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Last active May 10, 2024 20:02
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use regex::Regex;
pub struct Minify;
impl Minify {
pub fn js(code: &str) -> String {
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_REMOVE_WHITESPACE).unwrap().replace_all(code, " ");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_REMOVE_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT).unwrap().replace_all(&code, "");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_REMOVE_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT).unwrap().replace_all(&code.trim(), "");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_REMOVE_STRINGS).unwrap().replace_all(&code, "\"\"");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_REMOVE_OPERATORS_KEYWORDS).unwrap().replace_all(&code, "$1");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_REMOVE_SPACES).unwrap().replace_all(&code, "$1");
let code = Regex::new(
&format!(r"\b({})\b", RegExp::MIN_JS_KEYWORDS)
&code, " $1 "
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_DUPLICATE_SPACES).unwrap().replace_all(&code, " ");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_LOGICAL_OPERATORS).unwrap().replace_all(&code, "||");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_WHITESPACE_TRIM).unwrap().replace_all(&code, "$1");
let code = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_JS_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING).unwrap().replace_all(
&code, |caps: &regex::Captures| {
let inner = &caps[0][1..caps[0].len() - 1];
format!("\"{}\"", inner.replace("\\\"", "\""))
pub fn css(code: &str) -> String {
let css = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_CSS_REMOVE_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT).unwrap().replace_all(code, "");
let css = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_CSS_REMOVE_WHITESPACE).unwrap().replace_all(&css, " ");
let css = Regex::new(RegExp::MIN_CSS_REMOVE_SPACES).unwrap().replace_all(&css, "$1");
pub struct RegExp;
impl RegExp {
pub const MIN_JS_REMOVE_WHITESPACE: &'static str = r" +";
pub const MIN_JS_REMOVE_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: &'static str = r"//.*?(?:\n|$)";
pub const MIN_JS_REMOVE_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: &'static str = r"/\*.*?\*/";
pub const MIN_JS_REMOVE_STRINGS: &'static str = r#""[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*""#;
pub const MIN_JS_REMOVE_OPERATORS_KEYWORDS: &'static str = r"(==|===|!==|!=|\+|-|\*|/|&&|\|\||\(|\)|\{|}|=|;)";
pub const MIN_JS_REMOVE_SPACES: &'static str = r"\s*([=\{\)\]\}])\s*";
pub const MIN_JS_KEYWORDS: &'static str = r"\b(if|else|for|while|do|switch|case|break|continue|return|function|var|let|const)\b";
pub const MIN_JS_DUPLICATE_SPACES: &'static str = r"\s{2,}";
pub const MIN_JS_LOGICAL_OPERATORS: &'static str = r"\s*\|\|\s*";
pub const MIN_JS_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING: &'static str = r#""(?:\\.|[^"\\])*""#;
pub const MIN_JS_WHITESPACE_TRIM: &'static str = r#"\s*([;,+{}:])\s*"#;
pub const MIN_CSS_REMOVE_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: &'static str = r"/\*.*?\*/";
pub const MIN_CSS_REMOVE_WHITESPACE: &'static str = r"\s+";
pub const MIN_CSS_REMOVE_SPACES: &'static str = r"\s*([{}:;,>])\s*";
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