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Created May 31, 2016 17:34
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from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import textwrap
def format_heading(text, style="-"):
return "{0}\n{1}\n".format(text, style * len(text))
def format_table(names, descriptions, style="=", func_heading="Function ",
desc_heading="Description", max_desc_len=68, sp=" "):
max_name = max(len(func_heading), max(len(name) for name in names))
max_desc = min(max(len(desc_heading), max(len(desc) for desc in descriptions)),
def _format_item(name, desc):
desc_lines = textwrap.wrap(desc, max_desc_len)
name_lines = [name] + [""] * (len(desc_lines) - 1)
ret = ""
for nl, dl in zip(name_lines, desc_lines):
ret += "{0}{1}{2}{3}\n".format(nl, " " * (max_name - len(nl)), sp, dl)
return ret
ret = "{0}{1}{2}\n".format(style * max_name, sp, style * max_desc)
ret += _format_item(func_heading, desc_heading)
ret += "{0}{1}{2}\n".format(style * max_name, sp, style * max_desc)
for name, desc in zip(names, descriptions):
ret += _format_item(name, desc)
ret += "{0}{1}{2}\n".format(style * max_name, sp, style * max_desc)
return ret
def main():
table_dat = [("name A", "Some really long and unwieldy description that "
"just rambles on"),
("name B", "Some more managable description")]
names = [d[0] for d in table_dat]
descriptions = [d[1] for d in table_dat]
print(format_table(names, descriptions, max_desc_len=52))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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