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Created June 21, 2021 10:38
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A shortlist of Inform6/PunyInform actions you can use in your games and what strings invoke them
! Answer: "answer"/"say"/"speak" X "to" Y
! "shout"/"scream"/"yell" X "to" Y
! Ask: "ask" Y "about" X
! AskFor: "ask" Y "for" X
! AskTo: "ask" Y "to" X
! "ask" "that" Y, X
! "tell" Y "to" X
! Attack: "attack"/"break"/"crack"/"destroy"/"fight"/"hit"/
! "kill"/"murder"/"punch"/"smash"/"thump"/
! "torture"/"wreck" X ("with" Y)
! "cut"/"chop"/"prune"/"slice" X with Y
! Climb: "climb"/"scale" ("up"/"over") X
! Close: "close"/"cover"/"shut" X
! Consult: "read" ("about") X "in" Y
! Cut: "cut"/"chop"/"prune"/"slice" X
! Dig: "dig" X ("with" Y)
! Disrobe: "shed"/"disrobe"/"doff"
! "remove" X
! "take"/"carry"/"hold" "off" X
! Drink: "drink"/"sip"/"swallow" X
! Drop: "drop"/"discard"/"throw" X
! Eat: "eat" X
! Enter: "enter" X
! "climb"/"scale" "into"/"onto" X
! "get" "in"/"into"/"on"/"onto" X
! "go" X
! "jump" "into"/"onto" X
! "sit"/"lie" "on top of" X
! "sit"/"lie" "on"/"in"/"inside" X
! "stand" "on" X
! Examine: "examine"/"x" X
! "look" "at" X
! "read" X
! Exit: "exit"/"leave" (X)
! "climb"/"scale" "out" ("of"/"from") X
! "get" "out"/"off"/"up" "of"/"from" (X)
! "jump" "out" "of"/"from" X
! "jump" "off" X
! "stand" ("up")
! Fill: "fill" X
! GetOff: "get" "off" X
! Give: "give"/"feed"/"offer"/"pay" ("over") X "to" Y
! "give"/"feed"/"offer"/"pay" Y, X
! Insert: "insert" X "in"/"into" Y
! "drop"/"discard"/"throw" X "in"/"into"/"down" Y
! "put"/"place" X "in"/"inside"/"into" Y
! Jump: "jump"
! JumpOver: "over" X
! Listen: "listen" ("to" X)
! Lock: "lock" X "with" Y
! Look: "look"/"l"
! Open: "open"/"uncover"/"unwrap" X
! Pull: "pull"/"drag" X
! Push: "push"/"clear"/"move"/"press"/"shift" X
! PushDir: "push"/"clear"/"move"/"press"/"shift" X D
! PutOn: "put"/"place" X "on"/"onto" Y
! Remove: "remove" X "from" Y
! "get" X "from"/"off" Y
! "take"/"carry"/"hold" X "from"/"off" Y
! Rub: "rub"/"clean"/"dust"/"polish"/"scrub"/"shine"/
! "sweep"/"wipe" X
! Search: "search" X
! "look"/"l" "in"/"inside" X
! Shout: "shout"/"scream"/"yell" (X)
! Show: "show" Y, X
! "show" X "to" Y
! Smell: "smell"/"sniff" (X)
! SwitchOn: "switch"/"turn" "on" X
! "switch" X ("on")
! "turn" X "on"
! SwitchOff: "switch"/"turn" "off" X
! "close"/"cover"/"shut" "off" X
! "turn" X "off"
! Take: "take"/"carry"/"hold" X
! "get" X
! "pick" "up" X
! "pick" X "up"
! "remove" X
! Tell: "tell" Y "about" X
! ThrowAt: "drop"/"discard"/"throw" X
! "at"/"against"/"on"/"onto" Y
! Tie: "tie"/"attach"/"fasten"/"fix" X ("to" Y)
! Touch: "touch" X
! Transfer: "push"/"clear"/"move"/"press"/"shift" X "to" Y
! Turn: "turn"/"rotate"/"screw"/"twist"/"unscrew" X
! Unlock: "unlock" X "with" Y
! "open"/"uncover"/"unwrap" X "with" Y
! Wear: "wear" X
! "put"/"place" "on" X
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