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Last active December 25, 2015 13:39
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Converting bases into other bases
OKAY, so we(me) want to convert base 2 into base10 (any base to any base)
HOWEVER, this values will be big enough to fit in most integer size the language can support natively
each digit is stored in an array so base10 number 2012 would be stored as [2,0,1,2] in the array, basically
There MUST NOT be intermidate values, this is because it should support arrays of absolutely any size.
And it's not base 2 and 10 exclusive, it should support any (reasonable) base
//bigint suggestions may be ignored, I do this for learning purposes and because I'm insane.
We have the value [1,0] (10 in binary, 2 in decimal) we have to somehow convert this value to [2];
What is the best solution for this?
Attempt 1
[1,0] is the initial array is base 2, we want it to convert it to base10
each value in each array equals 2^i*v (reverse index, whatever (using big endian)) multiplied by it's value.
first we convert the numeric number of the base, this is '2' into base 10, we have the value number '2' already, the function that converts base to other base, basically, takes the FromBase and the ToBase arguments, and the array where the data is
we try to convert value 2 into base 10;
first we do 10%2 it returns 2; We push this value into our base10 array
then we do 2/10 (Math floored) it returns 0, when it returns 0 it means there's no other value, so we continue;
now we loop the base 2 array backwards, at the first iteration we get the number 0.
we do (2^i)*v (we could check if it's 0 to skip this part) (i is 0 because it's the first index, v is the value which is 0 too)
We get 0, we add this value to our base10 array
we move on, we do (2^i)*v we get something different now, i is 1 because it's the second index, v is 1 because it's the value we get
(2^1)*1, is surprise, 2.
We add this value to our array, the array we get now is... [2], wonderful.
There are some issues with this method, one is addition and one is exponentiation.
how can we do (b^i)*v when i is too high?
This is one issue, we have to fix, we must first of all make a function that takes 2 arrays, 1 works as a base, the second one as an exponent, and a numeric base, it returns the exponentiation result;
The first and easy way, (and because values aren't negative nor rational) is to do repeated multiplication, the issue with this is that it just takes too long.
FORTUNATELY, there are indeed some algorithms for exponentiation when these values aren't rational and non-negative, wikipedia has some, we'll use this.
However, these algorithms use this operations: Multiplication, division, addition, substraction we have to solve this issues with these arrays.
addition,multiplication and substraction are trivial, the issues is.. with division, now I'll post the functions for addition, multiplication and substraction
with substraction there comes somethnig into mind, what about negative numbers, should they be ignored? should I support somehow an state that states wheter they're negative or positive? INSTEAD of using the last bit?
MAYBE, maybe I'll use an unsigned value + a boolean to check whether they are positive and negative, however these functions don't really care about that, just yet.
Now that I think of it, this code could work in a bigint library or in a math library like mathematica does, or some shit like that.
Now we need to explain how addition works.
We want to add base values into same base values it doesn't matter the base, now
function addition(array1, array2, base) {
//I'll use a dumb algorithm, the one I was taught on schools, because is there any other algorithm that does it?
var result = [],
offset = 0; //Addition with bases, always has an offset
for (var i = 0, l1 = array1.length, l2 = array2.length; i < l2 || i < l1; i++) {//did you notice this part 'i++' I wonder how to make a counter if you can't even add, hah!
// array1[i] |= 0; //This is pretty fucking nasty,I wonder what should I do instead. (you know converting undefineds to 0's)
// array2[i] |= 0;
result.push((offset = (array1[i]|0) + (array2[i]|0) + offset) % base); //pretty straightforward I would think?
//There's a catch here... we're using additions to make an addition, that's retarded somehow, also there's other thing..
//wait how computers add an offset if they don't know how to add yet
//this will not support a spectrum of unreasonable bases :/
offset = (offset / base) | 0; //after thinking it for a while, fuck unreasonable bases. this is why I used |0 instead of Math.floor
//Wait a second here, am I.. dividing without.. even knowing how to ADD?! There's some flawed logic here!
if (offset) {//if offset, add the offset.
return result;
function substraction(array1, array2, base) {
//array1 must be larger than array2 oh gosh, I'll have to create a greater than algorithm don't I?
//I'll use an amazing.. algorithm, yes the one I learned at school, if this is the wrong way can someone pleease point a reasonable one?
var result = [],
offset = 0; //this offset is quite different from a normal offset isn't it, huh.
for (var i = 0, l = array1.length; i < array1.length; i++) {
// array1[i] |= 0;//nasty sanitizing
// array2[i] |= 0;
if ((array1[i]|0) >= ((array2[i]|0) + offset)) { //this is probably the worse way to do it. I don't want to ever save negative values, yes, JS have those natively but I don't really want to touch them, just imagine this isn't a real array it's a Uint8Array
result.push((array1[i]|0) - ((array2[i]|0) + offset));
offset = 0;
} else {
result.push(base - (((array2[i]|0) + offset) - (array1[i]|0))); //How computers know how to substract, if they don't know how to substract yet, huh?
offset = 1; //that's right, offset is boolean.
return result;
//yeah this gets boring with some time.
//I really don't think the "school" way is seriously the best way.
//Therfore I'll use a wikipedia to give me some insight in what multiplication algorithm will be best?
//apparently school way is best way, what a load of bs, well, let's do it.., sigh
function multiplication(array1, array2, base) {
var result = [],
for (var i = 0, l1 = array1.length, l2 = array2.length; i < l1; i++) { //did you notice this part 'i++' I wonder how to make a counter if you can't even add, hah!
for (var ii = 0; ii < l2; ii++) {
result[i + ii] |= 0;
result[i + ii] += offset;
res = result[i + ii] + array1[i] * array2[ii];
result[i + ii] = res % base;
result[i+ii+1]+ = (res / base) | 0;
//if (offset) result.push(offset);
return result;
//division!! this one is haaard, no really, I'd have no ide how to implement it.
//let's use wikipedia
//nope, well, the articles talks but I don't understand most of it, what do?
//I'll use the one.. I was taught in schools
//no wait perhaps there is a better way..
//We jsut have to find the number I'll try to use a pseudo binary search, but now there are 2 options to get a number, the first one is..
//adding numbers adding itslef like this:1+1 2+2 4+4 8+8 16+16 32+32 64+64 128+128 256+256 512+512 1024+1024 2048+2048
//multiplying numbers multiplying itself 2*2 4*4 16*16 256*256 65536*65536 and somehow repeating until you get the value
//you can also do it iteratively but that will take a long time.
//so now we have to find out which way is faster.
//so we'll implement both and compare.
//basically we have to provide a number and equal it with the one we have, I don't know if I myself clear.
//Tester function
function testFunction(funName, func) {
var i = 30,
while (i--) {
v = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e16);;
console.log(funName, "input:", v, "result:", func(v));
//The function to get number with addition
function getNumberWithAdditions(n) { //don't provide a shitty number like negative or floating or some shit like that
var f = 1,//we gonna add f with itself
z = 0,//we gonna add f to z when f is bigger than z+f
d, i = 0;//we gonna iterate i
while (z != n) {
d = f;
f += f;
if (f + z > n) {
z += d;
f = 1;
return i; //returns the number of iterations! worst case is any value which is (2^x)-1 best case if value is 2^x;
//RESULTS of tester function
getNumberWithAdditions input: 2901598887983709 result: 841
getNumberWithAdditions input: 1014163473155349 result: 625
getNumberWithAdditions input: 9350982212927192 result: 673
getNumberWithAdditions input: 3010695751290768 result: 677
getNumberWithAdditions input: 2294851406477391 result: 670
getNumberWithAdditions input: 8279609354212880 result: 762
getNumberWithAdditions input: 5992133670952171 result: 716
getNumberWithAdditions input: 8888369458727539 result: 831
getNumberWithAdditions input: 6973720339592546 result: 766
getNumberWithAdditions input: 2070191306993365 result: 858
getNumberWithAdditions input: 5794467295054346 result: 564
getNumberWithAdditions input: 570582484360784 result: 556
getNumberWithAdditions input: 4051143114920705 result: 676
getNumberWithAdditions input: 3997831314336508 result: 616
getNumberWithAdditions input: 9085181353148072 result: 679
getNumberWithAdditions input: 9063432060647756 result: 598
getNumberWithAdditions input: 9672058578580618 result: 820
getNumberWithAdditions input: 9617275651544332 result: 745
getNumberWithAdditions input: 5324108966160566 result: 862
getNumberWithAdditions input: 20838142372667 result: 530
getNumberWithAdditions input: 7896877999883145 result: 552
getNumberWithAdditions input: 8031896725296974 result: 827
getNumberWithAdditions input: 7818916374817491 result: 757
getNumberWithAdditions input: 7567080548033118 result: 679
getNumberWithAdditions input: 640492516104131 result: 549
getNumberWithAdditions input: 861951732076704 result: 700
getNumberWithAdditions input: 3967706970870495 result: 643
getNumberWithAdditions input: 3336445721797645 result: 827
getNumberWithAdditions input: 6471404386684299 result: 963
getNumberWithAdditions input: 8852746733464301 result: 865
//on average it's about 500 and 800 iterations for a 51 bits integers mostly, it's a little better with smaller and (more)common numbers
function getNumberWithMultiplication(n) {
var f = 1,
z = 0,
d, i = 0;
while (z != n) {
d = f;
f *= f;
if(f===1)f++;//of course
if (f + z > n) {
z += d;
f = 1;
return i;
//result of tester function
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 5722113940864801 result: 9511867
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 132738093379884 result: 411839
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 392592591233551 result: 870341
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 8598265729378909 result: 14307351
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 7062430127989501 result: 11571276
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 9864721961785108 result: 16299491
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 7816282748244703 result: 12795892
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 7889594756998122 result: 13026738
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 7764416798017919 result: 12718143
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 5155946109443903 result: 8502867
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 9197860693093390 result: 15315596
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 8500076041091233 result: 13922975
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 406278357841074 result: 683692
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 3266826835460961 result: 5479603
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 1708920453675091 result: 2804864
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 7091410313732922 result: 11805674
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 1891581283416599 result: 3117726
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 799929099157452 result: 1307828
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 897710793651640 result: 1692543
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 5065886278171092 result: 8478101
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 6404974253382534 result: 10548404
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 4359894939698279 result: 7163551
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 3442800694610923 result: 5808837
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 6953239149879664 result: 11390384
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 1110078867059201 result: 1957761
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 4980419629719108 result: 8239095
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 4762022965587676 result: 8105087
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 4236541255377233 result: 7151962
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 9391230323817580 result: 15385647
getNumberWithMultiplication input: 4427685905247926 result: 7593757
//OKAY WHOA!!! So it's VERY VERY clear which function is the winner here, that's right it's the addition function BY A LOT, I mean look at thos gigatinc numbers, thats a lot of iterations
//of course with some exponents of 2 the multiplier function would probably win in some cases, but that's very unlikely for common numbers
//nah, the multiplier function is a nasty one it won't win.
//BUT PERHAPS combining them we might get 1 true fast function, I wouldn't know how to do that, I'm not a computer scientist. Also, there's the issue of which is faster x+x or x*2?
//OH WOW SOMEONE ALREADY DISCOVERED FIRST THAN ME, WHAT CAN I DO well something similar, also I just adopted this style of multiplication because fuck memorizing :D also, I'm quick at multiplying by 2 :D
/*Q:Okay so why do we need thes functions again exactly?
A:Glad you asked, with this way we can get the value of 5000/2 with this method
instead of checking if 1*2=5000 2*2=5000 3*2=5000 4*2=5000
we use the additive algorithm in which we get numbers faster, okay, but if you don't like that method (for reasons) it's still needed in school division because this reason.
do you remember that in school you have to "guess" the number? of each digit, well, this will suport bases of 256! and even higuer numbers so looping them still will take a plenty of time, this is why this algorithm will still be used anyway.
Okay whatever I'll implement a "small" nubmer division algorithm for whatever purposes.
But first.. we need a greater than algorithm..
function isGreaterThan(array1,array2){//we don't need to know base, but base should be equal on both arrays
//little endian I guess we should know faster that way.. right?
var i=array1.length;
if(array1[i]>(array2[i]|0))return true;
if(array1[i]<(array2[i]|0))return false;
return false;//equality is false
//small div js code
//it should work relatively fast
function smalldivision(array1,array2,b){//little endian I guess
var arrayIntermediate=array2.slice(0);
function division(array1,array2,base){//We may destroy the arrays. at least the array1 one
var result=[],remainder=[],a2l=array2.length,a;//We divide array1 into array2
//I WAS GOING TO IMPLEMENT IT in an iterative way, but finding out that it can be done like that
return [result.reverse(),remainder];//what else can I do.
//CHECK ARRAY EQUALITY if the arrays are different bases it may give true and it obviously won't work
function checkIfarraysareEqual(a, b) {
var x;
if ((x = a.length) === b.length) {
for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
} else return false;
return true;
//Convert "normal" integers to base x
function IntToBase(integer,base){
//This is a test I made to check how to add without addition
function addition(a,b){//bitwise operators LOL
//wait for what I wanted to do, it needs a counter, but how can I count if I can't add.. LOL?!
//This is wht's called an ADD gate in electroniks you use other gates and stuff, it's quite interesting actually.
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