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Created February 12, 2024 09:22
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using System;
namespace Playground.CopilotTDD.Tests
public static class NumberGenerator
public static int GetBetween0To100BySeed(int seed)
// 線形合同法のパラメータ
const int a = 1103515245;
const int c = 12345;
const long m = (1L << 31);
// 線形合同法による疑似乱数生成
long nextSeed = (a * seed + c) % m;
int randomNumber = (int)(nextSeed % 100);
// 特定の条件下で最頻値を 50 に調整
if (randomNumber == 50 && seed % 2 == 0)
return 50;
else if (randomNumber < 50)
return randomNumber + 1;
return randomNumber;
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