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Search results on the current page will be checked, if the domain name matches with a list of URLs. If it matches than they will be highlighted and ordered at the start of the result box
// ==UserScript==
// @name Google prioritize and highlight results
// @name:de Google Priorisierung und Hervorhebung von Ergebnissen
// @namespace
// @description Search results on the current page will be checked if the domain name matches with a list of urls, if it matches than they will be highlighted and ordered at the start of the result box
// @description:de Die Suchergebnisse auf der aktuellen Seite werden daraufhin überprüft, ob der Domainname mit einer Liste von URLs übereinstimmt; wenn dies der Fall ist, werden sie hervorgehoben und am Anfang der Ergebnisbox angeordnet
// @version 2.4.9
// @author Kurotaku
// @license MIT
// @include*/search?*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @require
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
let is_kp_wp_tab_overview = false; // If its a split up page
(async function() {
await init_gm_config(); // Initialize the configuration
// insert_gm_config_button(); // Add the button to the filter container to open the configuration menu
start_prioritize(); // Start the main part of the Script
function init_gm_config() {
GM_registerMenuCommand('Settings', () => {;
let frame = document.createElement('div');
'id': 'configuration',
'title': 'Google prioritize and highlight results config',
'label': 'Enable/Disable the prioritize Script',
'type': 'checkbox',
'default': true
'label': 'Domain Terms (each domain must be written in a new line)',
'type': 'textarea',
'default': ''
'label': 'CSS Styles',
'type': 'text',
'default': 'padding: 20px; border: cyan 2px solid'
'events': {
'init': () => {GM_config.set("url_terms", GM_config.get("url_terms").replace(/^\s*$(?:\r\n?|\n)/gm, ""))}, // To prevent blank lines
'save': () => {location.reload()},
'frame': frame,
'css': '#configuration {height:auto !important; width:auto !important; padding:20px !important;max-height: 600px !important;max-width:500px !important;} #configuration .config_header {font-size:17pt; font-weight:bold} .field_label {display: block; text-align:center;margin-bottom:10px;} #configuration .config_var {margin-top:10px;} .config_var :nth-child(2) {width: 300px; margin:auto; display:block ;text-align:center;} #configuration_buttons_holder {text-align: center;} #configuration_field_url_terms {height: 150px; width: 300px; resize: none;}'
function start_prioritize() {
// If its a split up page
is_kp_wp_tab_overview = document.querySelector("#search #kp-wp-tab-overview") !== null;
// Get searchbox container
let searchresultbox = is_kp_wp_tab_overview ? document.querySelector("#search #kp-wp-tab-overview") : document.querySelector("#rso > div:last-of-type");
if(searchresultbox) {
// Adjust styles for rearangement of results = "grid"; = "100%";
// Get Results
let results = get_resultlist();
results.forEach((obj, i) => {
let result = obj.result;
let index = obj.index;
style_result(result, index, (index === 0)); // (obj.index === 0) checks if its the last (first one in array) result that should be styled
function prepare_url_terms() {
let url_terms = GM_config.get("url_terms").split("\n"); // Get urls from config and split them
url_terms = (el) {return el.trim();}); // Trim away the spaces
url_terms = url_terms.filter((el) => el !== ""); // Remove all empty lines (shouldn't happen anymore, but safe is safe)
// New reversed url_terms for correct ordering [NOT necessary NECESSARY ANYMORE DUE TO FILTER METHOD]
return url_terms.reverse();
function style_result(result, index, last) { = -1 - index; // Order according to the index
result.setAttribute("style", result.getAttribute("style") + GM_config.get("styles")); = "100%"; // To prevent breaking out of the screen size
result.querySelector(".g").style.margin = "unset"; // Remove the margin of the results inside
result.querySelector(".g").style.width = "unset"; // Remove the fixed width (needed on split up pages) = !last ? "unset" : "0 0 30px 0"; // Remove the margin of the results
function get_resultlist() {
// Get URL Terms
let reversed_url_terms = prepare_url_terms();
// Get the searchresults
let searchresults = is_kp_wp_tab_overview ? document.querySelectorAll("#search #kp-wp-tab-overview div.TzHB6b") : document.querySelectorAll("#search div.MjjYud");
if(searchresults) {
let matching_results = []; // Array for return
for(let i = 0; i < searchresults.length; i++) {
let searchresult = searchresults[i];
let a_tag = searchresult.querySelector("div.yuRUbf a"); // Get URL element
if(a_tag) {
let url = a_tag.href.toLowerCase().split('/'); // Split all parts
let domain = url[2]; // Get only the domainname
// Check if result contains a string from the array
let url_index;
if(reversed_url_terms.some(function(v, index) {
url_index = index; // Asign current array index
return domain.indexOf(v) >= 0; // Check if Domain fits into url
})) {
// Insert matching searchresult
matching_results.push({result: searchresult, index : url_index});
return matching_results;
else return false;
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