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Created July 15, 2022 01:01
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theory "Well_Not_Dense_Order" imports Main begin
context wellorder
definition bot :: 'a
where "bot ≡ LEAST x. True"
sublocale order_bot bot less_eq less
proof standard
fix a
show "bot ≤ a"
unfolding bot_def by (simp add: local.Least_le)
lemma no_dense:
fixes a :: 'a
assumes "a ≠ bot"
and "⋀a b. ⟦⋀x. ⟦a ≤ x; x ≤ b⟧ ⟹ thesis; a ≠ b⟧ ⟹ thesis"
shows "thesis"
using assms le_bot by metis
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