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Ein einfaches Script, dass einen Button hinzufügt, welcher jede Staffel einer Serie als eigenes Textarea ausgiebt, um es leichter zu kopieren. Damit kann man die Folgennamen für Programme wie "Bulk Rename Utility" oder das von mir entwickelte "MERU - Massive Episode Rename Utility" kopieren. (Nur für Deutsche Folgennamen)
// ==UserScript==
// @name episode names as textarea
// @name:de Episodennamen als textarea
// @namespace
// @version 2.0.5
// @description A simple script that adds a button that outputs each season of a series as a separate textarea to make it easier to copy. With this you can copy the episode names for programs like "Bulk Rename Utility" or the "MERU - Massive Episode Rename Utility" I developed.
// @description:de Ein einfaches Script, dass einen Button hinzufügt, welcher jede Staffel einer Serie als eigenes Textarea ausgiebt, um es leichter zu kopieren. Damit kann man die Folgennamen für Programme wie "Bulk Rename Utility" oder das von mir entwickelte "MERU - Massive Episode Rename Utility" kopieren.
// @author Kurotaku
// @license MIT
// @match*/episodenguide
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @require
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Get navigation menu and create Button
let nav = document.querySelector(".series-menu ul");
let button = "<li id='k-get-episodenames' style='padding:0 15px'>Get Episode Names</li>";
if(nav) { // If navigation menu found insert the button and give it a click event
nav.innerHTML = button + nav.innerHTML;
document.getElementById("k-get-episodenames").addEventListener ("click", show_episodenames);
// Create textareas and insert the season as label and the episodes in a textarea
function show_episodenames() {
document.getElementById("k-get-episodenames").remove(); // Remove the button bcs its not required anymore after the first click
// Insert a div for the output textareas
document.querySelector(".flexer").insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', "<div id='k-outputdiv' style='padding:2% 4%'></div>");
let output_div = document.querySelector("#k-outputdiv");
// Get the seasons with episodes
let seasons = get_episodes();
let ids = []; // Array with all created ids (required to check if there exist already a similar one)
for (let season of seasons) {
let random_id = getRandomInt(); // For the id and name on the elements
while (ids.includes(random_id)) // Check if the number is already used if yes generate another one
random_id = getRandomInt();
random_id = `ID_${random_id}`; // IDs aren't allowed to start with a number thats why I added ID_ before
// Create labels and textareas and insert them
let label = `<label for="${random_id}" style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold">${season.seasontitle}</label>`;
let style = `resize:vertical;width:100%;min-height:150px;`
let textarea = `<textarea id="${random_id}" name="${random_id}" style="${style}">${season.episodes}</textarea>`;
output_div.innerHTML += `${label}<br>${textarea}<br><br>`;
// Add the id into the array for used ids
function get_episodes() {
let sections = document.querySelectorAll(".serie-content-left section[itemprop=containsSeason]");
let output = []; // Contains title and the string with all episodes as object
for (let section of sections) {
let seasontitle = section.querySelector("header a[data-event-category=staffeltitel]").innerText; // Get Title
let episodes_elements = section.querySelectorAll("div[role=cell] span[itemprop=name]"); // Get elements with episodenames
let episodes = "";
for(let i = 0; i < episodes_elements.length; i++) { // Get index and episode for each episode element
episodes += `${episodes_elements[i].innerText}\n`
if(i === episodes_elements.length-1) // Remove \n if its the last entry
episodes = episodes.substring(0, episodes.length - 1);
output.push({seasontitle:seasontitle, episodes:episodes}) // Add the data into an output array
return output;
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