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Last active November 27, 2023 17:55
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Layers Animation with clip-path and GSAP
*::before {
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flex: none;
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position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
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opacity: 0;
will-change: clip-path;
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export class Content {
// Class property initialization with default values.
// The DOM property holds references to the main and inner elements of the Content component.
DOM = {
el: null, // Holds the reference to the main DOM element with class 'content__inner'.
title: null, // Holds the reference to the inner DOM element <h2>.
description: null, // Holds the reference to the inner DOM element <p>.
* Constructor for the Content class. Initializes the instance, sets up DOM references, and binds events.
* @param {HTMLElement} DOM_el - The main DOM element for the Content
constructor(DOM_el) {
// Assign the provided DOM element to the 'el' property of the 'DOM' object.
this.DOM.el = DOM_el;
this.DOM.title = this.DOM.el.querySelector("h2");
this.DOM.description = this.DOM.el.querySelector("p");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<title>Layers Animation with Clip-path</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/base.css" />
document.documentElement.className = "js";
<body class="demo-1 loading">
<div class="frame"></div>
<div class="content">
<div class="content__inner">
Unlock the boundless potential of 3D tech and <br />
animations. Click anywhere to begin!
<div class="content__inner hidden">
You found a hidden layer! This was made possible <br />
with CSS <code>clip-path</code> animations GSAP
<div class="layers">
<div class="layers__item">
style="background-image: url(img/6.png)"
<div class="layers__item">
style="background-image: url(img/2.png)"
<div class="layers__item">
style="background-image: url(img/3.png)"
<div class="layers__item">
style="background-image: url(img/4.png)"
<div class="layers__item">
style="background-image: url(img/5.png)"
<div class="layers__item">
style="background-image: url(img/1.png)"
<script src="js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/gsap.min.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="js/index.js"></script>
// Importing necessary functions and classes from other files
import { preloadImages } from "./utils.js"; // Utility function for preloading images
import { Item } from "./item.js"; // Item class
import { Content } from "./content.js"; // Content class
// frame element
const frameElement = document.querySelector(".frame");
// Selecting all elements with class 'layers__item' and converting NodeList to an array
const DOMItems = [...document.querySelectorAll(".layers__item")];
const items = []; // Array to store instances of the Item class
// Creating new instances of Item for each selected DOM element
DOMItems.forEach((item) => {
items.push(new Item(item)); // Initializing a new object for each item
// Selecting all elements with class 'content__inner' and converting NodeList to an array
const DOMContentSections = [
...document.querySelectorAll(".content > .content__inner"),
const contents = []; // Array to store instances of the Content class
// Creating new instances of Content for each selected DOM element
DOMContentSections.forEach((content) => {
contents.push(new Content(content)); // Initializing a new object for each content
// Toggle the "hidden" class between two content elements
const toggleContent = () => {
// Assuming there are only two content elements
const [content1, content2] = contents;
// Toggle the 'hidden' class on the first content element
if (content1.DOM.el.classList.contains("hidden")) {
} else {
// GSAP timeline
let tl = null;
// Setting up the animation properties
const animationSettings = {
duration: 1.4, // Duration of the animation
ease: "power3.inOut", // Type of easing to use for the animation transition
delayFactor: 0.2, // Delay between each item's animation
// Event listener for click events on the document
document.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// Check if the timeline is currently active (running)
if ((tl && tl.isActive()) || frameElement.contains( {
return false; // Don't start a new animation
// The currently active content element
const contentActive = contents.find(
(content) => !content.DOM.el.classList.contains("hidden")
// Assuming there are only two content elements
const contentInactive = contents.find((content) => content !== contentActive);
// Mapping each Item object to its actual DOM element for the animation
const allItems = => item.DOM.el);
// Isolating the last item's DOM element for a separate animation effect
const lastItem = items[items.length - 1].DOM.el;
// Mapping each Item object to its 'inner' property (inner image)
const allInnerItems = => item.DOM.inner);
// Creating a new GSAP timeline for managing a sequence of animations
tl = gsap
paused: true, // Create the timeline in a paused state
defaults: {
// Default settings applied to all animations within this timeline
duration: animationSettings.duration,
ease: animationSettings.ease,
// Initial animation state
opacity: 1, // Fully visible
"clip-path": "polygon(0% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)", // CSS clip-path shape
// Animation target state
stagger: {
// Settings for staggering animations for each item
each: animationSettings.delayFactor, // Time between each item's animation
onComplete: function () {
// Callback after each item finishes animating
const targetElement = this.targets()[0]; // The element that just finished animating
// Determining the index of the animated element within the original DOM NodeList
const index = DOMItems.indexOf(targetElement);
if (index) {
// If the element is not the first one (index 0)
// Set the opacity of the previous element to 0
gsap.set(items[index - 1].DOM.el, { opacity: 0 });
"clip-path": "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)", // Target shape of the clip-path
// Starting state for 'inner' elements' animation
yPercent: 0,
filter: "brightness(30%)", // CSS filters to adjust color
// Animation target state
stagger: animationSettings.delayFactor, // Stagger settings similar to above
filter: "brightness(100%)", // Full brightness
[contentActive.DOM.title, contentActive.DOM.description],
startAt: { yPercent: 0 },
stagger: -0.04,
yPercent: -200,
.add(() => toggleContent())
[contentInactive.DOM.title, contentInactive.DOM.description],
yPercent: 200,
ease: "expo", // Different easing effect
stagger: -0.15,
yPercent: 0,
// Animation for the last item
duration: 1,
ease: "power4", // Different easing effect
"clip-path": "polygon(0% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 0% 0%)", // Animating clip-path to different shape
onComplete: () => gsap.set(lastItem, { opacity: 0 }), // After animation, hide the last item
// Start the animation;
// Preloading all images specified by the selector
preloadImages(".layers__item-img").then(() => {
// Once images are preloaded, remove the 'loading' indicator/class from the body
export class Item {
// Class property initialization with default values.
// The DOM property holds references to the main and inner elements of the Item component.
DOM = {
el: null, // Holds the reference to the main DOM element with class 'layers__item'.
inner: null, // Holds the reference to the inner DOM element with class 'layers__item-img'.
* Constructor for the Item class. Initializes the instance, sets up DOM references, and binds events.
* @param {HTMLElement} DOM_el - The main DOM element for the Item, expected to have a child with class 'layers__item-img'.
constructor(DOM_el) {
// Assign the provided DOM element to the 'el' property of the 'DOM' object.
this.DOM.el = DOM_el;
this.DOM.inner = this.DOM.el.querySelector(".layers__item-img");
* Preloads images specified by the CSS selector.
* @function
* @param {string} [selector='img'] - CSS selector for target images.
* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when all specified images are loaded.
const preloadImages = (selector = "img") => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// The imagesLoaded library is used to ensure all images (including backgrounds) are fully loaded.
{ background: true },
// Exporting utility functions for use in other modules.
export { preloadImages };
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Kvaibhav01 commented Nov 27, 2023

Please make sure to import/install GSAP for this to work. Here's the demo:

Tweet screenshot

Thanks to Codrops for making the demo:

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