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Created January 14, 2018 17:18
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Dbgi Clause viewer with annotators active
package org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk.debug_info.v1.elixir_erl.v1.definitions.definition.clause
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.EditorFactory
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFileFactory
import org.elixir_lang.ElixirFileType
import org.elixir_lang.ElixirLanguage
import org.elixir_lang.Macro
import org.elixir_lang.Macro.adjustNewLines
import org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk.debug_info.v1.elixir_erl.v1.definitions.Tree
import org.elixir_lang.beam.chunk.debug_info.v1.elixir_erl.v1.definitions.definition.Clause
import java.awt.GridLayout
import javax.swing.JPanel
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener
const val DEFAULT_TEXT = "# Select a clause to view its AST as code"
class Panel(definitionsTree: Tree, project: Project): JPanel(GridLayout(1, 1)), TreeSelectionListener {
private val psiFile = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project).createFileFromText(ElixirLanguage.INSTANCE, DEFAULT_TEXT)
private val document by lazy {
private val editor = EditorFactory.getInstance().createEditor(document, project, ElixirFileType.INSTANCE, true)
init {
override fun valueChanged(event: TreeSelectionEvent) {
val text = (event.path.lastPathComponent as? Clause)?.let { clause ->
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction {
private fun blockToStringWithContext(clause: Clause) =
moduleContext(clause) {
headContext(clause) {
private fun headContext(clause: Clause, body: () -> String): String =
"def ${clause.head} do\n ${adjustNewLines(body(), "\n ")}\nend"
private fun moduleContext(clause: Clause, inner: () -> String): String =
"defmodule ${clause.definition.debugInfo.inspectedModule!!} do\n" +
" # ...\n" +
" ${adjustNewLines(inner(), "\n ")}\n" +
" #...\n" +
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Image of annotations working (defmodule would not be orange if annotators weren't working)

Annotations working

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