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Last active June 5, 2017 16:51
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#/usr/bin/env python2.7
import numpy as np
import gym
def value(observation):
This value function is just the (negative) Lagrangian:
value(a, ȧ) = -L(u, u̇, a, ȧ)
Here, 'a' is our angular coordinate and 'u' is the longitudinal
coordinate, i.e.
(u, u̇, a, ȧ) = observation
The Lagrangian can be approximated by a harmonic oscillator:
L(u, u̇, a, ȧ) ≈ ȧ^2 - m * a^2
The parameter 'm' must be positive and large enough to confine the
dynamics to small values for 'ȧ' and 'a'. In other words, the hamonic well
must be sufficiently steep. The precise value doesn't matter too much,
as in, it doesn't require fine-tuning. We'll pick m = 1000.
We can make this simplifying assumption for the following two reasons:
1) The angular potential is approximated by:
V(a) ∝ -cos(a) = -1 + 1/2 * a^2 + O(a^4)
Also, we ignore any additive constant in L(u, u̇, a, ȧ), because they
don't contribute to the dynamics.
2) We could (or should) really add a potential term for u, e.g. u^2,
which would prevent the cart from moving out of the screen. As it turns
out, though, this doesn't happen because the average movement in the
longitudinal direction (i.e. average u̇) remains small if the action
0 (move left) and 1 (move right) are more or less balanced.
u, u_dot, a, a_dot = observation
return -a_dot ** 2 + 1000 * a ** 2
def predict_new_observation(observation, action):
This is how we model the transition to the new state, i.e.
(state, action) ↦ state
We assume that we take time steps that are small enough such
that it suffices to model the transitions linearly, i.e. let
shift = state_new - state_old
then we assume that 'shift' is well approximated by:
shift ≈ w * action + b
Returns the new (shifted) state.
action = 2 * action - 1 # center around the origin
shift = w * action + b
return observation + shift
def Q(observation, action):
observation = predict_new_observation(observation, action)
return value(observation)
# learning rate
alpha = 0.5
alpha_annealing = 0.9
# initialize transition-model weights
w = np.random.normal(scale=1e-4, size=4)
b = np.random.normal(scale=1e-4, size=4)
# number of time steps and episodes
t_max = 200
n_episodes = 200
# create environment
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, 'experiments/CartPole-v0', force=True)
for episode in range(1, n_episodes + 1):
# initialize environment
observation = env.reset()
action = env.action_space.sample()
for t in range(1, t_max + 1):
# pick optimal action
action = np.argmax([Q(observation, 0), Q(observation, 1)])
# before we get the new state observation, let's predict it first
observation_predicted = predict_new_observation(observation, action)
# renew state observation
observation, _, done, _ = env.step(action)
# update transition-model weights (simple SGD)
error = observation_predicted - observation
alpha *= alpha_annealing
w -= alpha * error * (2 * action - 1)
b -= alpha * error
if done:
if t < 200:
raise RuntimeError("Failed after {:d} time steps.".format(t))
# wrap up
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