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Last active March 25, 2018 04:02
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Gun TS typings
import * as Gun from "gun";
interface Schema {
mark: Person;
var gun = Gun<Schema>();
gun.put("test"); // should fail
gun.put(["test"]); // should fail
gun.put({ test: "blums" });
interface Person {
name: string;
email: string;
name: "Mark",
email: ""
.put({ name: "Emilia" }); // should fail
gun.get("mark").on(function(data, key) {
console.log("update:", data);
// Type definitions for gun 0.9
// Project:
// Definitions by: Jonas Kugelmann <>
// Definitions:
/*~ Note that ES6 modules cannot directly export class objects.
*~ This file should be imported using the CommonJS-style:
*~ import x = require('someLibrary');
*~ Refer to the documentation to understand common
*~ workarounds for this limitation of ES6 modules.
/*~ If this module is a UMD module that exposes a global variable 'myClassLib' when
*~ loaded outside a module loader environment, declare that global here.
*~ Otherwise, delete this declaration.
export as namespace Gun;
/*~ This declaration specifies that the class constructor function
*~ is the exported object from the file
export = GunConstructor;
// TODO: add extends to D
// This would be something like the root schema
declare function GunConstructor<D>(options?: Gun.ConstructorOptions): Gun.Gun<D>;
/*~ If you want to expose types from your module as well, you can
*~ place them in this block.
declare namespace Gun {
interface Gun<D> {
get<K extends keyof D>(key: keyof D): GunChain<D[K]>;
put<T extends Record<string, Data>>(
data: T,
callback?: AckCallback
): GunChain<T>; // TODO: check if object is correct
opt(options: ConstructorOptions): void;
type OnOrValData<D> =Partial<Record<keyof D, Primitives | Soul>>
interface Callback<D extends OnOrValData<D>> {
// TODO: D is not correct because it is only one level deep
(data: D, key: keyof D): void;
interface GunChain<D> extends GunMain<D>{
// TODO: derive Data from D[K]
put(data: D, callback?: AckCallback): GunChain<D>;
get<K extends keyof D>(key: K): GunChain<D[K]>
// TODO: find a way to do the tree traversal
back<T = any>(amount?: number): GunChain<T>
interface Context {
previous: Context
interface GunMain<D> {
on<R extends OnOrValData<D>>(callback: Callback<R>, option?: { change: false } | false): GunChain<D>
on<R extends OnOrValData<D>>(callback: Callback<Partial<R>>,option?: { change: true } | true): GunChain<D>
val<R extends OnOrValData<D>>(callback: Callback<R>, option?: { wait: number }): GunChain<D>
set(data: object | GunChain<D>, callback?:AckCallback): GunChain<D>
interface Ack {
err?: any;
ok?: string;
type AckCallback = (ack: Ack) => void;
interface S3Options {
key: string;
secret: string;
bucket: string;
// TODO: replace object with better type
type Peers = Record<string, object>;
interface ConstructorOptions {
s3?: S3Options;
file?: string;
peers?: Peers;
uuid?: () => string;
type Url = string | string[];
type Data = null | Primitives | object;
type Key = string;
type Primitives = string | number | boolean;
type Soul = {'#': string}
interface DataFormat<D> {
_: Soul & {
'>': Record<keyof D, number>
// TODO: index type not working
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jon49 commented Mar 25, 2018

Figured it out. I'm assuming the above works when you have the type files with the actual package. But when you just have it as part of your code I'm guessing you need to add this:

declare module 'gun/gun' {
  export = GunConstructor;

So, to use this file I would need to actually import

import * as Gun from "gun/gun";

As with the single gun it not meant for production and only used on in node.js, from what I understand. How would I do that?

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