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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save KrisKusano/243cb7befc5a358a0735 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KrisKusano/243cb7befc5a358a0735 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function table = tabulate_wgt(x, frequency)
%TABULATE Frequency table.
% TABLE = TABULATE(X, FREQUENCY) takes a vector X and returns a matrix, TABLE.
% The first column of TABLE contains the unique values of X. The
% second is the number of instances of each value. The last column
% contains the percentage of each value. If the elements of X are
% non-negative integers, then the output includes 0 counts for any
% integers that are between 1 and max(X) but do not appear in X. The counts
% (second column) and percentage (third column) use frequency.
% TABLE = TABULATE(X), where X is a categorical variable, character
% array, or a cell array of strings, returns TABLE as a cell array. The
% first column contains the unique string values in X, and the other two
% columns are as above. The last row of the table is the total
% TABULATE with no output arguments returns a formatted table
% in the command window.
% If X is numeric, missing values are removed
% See also PARETO.
% Copyright 1993-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Modified 5/13/14 - Kristofer D. Kusano
isnum = isnumeric(x);
if isnum && ~isfloat(x)
% use of hist() below requires float
x = double(x);
if isnum
if min(size(x)) > 1,
y = x(~isnan(x));
wgt = frequency(~isnan(x));
y = x;
wgt = frequency;
if ~isnum || any(y ~= round(y)) || any(y < 1);
docell = true;
[y,yn,yl] = grp2idx(y);
imissing = isnan(y);
y = y(~imissing);
wgt = wgt(~imissing);
maxlevels = length(yn);
docell = false;
maxlevels = max(y);
%yn = cellstr(num2str((1:maxlevels)'));
[~, values] = hist(y,(1:maxlevels));
% kdk: use freqnecy
[~, Ni] = histc(y, linspace(min(y), max(y), maxlevels));
counts = zeros(1, maxlevels);
for j = 1:maxlevels
counts(j) = sum(wgt(Ni == j));
% total = sum(counts);
% percents = 100*counts./total;
% kdk total and sum are weight
total = sum(wgt);
percents = 100*counts./total;
if nargout == 0
if docell
width = max(cellfun('length',yn));
width = max(5, min(50, width));
width = 5;
% Create format strings similar to: ' %5s %5d %6.2f%%\n'
% kdk: expand for big numbers
fmt1 = sprintf(' %%%ds %%8.0f %%6.2f%%%%\n',width);
fmt2 = sprintf(' %%%ds %%8s %%6s\n',width);
if docell
for j=1:maxlevels
fprintf(1,' %5d %8.0f %6.2f%%\n',[values' counts' percents']');
fprintf(1, fmt1, 'Total', total, sum(percents))
if ~docell
table = [values' counts' percents'];
table = vertcat(table, [NaN, total, sum(percents)]);
elseif isnum
table = [yl(:) counts' percents'];
table = vertcat(table, [NaN, total, sum(percents)]);
table = [yn num2cell([counts' percents'])];
table = vertcat(table, {'Total', total, sum(percents)});
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