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Forked from altrive/CreateNanoServerVHD.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
#Requires -Version 3.0
#Getting Started with Nano Server <>
#Quick Guide - Deploying Nano Server using PowerShell <>
param (
#[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })]
$ConvertWindowsImageScriptPath = 'D:\work\NanoServerSetup\Convert-WindowsImage.ps1'
function Main
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Import-Module Hyper-V
Import-Module DISM
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
#Get DriveLetter that Windows Server 2016 mouted
$moutedDrives = (Get-PSDrive | where Description -eq 'J_SSS_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9')
if ($moutedDrives -eq $null){
# Mout-DiskImage for ISO file is not work in Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 preview. need to mount beforehand.
throw ('Windows Server 2016 Preview ISO media is not mouted!')
$isoMountedDrive = $moutedDrives[0].Root
$params = @{
SourcePath = Join-Path $isoMountedDrive 'NanoServer\NanoServer.wim' -Resolve
VHD = Join-Path (Get-VMHost).VirtualHardDiskPath "NanoServer.vhdx"
VHDFormat = 'VHDX'
VHDPartitionStyle = 'GPT' #MBR for Gen1 VM, 'GPT' for Gen2 VM
#Unattend = 'D:\shared\Images\WindowsServer2016Preview\UnattendXml\Unattend.xml'
#TODO: specify ps1 file path from parameter
#Note: Need to remove version check in when executin Windows 10 environment.
& $ConvertWindowsImageScriptPath @params -EnableDebugger None -Verbose
#Setup additional packages
Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $params.VHD
#Get DriveLetters information
$osRootDir = (Get-MoutedVHDInfo -VhdPath $params.VHD).OSRootDir
$packageBasePath = Join-Path $isoMountedDrive 'NanoServer\Packages' -Resolve
#Apply additional NanoServer packages
$packageNames = @(
#''; #Failover Clustering
''; #Drivers for hosting Nano Server as a virtual machine
#''; #Basic drivers for a variety of network adapters and storage controllers
#''; #File Server role and other storage components
#''; #ReverseForwarder packages
foreach ($packageName in $packageNames)
Write-Verbose ('Add package: {0} to {1}...' -f $packageName, $osRootDir)
Add-WindowsPackage –Path $osRootDir –PackagePath (Join-Path $packageBasePath $packageName -Resolve) -Verbose:$false > $null
Write-Verbose ('Add package: en-us\{0} to {1}...' -f $packageName, $osRootDir)
Add-WindowsPackage –Path $osRootDir –PackagePath (Join-Path $packageBasePath "en-us\$packageName" -Resolve) -Verbose:$false > $null
#Set SetupComplete.cmd file to show DHCP IP address
Write-Verbose 'Setting SetupComplete.cmd...'
$startupCmdPath = Join-Path $osRootDir 'Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd'
(New-Object IO.FileInfo($startupCmdPath)).Directory.Create() #Ensure parent directory exists
#Need some delay for some DHCP environment
Set-Content -Path $startupCmdPath -Value 'powershell.exe -command "sleep 5" > nul' -Encoding Ascii
#Show assigned IP addesses
Add-Content -Path $startupCmdPath -Value 'ipconfig' -Encoding Ascii
#Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Path $osRootDir | Out-GridView
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $params.VHD
#Return VHD Partition drive letter info
function Get-MoutedVHDInfo
param (
[string] $VhdPath
$disk = Get-VHD -Path $VhdPath | Get-Disk
switch ($disk.PartitionStyle)
#Get partition drive letters
$driveLetters = [array]($disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume | sort Size).DriveLetter
if ($driveLetters.Count -eq 2)
#CreateReservedPartition specified
$bootRootDir = "{0}:\" -f $driveLetters[0]
$osRootDir = "{0}:\" -f $driveLetters[1]
#Assume single partition
$bootRootDir = "{0}:\" -f $driveLetters[0]
$osRootDir = "{0}:\" -f $driveLetters[0]
#Assign Temporary DriveLetter for EFI partition
$disk | Get-Partition | where Type -eq "System" | Add-PartitionAccessPath –AssignDriveLetter:$true -ErrorAction Continue
$driveLetters = [array]($disk | Get-Partition | where DriveLetter -ne "`0" | sort Size).DriveLetter
if ($driveLetters.Count -ne 2)
throw "Can't find drive letter assigned to partitions"
$bootRootDir = "{0}:\" -f $driveLetters[0]
$osRootDir = "{0}:\" -f $driveLetters[1]
return [pscustomobject] @{
BootRootDir = $bootRootDir
OSRootDir = $osRootDir
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