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Created July 12, 2015 16:34
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  • Save KvanTTT/48f10cc8c4652b29f17e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KvanTTT/48f10cc8c4652b29f17e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
echo off
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe" "QuineClock.cs"
"QuineClock.exe" > "QuineClock.cs"
type "QuineClock.cs"
goto LOOP
using System;using System.Text;class e{static string[]d=new[]{
" ----- | || || || || || | ----- ",
" --+ / | / | | | | | ----+--",
" ----- | | / / / / / +------",
" ---- | ! / / ! !| / ---- ",
" /| / | / | / | +----| | | ----",
"+------| | +----- | | |------ ",
" ----- | | +----- | || || | ----- ",
"------+ | / / / / / / ",
" ----- | || | ----- | || || | ----- ",
" ----- | || | -----+ | | | ----- "};static StringBuilder
j;static string k(DateTime a){var b=Environment.NewLine;j=new StringBuilder(b+b)
;p("//"+b);for(int c=0;c<8;c++){p("// ");l(a.Hour,c);m(c);l(a.Minute,c);m(c);l(
"Quine Clock by KvanTTT, 2014")+b+b);return j.ToString();}static void l(int a,
int b){p(d[a/10].Substring(b*7,7).Replace('!','\\'));p(" ");p(d[a%10].Substring
(b*7,7).Replace('!','\\'));}static void m(int a){p(" ");p(a==1|a==2|a==4|a==5?
"++":" ");p(" ");}static void p(string s){j.Append(s);}static void Main(){var
a=TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;var n=DateTime.Now;var b=n.AddTicks(a-(n.Ticks%a));var
var o=k(b);var s=
"using System;using System.Text;class e{{static string[]{4}=new[]{{{3}}};static StringBuilder j;static string k(DateTime a){{var b=Environment.NewLine;j=new StringBuilder(b+b);p({1}//{1}+b);for(int c=0;c<8;c++){{p({1}// {1});l(a.Hour,c);m(c);l(a.Minute,c);m(c);l(a.Second,c);p(b);}}p({1}//{1}+b+{1}//{1}+string.Format({1}{{0,62}}{1},{1}Quine Clock by KvanTTT, 2014{1})+b+b);return j.ToString();}}static void l(int a,int b){{p({4}[a/10].Substring(b*7,7).Replace('!','{2}{2}'));p({1} {1});p({4}[a%10].Substring(b*7,7).Replace('!','{2}{2}'));}}static void m(int a){{p({1} {1});p(a==1|a==2|a==4|a==5?{1}++{1}:{1} {1});p({1} {1});}}static void p(string s){{j.Append(s);}}static void Main(){{var a=TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;var n=DateTime.Now;var b=n.AddTicks(a-(n.Ticks%a));var c=(b.Ticks-n.Ticks)*1000/a-50;if(c<0)c=0;System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)c);var {5}=k(b);var s={1}{0}{1};Console.Write(s,s,'{1}','{2}{2}','{1}'+string.Join({1}{2}{1},{2}{1}{1},{4})+'{1}',{1}d{1},{1}o{1},{5});}}}}{6}"
while ($true) {
&"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe" "QuineClock.cs"
./"QuineClock.exe" > "QuineClock.cs"
type "QuineClock.cs"
while :
mcs "QuineClock.cs"
mono "QuineClock.exe" > "QuineClock.cs"
cat "QuineClock.cs"
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