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Generic tree class in C++ with some useful transforms
#ifndef NODE_HPP
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
/** A class representing an arbitrary tree **/
template<typename T>
class Node {
T value;
std::list<Node<T>> children;
using iterator_type = Node<T>;
using const_iterator_type = const Node<T>;
template<typename value_type>
class Iterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type*;
using referene = value_type&;
value_type* node;
std::stack<value_type*> nexts;
explicit Iterator(value_type* node) : node(node) { }
//Takes this iterator to the next step
Iterator<value_type>& operator++() {
//If I have children, recurse into firstborn child!
//Otherwise I am a leaf which looks for guidance in stack (if there is guidance)
//Otherwise, I am the lastborn child of every node
const size_t numChildren = node->children.size();
if(numChildren > 0) {
//If firstborn child has siblings, remember the siblings s.t we can iterate to them later on
if(numChildren > 1) {
//Order is reversed since we want the closest sibling to be ontop of the stack
//We only want to add siblings to firstborn child, not firstborn itself, hence std::prev(..., 1)
for(auto it = node->children.rbegin(); it != std::prev(node->children.rend(), 1); it++) {
node = &node->children.front();
} else if(nexts.size() > 0) {
node =;
} else {
//Stack is empty and I'm a leaf so the iteration is done!
node = nullptr;
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator ret = *this;
return ret;
//Two iterators are considered to be at the same place iff the pointer they hold is equal
//So if two iterators stand on value 1 and 1 then they're not equal (since tree may hold several 1's)
constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return node == other.node; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
//Iterator-dereference operator. Returns const reference if iterator is const-iterator, otherwise returns non-const reference
constexpr typename std::conditional<std::is_same<value_type, const_iterator_type>::value, const T&, T&>::type operator*() const { return node->get(); }
//Construct node with value
Node(const T& value) : value(value) { }
//Move-constructor with value
Node(T&& value) : value(value) { }
Node(const Node<T>& node) : value(node.value) {
for(const Node<T>& child : node.children) {
Node(Node<T>&& node) : value(node.value) {
value = node.value;
children = node.children;
virtual ~Node() { }
//Non-const begin and end
Iterator<iterator_type> begin() { return Iterator<iterator_type>(this); }
Iterator<iterator_type> end() { return Iterator<iterator_type>(nullptr); }
//Const begin and end
Iterator<const_iterator_type> begin() const { return Iterator<const_iterator_type>(this); }
Iterator<const_iterator_type> end() const { return Iterator<const_iterator_type>(nullptr); }
//Check if this tree is topologically equal to other tree (does not check values on nodes!)
bool topoeq(const Node<T>& other) const {
bool ret = true;
if(children.size() != other.children.size()) return false;
for(auto it = children.begin(), otherIt = other.children.begin(); it != children.end(); it++) {
ret = ret && (*it).topoeq(*otherIt++);
return ret;
//Check if this tree is topologically equal and check if values are equal
bool equal(const Node<T>& other) const {
bool ret = true;
if(value != other.value || children.size() != other.children.size()) return false;
for(auto it = children.cbegin(), otherIt = other.children.cbegin(); it != children.cend(); it++) {
ret = ret && (*it).equal(*otherIt++);
return ret;
constexpr bool operator==(const Node<T>& other) const { return equal(other); }
//Assignment operator (using copy-constructor on argument)
Node<T>& operator=(Node<T> other) {
std::swap(value, other.value);
std::swap(children, other.children);
return *this;
const T& get() const { return value; } //Const get
T& get() { return value; } //Non-const get
//Append child to vector of children.
Node& add(const T& value) {
return children.back();
//Append child to vector of children by copying node
Node& add(const Node<T>& node) {
return children.back();
//Append child to vector of children by copying node
Node& add(const Node<T>&& node) {
return children.back();
//Removes last child from vector of children
void remove() {
//Updates each element in tree via f
Node<T>& inplace_transform(const std::function<T(const T& value)>& f) {
for(T& value : *this) value = f(value);
return *this;
//Transforms every element of this tree into a new tree (which is topologically equivalent)
template<typename U, typename F>
Node<U> transform(const F& f) const {
Node<U> root(f(value));
for(const Node<T>& child : children) {
root.add(child.transform<U, F>(f));
return root;
//Maps each edge of this tree into trees of nodes of pairs of values connected to edge
//with initial value to that of parent value
Node<std::pair<T, T>> edgetrees(const Node<T>& parent) const {
Node<std::pair<T, T>> node(std::pair<T,T>{parent.get(), value});
for(const Node<T>& child : children) {
return node;
//Maps each edge of this tree into trees of nodes of pairs of values connected to edge
std::list<Node<std::pair<T, T>>> edgetrees() const {
std::list<Node<std::pair<T, T>>> ret;
for(const Node<T>& child : children) {
return ret;
//Applied a function to each pair of (parent, child) and outputs it to N trees,
//where N is number of children of root
template<typename U, typename F>
std::list<Node<U>> difftrees(const F& f) const {
std::list<Node<U>> ret;
for(const Node<std::pair<T, T>>& tree : edgetrees()) {
ret.emplace_back(tree.template transform<U, F>(f));
return ret;
//Return number of nodes in tree
size_t size() const {
size_t count = 1;
for(auto child : children) {
count += child.size();
return count;
#endif //NODE_HPP
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