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Created July 23, 2021 20:55
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// Coding exercise:
// Complete the function getLessonsByStatus.
// That function should return all lessons grouped by the progress status for the requested userId.
// There is a commented example of what the function might return.
// You will get data from the getLessons and getProgress function.
// There are commented examples of what each function might return on success.
// Please explain your logic as you write code.
// The code does not need to run, but should be logically sound.
// const { get } = require("axios");
// async function getLessons() {
// const response = await get("/lessons");
// return;
// // Returns [ { lessonId: 1, title: 'NM 101' }, { lessonId: 2, title: 'NM 102' } ]
// }
// async function getProgress(userId) {
// const response = await get(`/progress?userId=${userId}`);
// return;
// // Returns [ { lessonId: 1, userId: 1, status: 'completed' } ]
// // status can be 'completed', 'failed', 'in progress'
// // No progress returned for a lesson that was not started
// }
async function getLessonsByStatus(userId) {
// That function should return all lessons grouped by the progress status for the requested userId.
// Returns lesson categorized by status
// const aggregatedLessons;
// const lessons= await getLessons()
// lessons.then(allLessons=>
// aggregatedLessons=[...allLessons])
// const progressObjects= await getProgress(userId)
// progressObjects.then(progressArray =>{
// if(obj.lessonId)
// })
// })
const result = {
completed: [],
failed: [],
inProgress: [],
notStarted: [],
const aggregatedLessons = [
{ lessonId: 1, title: "NM 101" },
{ lessonId: 2, title: "NM 102" },
{ lessonId: 3, title: "NM 202" },
{ lessonId: 4, title: "NM 402" },
const progressObjects = [
{ lessonId: 1, userId: 1, status: "completed" },
{ lessonId: 2, userId: 1, status: "failed" },
{ lessonId: 3, userId: 1, status: "failed" },
// Example format {
// completed: [ { lessonId: 1, title: 'NM 101' } ],
// failed: [],
// inProgress: [],
// notStarted: [ { lessonId: 2, title: 'NM 102' } ]
// }
aggregatedLessons.forEach((lesson) => {
const relevantProgress = progressObjects.find(
(progress) => progress.lessonId === lesson.lessonId
if (relevantProgress) {
} else {
return JSON.stringify(result);
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