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Last active June 6, 2019 12:23
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trait PostgresExtension {
val ctx: QuillCtx
import ctx._
implicit val jsonDecoder: Decoder[JsonObject] =
(index, row) =>
io.circe.parser.decode[JsonObject](row.getObject(index).toString) match {
case Left(failure) => throw failure
case Right(value) => value
implicit val jsonEncoder: Encoder[JsonObject] =
(index, value, row) => row.setObject(index, Json.fromJsonObject(value).noSpaces, java.sql.Types.OTHER),
implicit def enumEncoder[T <: EnumEntry: PGEnum.Name]: Encoder[T] =
(index, value, row) => {
val pgObj = new PGobject()
row.setObject(index, pgObj, Types.OTHER)
implicit def enumDecoder[T <: EnumEntry: Enum]: Decoder[T] =
decoder((index, row) => {
val enumValue = row.getObject(index).toString
implicit val encodeZonedDateTime: MappedEncoding[ZonedDateTime, Date] =
MappedEncoding[ZonedDateTime, Date](z => Date.from(z.toInstant))
implicit val decodeZonedDateTime: MappedEncoding[Date, ZonedDateTime] =
MappedEncoding[Date, ZonedDateTime](d => d.toInstant.atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC))
implicit class JsonObjectOps(json: JsonObject) {
def ~>> = quote((fieldName: String) => infix"$json ->> $fieldName".as[String])
// generalizing is harder than it looks
implicit class CastOps[T](t: T) {
def castToText = quote(infix"$t :: text".as[String])
object PostgresExtension {
trait PGEnum[T <: EnumEntry] { _: Enum[T] =>
def pgEnumName: String
implicit val pgEnumToken: PGEnum.Name[T] = PGEnum.Name(pgEnumName)
object PGEnum {
case class Name[T](name: String) extends AnyVal
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