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Created February 28, 2014 09:50
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glsl pbr encode in ycog gbuffer for deffered
vec4 encodeGBuffer(const in gBufferComponents components, const in vec2 texCoords, const in vec2 resolution, const in float clipFar) {
vec4 res;
vec3 diffuseYcocg = rgbToYcocg(components.diffuse);
vec2 diffuseYc = getCheckerboard(texCoords, resolution) > 0.0 ? diffuseYcocg.xy : diffuseYcocg.xz;
diffuseYc.y += 0.5;
//Divide by clip far * 2.0 to sneak distance into a 0 to 1 range
float depth = components.depth / (clipFar*2.0);
//Scale normal from -1 to 1 to 0 to 1 range
vec3 normal = components.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;
//Scale down float components to 0 to 0.5
res = vec4(normal, depth) * 0.5; += floor(vec3(diffuseYc, components.gloss) * 255.0);
res.w *= components.metallic;
return res;
gBufferComponents decodeGBuffer(const in sampler2D gBufferSampler,
const in vec2 texCoords,
const in vec2 resolution,
const in float clipFar)
gBufferComponents res;
vec4 encodedGBuffer = texture2D(gBufferSampler, texCoords).rgba;
vec3 floatComponents = fract( * 2.0;
res.normal = * 2.0 - 1.0;
res.depth = abs(encodedGBuffer.w) * 4.0 * clipFar;
res.metallic = sign(encodedGBuffer.w);
const float byteToFloat = 1.0/255.0;
vec3 byteComponents = floor( * byteToFloat;
res.gloss = byteComponents.z;
vec3 diffuseYcocg;
diffuseYcocg.x = byteComponents.x;
float pixelOffsetCoordsX = 1.0 / resolution.x;
float offsetDir = getCheckerboard(texCoords, resolution);
vec2 diffuseChroma;
diffuseChroma.x = byteComponents.y - 0.5;
diffuseChroma.y = texture2D(gBufferSampler, texCoords + vec2(pixelOffsetCoordsX*offsetDir, 0.0)).y;
diffuseChroma.y = floor(diffuseChroma.y) * byteToFloat - 0.5;
diffuseYcocg.yz = offsetDir > 0.0 ? diffuseChroma.xy : diffuseChroma.yx;
res.diffuse = ycocgToRgb(diffuseYcocg);
return res;
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