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wesbos / logger.js
Created January 8, 2024 15:55
console.log line numbers in Node.js
// Use like this: node --import logger.js yourapp.js
import path from 'path';
const { log } = console;
[`debug`, `log`, `warn`, `error`, `table`, `dir`].forEach((methodName) => {
const originalLoggingMethod = console[methodName];
console[methodName] = (...args) => {
const originalPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (_, stack) => stack;
mietzen /
Last active June 6, 2024 13:26
How to use use Bitwarden CLI with macOS Touch ID

How to use Bitwarden CLI with macOS Touch ID

If you want to use Bitwarden CLI for ssh have a look at: How to use use Bitwarden CLI for SSH-Keys in macOS

Wirtten and tested on macOS Ventura

Configure Touch ID for the sudo command

To allow Touch ID on your Mac to authenticate you for sudo access instead of a password you need to do the following.

renatoccosta / install-ha-opi5.adoc
Last active July 12, 2024 17:08
Install Home Assistant on OrangePi 5

Installing Home Assistant on OrangePi 5 Board

This tutorial will enable the use of Home Assistant on an OrangePi 5 board with the following characteristics:

  • OrangePi Debian OS

  • OS running on a SDCard

  • Home Assistant Supervised Instalation

The steps are a compilation with few modifications from instructions found over the web. Links are at the end.

karlhorky / try-catch.ts
Last active October 19, 2022 23:43
Try-catch helper for promises and async/await
export default async function tryCatch<Data>(
promise: Promise<Data>,
): Promise<{ error: Error } | { data: Data }> {
try {
return { data: await promise };
} catch (error) {
return { error };
sindresorhus /
Last active July 27, 2024 02:58
Pure ESM package

Pure ESM package

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.

This means you have the following choices:

  1. Use ESM yourself. (preferred)
    Use import foo from 'foo' instead of const foo = require('foo') to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module" in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.
  2. If the package is used in an async context, you could use await import(…) from CommonJS instead of require(…).
  3. Stay on the existing version of the package until you can move to ESM.
geek-at /
Created August 13, 2020 07:27
The script used to trash a banking phishing site
while :; do
verf=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1)
pin=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9' | fold -w 5 | head -n 1)
ip=$(printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$((RANDOM % 256))" "$((RANDOM % 256))" "$((RANDOM % 256))" "$((RANDOM % 256))")
threepointone /
Last active May 24, 2023 11:03
Feature flags: why, how, all that

(I'm enjoying doing these raw, barely edited writeups; I hope they're useful to you too)

Feature flags

This is my own writeup on feature flags; for a deep dive I'd recommend something like Martin Fowler's article (

So. Feature flags. The basic idea that you'll store configuration/values on a database/service somewhere, and by changing those values, you can change the user experience/features for a user on the fly.

Let's say that you're building a new feature, called 'new-button' which changes the color of buttons, which is currently red, to blue. Then you'd change code that looks like this -

(This is a draft for something I'm writing internally but figured it would be useful for everyone.)

tl;dr -

  • make sure git --version returns 2.27.0 or higher.
  • git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse <repo> --depth=1
  • cd <repo>
  • git sparse-checkout set <path> <path> <...path>

kamranayub / next.config.js
Last active September 20, 2023 20:45
React Production Profiling Support for Next.js
// See:
// See:
const TerserPlugin = require('next/dist/compiled/terser-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
webpack: (config, options) => {
// Use profiler-enabled React builds
samselikoff / cloudSettings
Last active January 10, 2024 21:52
Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist