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Last active January 3, 2016 10:09
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2014 Todo Goals-List-Type-thingy


35% Personal

Musical - 20% Theme: To become a competent musician, able to contribute with others in a simi-professonal setting

  • Play a music set by the end of the second half, 2014. (Rock/Metal) *Bass Guitar or Rythym Guitar
    • Measureable: Play One Set
  • Increase core music theory proficiency on bass guitar by end of second half, 2014
    • Lessons, weekly, or online aids / tests - Lessons Scheduled for Feb. Sunday Morning
    • Online Tutorials
    • Measureable: Transcription / Songwriting test of unknown song from tab -> standard notation, and inverse
    • Extra Credit: Transcription to standard notation from ear
  • Techical Proficency on Bass Guitar by end of second half, 2014
    • Scale running in various forms.
    • Measureable: Be able to run/play the following patterns/scales:
      • Folk
      • Blues
      • Rock (pentatonic Minor scale)
      • Heptatonic (Egyptian)

Physical - 15% Theme: To maintain a level of fitness that can support an active lifestyle and future health. Quote-"Use it or Lose it"

  • Snowboarding - Attempt to make the most use of this season.
    • Measurable: Have 20+ On Slopes days this season (H1 2014)
  • Martial Arts - Continue to make use of and grow in this skillset.
    • Measurable: Be a member of a martial arts community.

Professonal - 45%

Theme: To develop into a leading member of my field, with professonal grade projects, both inside and outside of my employer

Core - 20%

  • Work Goals - Designed during each half. TBD. Reflects into emplyer's goals
  • Promotion - Reach the rank of Applied Researcher II within the year.
    • Measureable: Obtain next rank within company.

Outside of Employer Professonal Development - 15%

Internet Security - 10%

Theme: To renforce my knowledge of the Internet Security Industry, and to maintain my skills in offensive security, and systems security, with a slight focus on compromising systems and reverse engineering

  • Conference - Go to a professonal conference in the field of security
  • Measurable: Attend a conference.
  • Knowledge - Watch Semenars and talks to stay relevant in the field.
  • Measurable: Watch/Particiapte in at least 2 talks a week, for a total of at least 1.5 hours of education.
  • Apply - Take the skills gained from conferences and lessons, and put them into practice in a competitive enviroment
  • Measurable: Take place in at least one competition per Half.
  • Research: Attempt to do some penetration / analysis of my own.
    • Measurable: Submit one bug/Security flaw a half in a publicly available service, like Google Chrome or Micorsoft.

Computer Graphics and Game Theory -5%

Theme: To continute to grow in my hobby of computer graphics and game design, with thoughts torwards developing a game down the road.

  • Apply and Create - Come up with and develop a system from scratch that can be played by others. *Measurable: Delivery of one game
    • Must be using OpenGL or DirectX as drawing layer, with myself handling the interaction on that layer (No abstraction/graphics engine).

Software Development 10%

  • Flying T Ipad Replacement Software *Measurable: Ipad app to replace current filemaker pro solution.

Spiritual - 10%

Theme: To return to my roots and increase my effort to ground myself spiritually and in my faith, giving me an ethical foundation to stand upon

  • Church Involvement - To become involved in one church group *Measurable: Be an active member of one church group.

Social - 5%

Theme: To met new people outside the sphere of professonal or personal-professonal influences

  • Friendships To make new friends outside of the sphere of professonal or personal development tasks. *Measurable: Add 5-10 new contacts, with 1-2 people whom would be considered "friends"

Family - 5%

Theme: Family is important. So is seeing them

  • Visit Home
    • Measurable: Visit Home once a quarter.
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