutes) + ':' + pad(seconds) + (milliseconds === '000000' ? '' : '.' + milliseconds);
* Creates a row element and returns it
* @param {Object} segment Segment from the API whose data is used to build the row
* @returns {HTMLTableRowElement}
function createRowElement(segment) {
const row = document.createElement('tr');
const submittedColumn = document.createElement('td');
submittedColumn.textContent = millisToDate(segment.timeSubmitted);
const startColumn = document.createElement('td');
startColumn.textContent = secondsToTime(segment.startTime);
const endColumn = document.createElement('td');
endColumn.textContent = secondsToTime(segment.endTime);
const lengthColumn = document.createElement('td');
lengthColumn.textContent = secondsToTime(segment.endTime - segment.startTime);
const votesColumn = document.createElement('td');
votesColumn.textContent = segment.votes;
if (segment.votes <= -2) {
votesColumn.appendChild(createSpan('This segment is not sent to users', '❌'));
if (segment.locked) {
votesColumn.appendChild(createSpan('This segment is locked by a VIP', '🔒'));
getAndAddVipStatus(votesColumn, segment.userID);
const viewsColumn = document.createElement('td');
viewsColumn.textContent = segment.views;
const categoryColumn = document.createElement('td');
let hasCategoryColorsScript = false;
[...document.getElementsByTagName('style')].forEach(styleEl => { // Checks if the user has the colored categories script and adds the appropriate classes to the element
[...styleEl.childNodes].forEach(node => {
if (node?.data?.includes('mruy_sbcc')) {
hasCategoryColorsScript = true;
const spanEl = document.createElement('span');
spanEl.className = `mruy_sbcc mruy_sbcc_${segment.category}`;
if (segment.category !== 'chapter') spanEl.textContent = segment.category;
if (segment.category === 'chapter' && hasCategoryColorsScript) { // chapter elements have an additional span in them to have the chapter's text appear in the title.
categoryColumn.firstElementChild.appendChild(createSpan(segment.description, segment.category)); // if category colors script is present another extra span is added and we need to account for that
} else if (segment.category === 'chapter') {
categoryColumn.appendChild(createSpan(segment.description, segment.category));
if (!hasCategoryColorsScript && categoryColumn.childElementCount === 0) categoryColumn.textContent = segment.category;
const shadowhiddenColumn = document.createElement('td');
shadowhiddenColumn.appendChild(segment.shadowHidden ? createSpan('This segment has been shadowhidden.', '❌') : document.createTextNode('—'));
const uuidColumn = createTextAreaColumnElement(segment.UUID, 'UUID');
const usernameColumn = document.createElement('td');
usernameColumn.textContent = '—'; // empty placeholder until username is fetched
getAndAddUsername(usernameColumn, segment.userID);
const actiontypeColumn = document.createElement('td');
switch (segment.actionType) {
case 'skip':
actiontypeColumn.appendChild(createSpan('Skip', '⏭'));
case 'poi':
actiontypeColumn.appendChild(createSpan('Highlight', '✨️'));
case 'full':
actiontypeColumn.appendChild(createSpan('Full video', '♾'));
case 'mute':
actiontypeColumn.appendChild(createSpan('Mute', '🔇'));
case 'chapter':
actiontypeColumn.appendChild(createSpan('Chapter', '🏷️'));
const hiddenColumn = document.createElement('td');
hiddenColumn.appendChild(segment.hidden ? createSpan('This segment is hidden due to video duration change.', '❌') : document.createTextNode('—'));
const userIdColumn = createTextAreaColumnElement(segment.userID, 'UserID');
row.append(submittedColumn, startColumn, endColumn, lengthColumn, votesColumn, viewsColumn, categoryColumn, shadowhiddenColumn, uuidColumn, usernameColumn, actiontypeColumn, hiddenColumn, userIdColumn);
if (document.getElementById('checkboxSpecial')?.checked) { // Check if the user has Hide Columns script's S/H column
const shColumn = document.createElement('td');
shColumn.textContent = segment.shadowHidden || segment.hidden ? '❌' : '—';
return row;
* Creates a span element with a title and text content
* @param {string} title Title for the span
* @param {string} content Text to be put in the span
* @returns {HTMLSpanElement}
function createSpan(title, content) {
const newSpan = document.createElement('span');
newSpan.title = title;
newSpan.textContent = content;
return newSpan;
* Creates a td element with a textarea, a button, and a link.
* @param {string} value Value of the textarea
* @param {string} name Name for the textarea. Is the same as the column's header.
* @returns {HTMLTableCellElement}
function createTextAreaColumnElement(value, name) {
const tdEl = document.createElement('td');
const textAreaEl = document.createElement('textarea');
textAreaEl.textContent = value;
textAreaEl.className = 'form-control'; = name;
textAreaEl.readOnly = true;
const buttonEl = document.createElement('button');
buttonEl.textContent = '✂';
buttonEl.addEventListener('click', () => GM_setClipboard(value));
const linkEl = document.createElement('a');
linkEl.textContent = '🔗';
linkEl.href = `/${name.toLowerCase()}/${value}/`;
tdEl.append(textAreaEl, buttonEl, linkEl);
return tdEl;
* Checks if the user is a VIP and appends the crown symbol to the given element.
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement} votesColumn The element we want to append the crown symbol to
* @param {string} userID The userID of the user we want to check
function getAndAddVipStatus(votesColumn, userID) {
method: 'GET',
url: `${BASEAPIURL}/userinfo?publicUserID=${userID}&value=vip`,
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 10000,
onload: (res) => {
if (res.status !== 200) {
console.warn('Couldn\'t get VIP status. API returned status ' + res.status);
appendRetryButtonToColumn(votesColumn, userID, 'Failed to get VIP status. Press to retry', getAndAddVipStatus);
if ( {
votesColumn.appendChild(createSpan('This user is a VIP', '👑'));
onerror: () => {
console.warn('Couldn\'t get VIP status due to an error');
appendRetryButtonToColumn(votesColumn, userID, 'Failed to get VIP status. Press to retry', getAndAddVipStatus);
ontimeout: () => {
console.warn('Couldn\'t get VIP status due to timeout');
appendRetryButtonToColumn(votesColumn, userID, 'Failed to get VIP status. Press to retry', getAndAddVipStatus);
* Gets the username of the specified user and adds it to the given element.
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement} usernameColumn The element we want to add the username to
* @param {string} userID The userID of the user whose username we want
function getAndAddUsername(usernameColumn, userID) {
method: 'GET',
url: `${BASEAPIURL}/userinfo?publicUserID=${userID}&value=userName`,
responseType: 'json',
timeout: 10000,
onload: (res) => {
if (res.status !== 200) {
console.warn('Couldn\'t get username. API returned status ' + res.status);
appendRetryButtonToColumn(usernameColumn, userID, 'Failed to get username. Press to retry', getAndAddUsername);
if (res.response.userName === userID) {
usernameColumn.replaceWith(createTextAreaColumnElement(res.response.userName, 'Username'));
onerror: () => {
console.warn('Couldn\'t get username due to an error');
appendRetryButtonToColumn(usernameColumn, userID, 'Failed to get username. Press to retry', getAndAddUsername);
ontimeout: () => {
console.warn('Couldn\'t get username due to timeout');
appendRetryButtonToColumn(usernameColumn, userID, 'Failed to get username. Press to retry', getAndAddUsername);
* Appends a retry button the provided element.
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement} columnEl The element we want to append the retry button to
* @param {string} userID The userID of the user we want to check
* @param {string} btnMsg The message we want to display for the button on hover
* @param {function} functionToCallOnRetry The function to call on retry. The function will be called with columnEl and userID as parameters
function appendRetryButtonToColumn(columnEl, userID, btnMsg, functionToCallOnRetry) {
let retryBtn = createSpan(btnMsg, ' ↻');
retryBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
functionToCallOnRetry(columnEl, userID);
}); = 'pointer';
* Fixes/adds the "even" "odd" classes of the table's rows.
* Also Adds display:none to columns that are hidden with the Hide Columns userscript
* @param {HTMLTableSectionElement} tbody Tbody element of the table
function fixRows(tbody) {
[...tbody.children].forEach((row, i) => {
row.className = i % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even';
const columnHeaders = [...tbody.parentElement.querySelectorAll('thead th')];
columnHeaders.forEach((header, j) => {
if ( === 'none') {
row.children[j].style.display = 'none';
* Adds the refresh button to the page.
function addRefreshButton() {
const btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.className = 'btn btn-primary';
btn.innerText = 'Force Refresh';
btn.title = 'You can also press the "R" key on your keyboard';
btn.onclick = () => {
const videoID = checkPageVideoID();
if (!videoID) return;
const referenceElArray = document.getElementsByClassName('col-auto');
const referenceEl = referenceElArray[referenceElArray.length - 2];
const parentEl = referenceEl.parentElement;
const copyEl = referenceEl.cloneNode();
* Gets the ID of the video on the page and returns it if found
* @returns {null | string}
function checkPageVideoID() {
const pathName = location.pathname.slice(1, -1).split('/');
let videoID;
if (pathName[0] === 'uuid') {
const url = new URL(document.getElementsByClassName('float-end ms-1')[0]?.href ?? '');
videoID = url.pathname.slice(1, -1).split('/')[1];
if (videoID?.length === 0) {
window.alert('Could not get the video ID');
return null;
} else {
videoID = pathName[1];
return videoID;
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