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Last active June 28, 2022 10:22
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My expanded CV
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\def\name {Armin Pašalić}
\def\doc {Curriculum Vitae}
\def\address {Rathausstraße 19}
\def\keywords {Developer, Software, Lead, Engineer, Ruby, Go, Management}
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{ll} Mobile: & \href{tel:+4915753079004}{+49 (0)157 53 079 004}\\
Github: & \href{}{}\\
Email: & \href{}{}
{ll} Xing: & \href{}{}\\
LinkedIn: & \href{}{}\\
Keybase: & \href{}{}
\it{I am an experienced and passionate software engineering lead with a proven track record of delivering high quality software solutions to complex business challenges. I lead by example and am always looking for new ways to improve the speed and quality of my team’s work.\vspace{1.5ex}\\
Software engineering is a team activity, where the team works together delivering value in the hands of the customer. In order for this to happen, just delivering working code is not good enough. My primary goal is to enable solid design, which also happens to be working. Long term, this investment yields compounded interest gains.\vspace{1.5ex}\\
Finally, I firmly believe that happy, motivated and autonomous teams perform significantly better given safe environment and support. These are the types of teams I strive to grow.\\}
\hspace{8mm}\href{}{\bfseries Zendesk Inc.}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Software Engineering Team Lead}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Tech Leadership, DDD, Event Sourcing, CQRS, Distributed Systems, Ruby...}}}
We are Zendesk, the champions of customer service. I lead a team of software engineers, with an associated designer, product manager, and tester. We are one of the teams working on the \href{}{Zendesk's Gude product (also known as Help Center)}. Our team is in charge of the Guide admin editor.
\hspace{2.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries Hypofriend GmbH}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Backend Engineering Lead }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Tech Leadership, DDD, Distributed Systems, GraphQL, Ruby, AWS...}}}
Hypofriend is an ambitious early-stage tech startup in the mortgage space with a laser focus on customer satisfaction. My primary job was to guide, support, and grow the backend engineering team. But here, as is the case with most startups, one was to wear many hats. So I also planned, designed, and started the implementation of \href{}{property search project}, successfully pushed for an education budget, optimized the core system deployment pipelines, helped transition from Scrum to XP flavored Kanban, and started adoption of testing in production.
\hspace{2.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries Solarisbank AG}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Software Engineer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Tech Leadership, Architecture, DDD, Event Sourcing, CQRS, Distributed Systems, Docker, Go, Ruby, AWS...}}}
Solarisbank is a tech startup with a banking license. I was given time and an incredible opportunity to research, design, prototype, and, eventually, assemble and be part of the amazing team of engineers that built a state-of-the-art distributed core banking system powering the bank today. I am also very happy to have been able to help grow a couple of great people from junior to senior or staff engineer positions.
\hspace{2.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries Promptus Partners GmbH}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Software Development Lead }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Tech Leadership, Spree, Ruby (on Rails), Sinatra, Javascript, ElasticSearch, Scrum...}}}
Promptus is a business angel boutique employing a range of teams working on a products for itself and its clients. Here I was leading a team of fully remote developers working on e-commerce solution for \href{}{Kemmler}, transitioning from a legacy system to a modern one.
\hspace{2.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries LX e-commerce solutions GmbH} \& \href{}{Yipiii B2B}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Lead Software Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Tech Leadership, Ruby (on Rails), Sinatra, PostgreSQL, Git, Chrome Plugin Development, Kanban...}}}
LX was a small company working on B2B gamification solutions for e-commerce using experiences of Yipiii. I was given a responsibility of partially creating and managing a small development team. In this short period we have managed to reach important milestones and make product production ready.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries LiquidM GmbH}} \& {\href{}{madvertise Mobile Advertising GmbH}}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Software Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{jRuby (on Rails), MySQL, zeromq, Hadoop, Kafka, Druid, Chef, Javascript, Git, Kanban...}}}
Madvertise (later LiquidM) is a white label mobile advertising management platform. We built (mainly in jRuby) and ran a distributed ad-serving software system spawning couple of hundred of physical servers. This was also the place where I first encountered on-call duty and extreme programming practices. I learned a lot here. But, we ran out of capital and company had to make significant cuts in order to survive.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Personal Inc}} {(rebranded as \href{}{TeamData}} {and later acquired by \href{}{})}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Software Engineer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{jRuby (on Rails), OAuth, REST, Hadoop, HBase, Elasticsearch, Javascript, Git, Scrum...}}}
Personal was an US based startup whose main focus was ability to efficiently store and share sensitive data (secure digital locker). My first role was to collaborate with the team architect in order to design and implement the REST API. Having completed that I switched to the front-end in order to help reach key objectives. Later I would envision and successfully demonstrate application built on top of the platform to allow users to automatically fill out complex web forms. This was such a success that I was given a team to lead in order to deliver this as a service. Hence, fillIt was born.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries DevLogic d.o.o.}} (later rebranded as \href{}{Symphony})\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{jRuby (on Rails), php, Yii, Memcached, Redis, Javascript, Git, SVN, AWS, Waterfall...}}}
I started in Devlogic, a software outsourcing company, as their first Ruby on Rails developer. Since I also had experience in product management, in addition to software development work, I was leading leading several project teams (2–5 developers per team). Company relied on waterfall and work also involved a lot of requirement analysis, planning, estimating, and prioritizing, as well as making sure deliveries were on time.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Verk d.o.o.}}\\
\indent{\hspace{18mm}\it{ Senior PHP Developer }}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{php, Zend Framework, Drupal, Memcached, Javascript, SVN, Scrum...}}}
Somewhere along the way, I realized I had a true passion for software engineering. So, when I got an offer to work for a small Danish company creating beautifully designed and functional web 2.0 applications, I decided to jump on it. The company was primarily a Drupal shop, but we also worked on some custom-built PHP projects.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries KJP ,,Sarajevo - šume'' d.o.o. Sarajevo}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Information Technology Coordinator}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{php, HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Javascript, Joomla!, ftp, hardware, MS Office, GIS}}}
This is a public forestry company of Sarajevo Canton and I was brought in to help create their IT department, reporting directly to the company’s CEO. I was responsible for establishing information technology infrastructure procurement procedures, creating and managing the company’s web site, IT support. I also created various MS Office based software solutions and trained the staff in order to accelerate the company’s business.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Teacher Education and Professional Development}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{CIO \& Web Designer/Developer}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, ftp, hardware, MS Office}}}
TEPD was a UNDP-funded project, training teachers to work inclusively with special needs children. I was placed in charge of the operation’s information technology resources. This, other than supporting the HQ staff, and working on the project’s website, meant travel across the country, making sure teachers had the necessary IT infrastructure and support.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Web Designer/Developer}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, ftp}}}
Following my experience in Sayber, I was offered a contract to redesign and develop a complete web presence of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project was successfully completed within 6 months. My contract was extended for another 2 additional months in order to facilitate knowledge transfer to the institution’s internal staff.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Sayber d.o.o.}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Web Designer/Developer}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{HTML, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop, ftp}}}
Good people of Sayber started what would later be known as a web design/development agency and, since I had the knowledge they required, invited me to work with them as their first and, for quite a while, only web designer/developer.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries ISV Radio Sarajevo}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Radio host \& DJ}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Rock\&Rool, Radio DJ Console}}}
One day I walked in to the local radio station and stated I wanted to work there. That evening I did my first shift as a DJ. Sometime later I would go to create and host my own show "The history of Rock \& Roll".
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Joker - youth centre}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}Multimedia instructor}\\
Joker was a community center where young people came to acquire potentially useful skills. One of those was Multimedia, a bit of an outdated term these days, but a precursor to modern digital expression. I taught a course on it.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Chip d.o.o.}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\it{Trainee in electronic shack}}\\
\indent{\hspace{19mm}\bf{\footnotesize{Soldering iron, Voltmeter, C++}}}
Last two years of high school I have spent as trainee in electronic shack. Started learning a bit of C++.
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Solarisbank Talks: "Behind the Bank" \#1 - unveiling Solarisbank's core banking system}\\
Video: \href{}{\_1seU8T710}
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Crafting the Core - Why and how we built the Core Banking System – GOTOpia EU}\\
Video: \href{}{}
Deck: \href{}{}
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Beyond the current state: Time travel as answer to hard questions – Balkan Ruby 2018}\\
Video: \href{}{}
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries Beyond the current state: Time travel to the rescue! – wroc\_love.rb 2018}\\
Video: \href{}{\_Q}
Deck: \href{}{}
\hspace{2.5mm}{\bfseries State, when state? – RUG::B - Ruby User Group Berlin}\\
Deck: \href{}{}
\item{{\footnotesize{2007--2010}} Attended, but never graduated, a CS study at the Faculty of information technology Mostar.}
\item{{\footnotesize{1993--1997}} Željeznički školski centar Sarajevo}
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