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Last active June 21, 2021 09:10
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  • Save KushGoyal/e9838aa886394c3325c4ba62e179c9cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KushGoyal/e9838aa886394c3325c4ba62e179c9cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import math
def calc_tick(rp):
# P = 1.0001 ^ i
# sqrt(P) = 1.0001 ^ (i / 2)
# i = log(sqrt(P)) * 2 / log(1.0001)
return (math.log(rp) * 2) / math.log(1.0001)
def calc_sqrt_price(i):
# sqrt(P) = 1.0001 ^ (i / 2)
return math.pow(1.0001, i/2)
def swap(offered_y, x, y):
delta_y = offered_y
liquidity = math.sqrt(x * y)
delta_sqrt_price = delta_y / liquidity
sqrt_price = math.sqrt(y / x)
tick_start = math.floor(calc_tick(sqrt_price))
tick_finish = math.floor(calc_tick(sqrt_price + delta_sqrt_price))
diff = tick_finish - tick_start
delta_x = 0
for tick in range(0, diff):
# calculate the delta_sqrt_price
tick_sqrt_price = calc_sqrt_price(tick_start + tick + 1)
delta_sqrt_price = tick_sqrt_price - sqrt_price
inverse_delta_sqrt_price = (1 / sqrt_price) - (1 / tick_sqrt_price)
# check how much y is left to swap
if delta_y - (delta_sqrt_price * liquidity) > 0:
delta_y -= (delta_sqrt_price * liquidity)
delta_x += (liquidity * inverse_delta_sqrt_price)
# delta_y is exhausted for the integer value of tick
# apply the same logic for an exchange within adjacent tick
if delta_y > 0:
delta_sqrt_price = delta_y / liquidity
fractional_tick = calc_tick(sqrt_price + delta_sqrt_price)
tick_sqrt_price = calc_sqrt_price(fractional_tick)
inverse_delta_sqrt_price = (1 / sqrt_price) - (1 / tick_sqrt_price)
delta_x += (liquidity * inverse_delta_sqrt_price)
return delta_x
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(swap(1, 10000000, 100000))
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