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Created April 1, 2018 08:55
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taskkill /f /im TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe
taskkill /f /im "TEKKEN 7.exe"
for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%I in (
'wmic process where "name='TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe'" get ExecutablePath^,Handle /format:csv ^| find /i "TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe"'
) do taskkill /f /im TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe
for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%I in (
'wmic process where "name='TEKKEN 7.exe'" get ExecutablePath^,Handle /format:csv ^| find /i "TEKKEN 7.exe"'
) do taskkill /f /im "TEKKEN 7.exe"
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