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Created April 4, 2014 09:41
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import bpy
from bpy import context
from math import *
#import sun_utils
#from sun_utils import *
import datetime
sce = bpy.context.scene
bl_info = {
"name": "Binary Sundial",
"description": "",
"author": 'Ivan Kochurkin (KvanTTT)',
"category": "Add Mesh"
class AltitudeAzimuth:
def __init__(self, altitude, azimuth):
self.altitude = altitude
self.azimuth = azimuth
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.altitude) + " " + str(self.azimuth)
def generate_sun_pos_for_hours(dt, latitude, longitude, rng):
result = {}
for i in rng:
result[i] = calculate_sun_pos(datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, i), latitude, longitude)
return result
def calculate_sun_pos(dt, latitude, longitude):
deg2Rad = pi / 180.0
rad2Deg = 180.0 / pi
# Convert to UTC
dt = datetime_to_utc(dt)
# Number of days from J2000.0.
julianDate = (367 * dt.year -
int((7.0 / 4.0) * (dt.year + int((dt.month + 9.0) / 12.0))) +
int((275.0 * dt.month) / 9.0) + - 730531.5)
julianCenturies = julianDate / 36525.0
# Sidereal Time
siderealTimeHours = 6.6974 + 2400.0513 * julianCenturies
siderealTimeUT = (siderealTimeHours +
(366.2422 / 365.2422) * dt.hour)
siderealTime = siderealTimeUT * 15 + longitude
# Refine to number of days (fractional) to specific time.
julianDate += dt.hour / 24.0;
julianCenturies = julianDate / 36525.0;
# Solar Coordinates
meanLongitude = correct_angle(deg2Rad * (280.466 + 36000.77 * julianCenturies))
meanAnomaly = correct_angle(deg2Rad * (357.529 + 35999.05 * julianCenturies))
equationOfCenter = deg2Rad * ((1.915 - 0.005 * julianCenturies) *
sin(meanAnomaly) + 0.02 * sin(2 * meanAnomaly))
elipticalLongitude = correct_angle(meanLongitude + equationOfCenter)
obliquity = (23.439 - 0.013 * julianCenturies) * deg2Rad
# Right Ascension
rightAscension = atan2(cos(obliquity) * sin(elipticalLongitude), cos(elipticalLongitude))
declination = asin(sin(rightAscension) * sin(obliquity))
# Horizontal Coordinates
hourAngle = correct_angle(siderealTime * deg2Rad) - rightAscension
if hourAngle > pi:
hourAngle -= 2 * pi
altitude = asin(sin(latitude * deg2Rad) *
sin(declination) + cos(latitude * deg2Rad) *
cos(declination) * cos(hourAngle))
# Nominator and denominator for calculating Azimuth
# angle. Needed to test which quadrant the angle is in.
aziNom = -sin(hourAngle)
aziDenom = (tan(declination) * cos(latitude * deg2Rad) -
sin(latitude * deg2Rad) * cos(hourAngle))
azimuth = atan(aziNom / aziDenom)
if aziDenom < 0:
azimuth += pi
elif aziNom < 0:
azimuth += 2 * pi
return AltitudeAzimuth(altitude, azimuth)
def datetime_to_utc(dt):
return dt + (datetime.datetime.utcnow() -
def correct_angle(angleInRadians):
if angleInRadians < 0:
return 2 * pi - (abs(angleInRadians) % (2 * pi))
elif angleInRadians > 2 * pi:
return angleInRadians % (2 * pi)
return angleInRadians
vertex_counts = [3, 4, 6, 32]
#vertex_counts = [4, 4, 4, 4]
hole_obj_count = 4
cylinder = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add
cube = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add
sphere = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add
plane = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add
cylinder = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add
rotate = bpy.ops.transform.rotate
resize = bpy.ops.transform.resize
resize(value=(50,50,1)) = "plane"
def generate_combinations(format, count):
result = []
for ind in range(0, 2 ** count):
if format == 0:
elif format == 1:
result.append(ind ^ (ind >> 1))
return result
def create_hole_objects(number, count, comb):
strNumber = str(number)
for i in range(4):
if ((comb >> i) & 1) == 1:
cylinder(vertices=vertex_counts[i], location=(-1.5 + i,0,0), depth=15, radius=0.3) = "holeObj" + strNumber + str(i)
bpy.ops.object.select_pattern(pattern="holeObj" + strNumber + "*", extend=False)
rotate(value=pi/2, axis=(1,0,0))
def substract(obj, name): = obj
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].operation = 'DIFFERENCE'
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].object =[name]
bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier="Boolean")
def substract_group(obj, number, count, comb):
strNumber = str(number)
for j in range(count):
if ((comb >> j) & 1) == 1:
substract(obj, "holeObj" + strNumber + str(j))
rng = range(7, 20)
poses = generate_sun_pos_for_hours(, 55.7522222, 37.6155556, rng)
combs = generate_combinations(0, hole_obj_count)
for i, pos in poses.items():
create_hole_objects(i, hole_obj_count, combs[i % 12])
rotate(value=pos.altitude, axis=(1,0,0))
rotate(value=-pos.azimuth, axis=(0,0,1))
#cylinder(location=(0,0,0), vertices=32, radius=3.0, depth=3.0) = "object1"
object1 = bpy.context.object
for i, pos in poses.items():
substract_group(object1, i, hole_obj_count, combs[i % 12])
bpy.ops.object.select_pattern(pattern="holeObj*", extend=False)
bpy.ops.object.camera_add(view_align=True, location=(15.074, 0, 7.17318), rotation=(66.733/180*pi, 0.762/180*pi, 90/180*pi), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)) = 150
bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN', view_align=False, location=(0, 0, 5), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)) = 'RAY_SHADOW' = True
bpy.ops.script.python_file_run(filepath="C:\\Program Files\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.70\\scripts\\presets\\sunsky\\")
sun = bpy.context.object
pos = poses[15]
bpy.context.object.rotation_euler = (-pos.altitude + pi/2,0,-pos.azimuth + pi)
#bpy.context.space_data.viewport_shade = 'RENDERED' =["Scene"].(null)
frame = 0
for hour in rng:
pos = poses[hour] = sun
bpy.context.object.rotation_euler = (-pos.altitude + pi/2, 0,-pos.azimuth + pi)
frame += 10
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = frame
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