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Last active December 18, 2015 16:39
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simple graph coloring
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
import sys
class node( object ):
""" a vertex
def __init__( self, key ):
""" c'tor """
self.key = key
self.c = None
self.outEdges = []
self.inEdges = []
def connect( self, other ):
""" connect this verted to the other one """
if self not in other.inEdges and other not in self.outEdges:
other.inEdges.append( self )
self.outEdges.append( other )
class graph( object ):
""" simple graph """
nodes = []
def __init__( self ):
""" c'tor """
self.nodes = []
self.chroma = 1
self.palette = []
def __contains__( self, node ):
""" in operator """
return node in self.nodes
def add( self, n ):
""" add vertex """
if n not in self.nodes:
self.nodes.append( n )
def colors( self ):
""" create random palette """
while len(self.palette) < self.chroma:
newcol = "#%s" % hex( random.randint(0, 256*256*256 ) )[2:].zfill(6)
if newcol not in self.palette:
self.palette.append( newcol )
def dot( self, fname ):
""" create dot file """
if not fname.endswith(".dot"):
fname = "" % fname
fname = open( fname, "w+" )
fname.write( "digraph G {\n")
for node in self.nodes:
fname.write( "%s [color=\"%s\",bgcolor=\"%s\",label=\"%s\",shape=\"circle\",style=\"filled\"];\n" % ( node.key,
node.key ) )
for node in self.nodes:
for c in node.outEdges:
fname.write( "%s -> %s;\n" % ( node.key, c.key ) )
fname.write( "}\n" )
def color( gr ):
""" colorize graph """
for n in gr.nodes:
n.c = None
def colorize( n, col ):
""" can use color c for vertex n? """
for item in n.inEdges + n.outEdges:
if item.c == col:
return False
return col
# # sort by number of in and out edges
nodes = sorted( [ (len(n.outEdges + n.inEdges), n) for n in gr.nodes ], reverse = True )
colors = [ 1 ]
for i, n in nodes:
if not n.c:
while not n.c:
for c in colors:
can = colorize( n, c )
if can:
n.c = can
if not n.c:
colors.append( colors[-1] +1 )
n.c = colors[-1]
## set chromatic number
gr.chroma = len(colors)
return colors
## execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "usage: nbNodes nbEdges dotFile"
nodes, edges, fname = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]), sys.argv[3]
gr = graph()
nodes = [ node(i) for i in range(nodes) ]
for i in range(edges):
inode = random.choice( nodes )
jnode = random.choice( nodes )
inode.connect( jnode )
for node in nodes:
c = color(gr) fname )
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