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Last active November 26, 2015 17:13
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RxRNBridge with Android-ReactiveLocation
public class LocationManager extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {
public static final String TAG = "LocationManager";
private static final int LOCATION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = 10;
private static final int LOCATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000;
public LocationManager(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
public String getName() {
return TAG;
public Observable<WritableMap> getLocation() {
ReactiveLocationProvider locationProvider = new ReactiveLocationProvider(getReactApplicationContext());
Observable<Location> observableFromCache = locationProvider.getLastKnownLocation();
final LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()
Observable<Location> observableFromRealRequest = locationProvider.getUpdatedLocation(locationRequest)
return Observable.<Location>concat(observableFromCache, observableFromRealRequest)
.flatMap(new Func1<Location, Observable<WritableMap>>() {
public Observable<WritableMap> call(Location location) {
if (location == null) { return Observable.just(null); }
WritableMap retObject = Arguments.createMap();
retObject.putDouble("latitude", location.getLatitude());
retObject.putDouble("longitude", location.getLongitude());
return Observable.just(retObject);
"use strict";
var LocationManager = require("NativeModules").LocationManager;
var LocationModule = {
getLocation: function(): Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(error) => {
}, (releases) => {
module.exports = LocationModule;
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