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Created October 1, 2021 18:08
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import React, { useRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react';
import type { HostComponent } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import invariant from 'invariant';
const nativeComponentCache: Record<string, HostComponent<any>> = {};
export type NativeComponent<Props, Commands> = HostComponent<Props> & Commands;
export type NativeComponentRef<Props, Commands> = Commands & React.Component<Props, any, any>;
export default function getNativeComponent<
Commands extends { [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any } = Record<string, never>,
>(componentName: string, viewManagerName?: string) {
try {
nativeComponentCache[componentName] = requireNativeComponent<Props>(componentName);
} catch (error) {
if (
error instanceof Error && === 'Invariant Violation' &&
throw error;
const nativeComponent = nativeComponentCache[componentName];
invariant(nativeComponent, `Unable to find "${componentName}" in the View registry`);
const nativeViewManager = NativeModules[viewManagerName || `${componentName}Manager`] as {
[key in keyof Commands]: (
handle: number,
...args: Parameters<Commands[key]>
) => ReturnType<Commands[key]>;
!viewManagerName?.length || nativeViewManager,
`Unable to find "${viewManagerName ?? ''}" in the ViewManager registry`,
function runCommand<TKey extends keyof Commands>(
componentOrHandle: null | number | React.Component<any, any> | React.ComponentClass<any>,
commandName: TKey,
args: Parameters<Commands[TKey]>,
) {
const handle = findNodeHandle(componentOrHandle);
if (!handle) return null;
const ConfigCommands = UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(componentName).Commands as Record<
keyof Commands,
string | number | undefined
const getCommandId = (command: keyof Commands) => {
const commandId: string | number | undefined = ConfigCommands[command];
invariant(commandId, `Command "${command}" is not implemented by ${componentName}`);
return commandId;
android: () => UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(handle, getCommandId(commandName), args),
windows: () => UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand(handle, getCommandId(commandName), args),
ios: () => nativeViewManager[commandName](handle, ...args),
macos: () => nativeViewManager[commandName](handle, ...args),
default: () => {
throw Error(`Platform ${Platform.OS} not supported by \`getSafeNativeComponent\`.`);
return React.forwardRef<Commands & React.Component<Props>, Props>((props, ref) => {
const nativeRef = useRef<HostComponent<Props>>();
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => {
return new Proxy({} as any, {
get(_t, pName: string) {
return (...args: any) => {
invariant(nativeRef.current, 'Native ref was not set.');
return runCommand(nativeRef.current, pName, args);
return React.createElement(nativeComponent, {
ref: nativeRef,
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