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Created August 1, 2016 06:23
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object Main extends App{
* val : immutable valuable
val one: Int = 1
println(s"one is ${one}")
val two = 2
println(s"two is ${two}")
// compile error: type mismatch;
// val three: Int = "three"
val name = "Kuchitamaaaa"
// compile error
// val name = "Kuchitama"
println(s"name is ${name}")
* var : mutable valuable
var counter = 0
for (_ <- 1 to 5) {
counter = counter + 1
println(s"current counter is ${counter}")
* lazy val
var now = 0
lazy val lazyNow = now
println(s"now is ${now}")
now = now + 1
println(s"now is ${now}, lazyNow is ${lazyNow}")
now = now + 1
println(s"now is ${now}, lazyNow is ${lazyNow}")
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