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Krastanov / git_question
Created April 4, 2012 23:11
git question
sympy_master --------A---------B----------C-----Merge_commit--------D <--my_pull_request_branch_1
\ /
Is it ok to have those two branches as pull requests? Does it matter which one goes in first?
Krastanov / diamond_Application
Created May 5, 2012 10:13
why is there a diamond subclassing here?
At the moment we have:
<~~~ is for metaclasses
| \ or / is for subclasses
Basic <~~~~~~~~ WithAssumptions
blah / \ |
\ / \ |
Expr Application <~~~ FunctionClass
Krastanov /
Created November 26, 2012 16:46
from itertools import groupby
from sympy.core import S, sympify, Mul, Basic, Expr, Dummy, Symbol, Integer
from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation
from sympy.matrices.expressions import MatMul, MatrixExpr, Trace
from sympy.matrices import MatrixBase, ImmutableMatrix
from sympy.physics.matrices import mgamma