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Kubuxu/Synopsis Secret

Last active June 3, 2016 13:44
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ipfs add [--recursive | -r] [--quiet | -q] [--silent] [--[no-]progress] [--trickle | -t] [--only-hash | -n] [--wrap-with-directory | -w] [--hidden | -H] [--chunker=<chunker> | -s] [--[no-]pin] [--] <path>...
ipfs bitswap
ipfs bitswap stat
ipfs bitswap unwant [--] <key>...
ipfs bitswap wantlist [--peer=<peer> | -p]
ipfs block
ipfs block get [--] <key>
ipfs block put [--] <data>
ipfs block stat [--] <key>
ipfs bootstrap
ipfs bootstrap add [--default] [--] [<peer>...]
ipfs bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap rm [--all] [--] [<peer>...]
ipfs cat [--] <ipfs-path>...
ipfs commands [--flags | -f]
ipfs config [--bool] [--json] [--] <key> [<value>]
ipfs config edit
ipfs config replace [--] <file>
ipfs config show
ipfs daemon [--init] [--routing=<routing>] [--mount] [--writable] [--mount-ipfs=<mount-ipfs>] [--mount-ipns=<mount-ipns>] [--unrestricted-api] [--disable-transport-encryption] [--enable-gc] [--manage-fdlimit] [--offline]
ipfs dht
ipfs dht findpeer [--verbose | -v] [--] <peerID>...
ipfs dht findprovs [--verbose | -v] [--] <key>...
ipfs dht get [--verbose | -v] [--] <key>...
ipfs dht put [--verbose | -v] [--] <key> <value>
ipfs dht query [--verbose | -v] [--] <peerID>...
ipfs diag
ipfs diag cmds [--verbose | -v]
ipfs diag cmds clear
ipfs diag cmds set-time [--] <time>
ipfs diag net [--vis=<vis>]
ipfs diag sys
ipfs dns [--recursive | -r] [--] <domain-name>
ipfs file
ipfs file ls [--] <ipfs-path>...
ipfs files [--flush | -f]
ipfs files cp [--] <source> <dest>
ipfs files flush [--] [<path>]
ipfs files ls [-l] [--] [<path>]
ipfs files mkdir [--parents | -p] [--] <path>
ipfs files mv [--] <source> <dest>
ipfs files read [--offset=<offset> | -o] [--count=<count> | -n] [--] <path>
ipfs files rm [--recursive | -r] [--] <path>...
ipfs files stat [--format=<format>] [--hash] [--size] [--] <path>
ipfs files write [--offset=<offset> | -o] [--create | -e] [--truncate | -t] [--count=<count> | -n] [--] <path> <data>
ipfs get [--output=<output> | -o] [--archive | -a] [--compress | -C] [--compression-level=<compression-level> | -l] [--] <ipfs-path>
ipfs id [--format=<format> | -f] [--] [<peerid>]
ipfs init [--bits=<bits> | -b] [--empty-repo | -e]
ipfs log
ipfs log level [--] <subsystem> <level>
ipfs log ls
ipfs log tail
ipfs ls [--headers | -v] [--] <ipfs-path>...
ipfs mount [--ipfs-path=<ipfs-path> | -f] [--ipns-path=<ipns-path> | -n]
ipfs name
ipfs name publish [--[no-]resolve] [--lifetime=<lifetime> | -t] [--ttl=<ttl>] [--] <ipfs-path>
ipfs name resolve [--recursive | -r] [--nocache | -n] [--] [<name>]
ipfs object
ipfs object data [--] <key>
ipfs object diff [--verbose | -v] [--] <obj_a> <obj_b>
ipfs object get [--] <key>
ipfs object links [--headers | -v] [--] <key>
ipfs object new [--] [<template>]
ipfs object patch
ipfs object patch add-link [--create | -p] [--] <root> <name> <ref>
ipfs object patch append-data [--] <root> <data>
ipfs object patch rm-link [--] <root> <link>
ipfs object patch set-data [--] <root> <data>
ipfs object put [--inputenc=<inputenc>] [--datafieldenc=<datafieldenc>] [--] <data>
ipfs object stat [--] <key>
ipfs pin
ipfs pin add [--[no-]recursive] [--] <ipfs-path>...
ipfs pin ls [--type=<type> | -t] [--quiet | -q] [--] [<ipfs-path>...]
ipfs pin rm [--[no-]recursive] [--] <ipfs-path>...
ipfs ping [--count=<count> | -n] [--] <peer ID>...
ipfs refs [--format=<format>] [--edges | -e] [--unique | -u] [--recursive | -r] [--] <ipfs-path>...
ipfs refs local
ipfs repo
ipfs repo fsck
ipfs repo gc [--quiet | -q]
ipfs repo stat [--human]
ipfs resolve [--recursive | -r] [--] <name>
ipfs stats
ipfs stats bw [--peer=<peer> | -p] [--proto=<proto> | -t] [--poll] [--interval=<interval> | -i]
ipfs swarm
ipfs swarm addrs
ipfs swarm addrs local [--id]
ipfs swarm connect [--] <address>...
ipfs swarm disconnect [--] <address>...
ipfs swarm filters
ipfs swarm filters add [--] <address>...
ipfs swarm filters rm [--] <address>...
ipfs swarm peers [--verbose | -v]
ipfs tar
ipfs tar add [--] <file>
ipfs tar cat [--] <path>
ipfs tour [--] [<id>]
ipfs tour list
ipfs tour next
ipfs tour restart
ipfs update [--] [<args>...]
ipfs version [--number | -n] [--commit] [--repo]
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Some of these flags aren't right. For instance, version:

ipfs version  --help
  ipfs version - Shows ipfs version information.


  -n,     --number bool - Only show the version number. Default: false.
  --commit         bool - Show the commit hash. Default: false.
  --repo           bool - Show repo version. Default: false.
  --all            bool - Show all version information. Default: false.


  Returns the current version of ipfs and exits.

Those are bools, not <number>. Can we catch those?

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