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Created October 24, 2015 18:39
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function Get-ComputerWMIInfo {
Retrieves WMIObjects for a computer.
Retrieves WMIObjects for a computer and formats the information for readability.
A string is recieved by the ComputerName and WMIObject parameter.
A selected CimInstance is returned.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
String of the ComputerName you are getting WMIObjects for.
PS C:\> Get-ComputerWMIObject
Gets WMI information for all objects available objects against your computer.
PS C:\> Get-ComputerWMIObject -ComputerName PC01
Gets WMI information for all objects available objects against computer PC01.
PS C:\> Get-ComputerWMIObject -WMIObject BIOS,Monitor
Gets WMI information for BIOS and Monitor against your computer.
PS C:\> Get-ComputerWMIObject -ComputerName PC01,PC02 -WMIObject *
Gets WMI information for all objects available against your PC01 and PC02.
(c) 2015 Shawn Esterman. All rights reserved.
Written by: Shawn Esterman
Last Updated: October 23, 2015
# Parameter ComputerName
HelpMessage="Enter the name of the computer to query WMI information for. Defaults to localhost.")]
[ValidateScript({ %{ Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ -Properties OperatingSystem | Where OperatingSystem -Like '*Windows*' } })]
[String[]] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
# Parameter WMIObject
HelpMessage="Enter the name of the WMI Object you want to retrieve. Defaults to All")]
[ValidateSet('All','BIOS','ComputerSystem','LogicalDisk','Monitor','OperatingSystem','PhysicalMemory','Processor','SystemEnclosure','*', ignorecase=$true)]
[String[]] $WMIObject = 'All'
Begin {
# Create a whole bunch of arrays with variable names and expression hashtables
$BIOSSelect = @(
# Some of the returned information is a number that relates to a term. I put the terms in an array in order and call that item in the select variable. See below
$ComputerSystemPowerState = @('Unknown','Full Power','Power Save - Low Power Mode','Power Save - Standby','Power Save - Unknown','Power Cycle','Power Off','Power Save - Warning')
$ComputerSystemPowerSupplyState = @('Unknown','Other','Unknown','Safe','Warning','Critical','Nonrecoverable')
$ComputerSystemThermalState = @('Unknown','Other','Unknown','Safe','Warning','Critical','Nonrecoverable')
$ComputerSystemWakeUpType = @('Reserved','Other','Unknown','APM Timer','Modem Ring','LAN Remote','Power Switch','PCI PME#','AC Power Restored')
$ComputerSystemSelect = @(
$LogicalDiskDriveType = @('Unknown','No Root Directory','Removable Disk','Local Disk','Network Drive','Compact Disc','RAM Disk')
$LogicalDiskSelect = @(
@{Name='FreeSpace';Expression={[string](($_.FreeSpace)/1gb -as [int]) + " GB"}}
@{Name='Size';Expression={[string](($_.Size)/1gb -as [int]) + " GB"}}
$DesktopMonitorSelect = @(
@{Name='Resolution';Expression={ if (($_.ScreenWidth) -and ($_.ScreenHeight)) { "$($_.ScreenWidth) x $($_.ScreenHeight)" } }}
$MonitorIDSelect = @(
@{Name='ManufacturerName';Expression={ ($_.ManufacturerName | % {[char]$_} | Where-Object {$_ -match '^[d\a-z]' }) -join '' }}
@{Name='ProductCodeID';Expression={ ($_.ProductCodeID | % {[char]$_} | Where-Object {$_ -match '^[d\a-z]' }) -join '' }}
@{Name='SerialNumberID';Expression={ ($_.SerialNumberID | % {[char]$_} | Where-Object {$_ -match '^[d\a-z]' }) -join '' }}
@{Name='FriendlyName';Expression={ ($_.FriendlyName | % {[char]$_} | Where-Object {$_ -match '^[d\a-z]' }) -join '' }}
@{Name='ManufactureDate';Expression={ if (($_.WeekOfManufacture) -and ($_.WeekOfManufacture)) { (([DateTime]"01/01/$($_.YearOfManufacture)").AddDays(($_.WeekOfManufacture)*7)).ToString("Y") } }}
$OperatingSystemSelect = @(
$PhysicalMemoryFormFactor = @('Unknown','Other','DRAM','Synchronous DRAM','Cache DRAM','EDO','EDRAM','VRAM','SRAM','RAM','ROM','Flash','EEPROM','FEPROM','EPROM','CDRAM','3DRAM','SDRAM','SGRAM','RDRAM','DDR','DDR2','DDR2','DDR2 FB-DIMM','DDR3','FBD2' )
$PhysicalMemorySelect = @(
@{Name='Size';Expression={[string](($_.Capacity)/1gb) + " GB"}}
$ProcessorArchitecture = @('x86','MIPS','Alpha','PowerPC','unknown','ARM','Itanium-based systems','unknown','unknown','x64')
$ProcessorAvailability = @('Unknown','Other','Unknown','Running or Full Power','Warning','In Test','Not Applicable','Power Off','Off Line','Off Duty','Degraded','Not Installed','Install Error','Power Save - Unknown','Power Save - Low Power Mode','Power Save - Standby','Power Cycle','Power Save - Warning')
$ProcessorCPUStatus = @('Unknown','CPU Enabled','CPU Disabled by User via BIOS Setup','CPU Disabled by BIOS (POST Error)','CPU Is Idle','Reserved','Reserved','Other')
$ProcessorSelect = @(
@{Name="CPU Status";Expression={$ProcessorCPUStatus[$_.CpuStatus]}}
$SystemEnclosureChassisTypes = @('Unknown','Other','Unknown','Desktop','Low Profile Desktop','Pizza Box','Mini Tower','Tower','Portable','Laptop','Notebook','Hand Held','Docking Station','All in One','Sub Notebook','Space-Saving','Lunch Box','Main System Chassis','Expansion Chassis','SubChassis','Bus Expansion Chassis','Peripheral Chassis','Storage Chassis','Rack Mount Chassis','Sealed-Case PC')
$SystemEnclosureSelect = @(
Process {
# Regex doesn't work with a asterisk using my switch below. So if the WMIObject contains a *, set it to 'All'
if ( $WMIObject -contains '*' ) { $WMIObject = 'All' }
foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
if ( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess( $Computer, "Getting WMI information" ) ) {
if ( Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -TimeToLive 20 -Quiet ) {
$Objects = @() # Collect information here
$Splat = @{
ComputerName = $Computer
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
} # Common stuff ( Get-Help about_Splatting )
$Objects = Switch -regex ( $WMIObject ) {
'BIOS|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_BIOS | Select $BIOSSelect }
'ComputerSystem|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select $ComputerSystemSelect }
'LogicalDisk|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_logicaldisk | Select $LogicalDiskSelect }
'Monitor|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_DesktopMonitor | Select $DesktopMonitorSelect
Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName wmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi | Select $MonitorIDSelect }
'OperatingSystem|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem | Select $OperatingSystemSelect }
'PhysicalMemory|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_PhysicalMemory | Select $PhysicalMemorySelect }
'Processor|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_Processor | Select $ProcessorSelect }
'SystemEnclosure|All' { Get-CimInstance @Splat -ClassName Win32_SystemEnclosure | Select $SystemEnclosureSelect }
} # If you have multiple objects in the WMIObject array, it will do all that apply
# Return information collected
Write-Output $Objects
} else {
Write-Warning "Could not reach $Computer. Make sure it is reachable on the network."
End {}
} # End function Get-ComputerWMIInfo
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