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Created October 1, 2015 10:54
# Insert a value into a sorted list
# Uses linear search
# Returns 1 if a new value was inserted else 0
function insertsorted!(listrow, listval, row, val)
if isempty(listrow)
insert!(listrow, 1, row)
insert!(listval, 1, val)
return 1
it = 1
@inbounds while it <= length(listrow) && listrow[it] < row
it += 1
if !(it > length(listrow)) && listrow[it] == row
listval[it] += val
return 0
insert!(listrow, it, row)
insert!(listval, it, val)
return 1
dimlub(I) = length(I)==0 ? 0 : Int(maximum(I))
sparse2(I, J, V, nzperrow = 0) = sparse2(I, J, V, dimlub(I), dimlub(J), nzperrow)
function sparse2(I, J, V, m, n, nzperrow = 20)
# Create buckets
rows = [zeros(Int, 0) for i = 1:n]
vals = [zeros(0) for i = 1:n]
for r in rows
sizehint!(r, nzperrow)
# Insert into bucket
nzvals = 0
for i in 1:length(I)
nzvals += insertsorted!(rows[J[i]], vals[J[i]], I[i], V[i])
rowval = zeros(Int, nzvals)
nzval = zeros(nzvals)
colptr = zeros(Int, length(rows) +1)
colptr[1] = 1
offset = 0
@inbounds for i in 1:length(rows)
row = rows[i]
val = vals[i]
ns = length(rows[i])
colptr[i + 1] = colptr[i] + ns
for j in 1:ns
rowval[offset + j] = row[j]
nzval[offset + j] = val[j]
offset += ns
return SparseMatrixCSC(m, n, colptr, rowval, nzval);
n = 10^5
sparsity = 20 / n
accums = 5
nzs_1 = repmat(rand(1:n, Int(sparsity * n^2)), accums)
nzs_2 = repmat(rand(1:n, Int(sparsity * n^2)), accums)
vals = rand(Float64, length(nzs_1))
A2 = @time sparse2(nzs_1, nzs_2, vals)
A = @time sparse(nzs_1, nzs_2, vals)
A == A2
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