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Created April 24, 2019 16:05
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% Stylish Curriculum Vitae
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (18/7/12)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Stefano (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
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al. Internetowa 69/1 {\large\textperiodcentered} 69-666 Szczecin {\large\textperiodcentered} Poland\\ % Your mailing address
{\Large\Letter} \ {\Large\Telefon} (+48) 666 666 666 % Your email address and phone number
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.).
\begin{center} % Center everything in the document
{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=15.0}\fontsize{24}{24}\selectfont\scshape Edmundo Hatto} % Your name at the top
%\vspace{0.5cm} % Extra whitespace after the large name at the top
%A position in the field of computers with special interests in business applications \\ programming, information processing, and management systems.
\section{Work Experience}
\gray Period & \textbf{March 2012 --- Present}\\
\gray Employer & \textbf{Prodigio sp. z o.o.} \hfill Szczecin, Poland\\
\gray Title & \textbf{Programmer}\\
\gray Languages & \textbf{C++, D, Ruby}\\
{} & I am responsible for creation and maintenance of highly concurrent software running automatic warehouses (known as ``MFC -- Material Flow Control'' or ``WCS -- Warehouse Control System''). Its duties range from overseeing TCP/IP connections to control the PLCs to performing high-level package deliveries ordered by ERP/SAP systems.
Projects realized:
\item{Topex high storage warehouse, (commissioned in August 2012)}
\item{Baks high storage warehouse, (commissioned in 2014)}
\item{Kiekert high storage warehouse, (commissioned in March 2015)}
\item{AB high storage warehouse (consulting customer's implementation only)}
\gray Period & \textbf{October 2011 --- January 2012 }\\
\gray Employer & \textbf{Tieto Poland} \hfill Szczecin, Poland\\
\gray Title & \textbf{Software Engineer}\\
\gray Period & \textbf{2006 --- 2011}\\
\gray Employer & \textbf{Freelance} \hfill Szczecin, Poland\\
\gray Title & \textbf{Programmer}\\
\gray Languages & \textbf{C++, PHP}\\
{} & My main focus was providing automation for e-commerce businesses (virtual item and service shops for MMO players). My primary client was
\gray Period & \textbf{October 2008 --- May 2014}\\
\gray Degree & \textbf{Bachelor of Science in Automatics and Robotics}\\
\gray University & \textbf{West Pomeranian University of Technology} \hfill Szczecin, Poland\\
\gray Thesis & \textbf{CAPTCHA recognition with neural networks} \hfill \\
%& Extra information about degree
\begin{tabular}[1.0\textwidth]{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{5ex}} l }
{Programming Languages} &
C++ -- outstanding (C++98/03, 11 and 14) \\
& C -- advanced \\
& Ruby -- intermediate \\
& D -- intermediate \\
& PHP -- basic \\
& Bash -- basic \\
& Python -- basic \\
& x86 assembly -- basic (Intel syntax) \\
& MYSQL -- basic \\
Libraries \& Frameworks & C++ standard library -- very good \\
& Qt -- very good \\
& Boost -- good \\
& POSIX -- basic \\
& WINAPI -- basic \\
Others & svn/git -- standard usage \\
& gdb -- basic, GUI preferred \\
& unit testing -- exp. with Boost, Google and QtTest \\
Human Languages & Polish -- native \\
& English -- excellent, with noticeable slavic accent
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