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Last active December 2, 2018 08:14
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import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
private const val START = 'S'
private const val END = 'X'
private const val OBSTACLE = 'B'
private const val PATH = '*'
private const val STRAIGHT_STEP = 1f
private const val DIAGONAL_STEP = 1.5f
fun addPath(mapString: String): String {
val maze = Maze(mapString)
val frontier = Frontier()
frontier.add(maze.start, 0f)
val cameFrom = mutableMapOf<Cell, Cell>()
val costSoFar = mutableMapOf(maze.start to 0f)
while (frontier.isNotEmpty()) {
//next cell to consider
val current = frontier.poll()
if (current == maze.end) {
//path already found
val currentCost = costSoFar[current] ?: 0f
//examine all available neighbors
maze.forEachAvailableNeighbor(current) { neighbor, weight ->
val newCost = currentCost + weight
//add neighbor for the further consideration if it is new or the new cost is lower than the previous one
if (neighbor !in costSoFar || newCost < costSoFar.getOrDefault(neighbor, 0f)) {
costSoFar[neighbor] = newCost
val priority = newCost + heuristic(maze.end, neighbor)
frontier.add(neighbor, priority)
cameFrom[neighbor] = current
//build set of the all cells in the path
val path = mutableSetOf(maze.end)
var step = maze.end
while (step != maze.start) {
step = cameFrom[step]!!
//mark path on the original string
return mapString.split("\n").mapIndexed { i, row ->
row.mapIndexed { j, ch ->
if (Cell(i, j) in path) {
} else {
}.joinToString(separator = "")
}.joinToString(separator = "\n")
fun heuristic(first: Cell, second: Cell) = first.distanceTo(second)
fun Int.pow2() = this.toFloat().pow(2)
data class Cell private constructor(val i: Int, val j: Int) {
companion object {
private val cash = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableMap<Int, Cell>>()
//Avoid allocations of the huge amount of the Cell items
operator fun invoke(i: Int, j: Int): Cell {
val rowsCash = cash.getOrPut(i) { mutableMapOf() }
return rowsCash.getOrPut(j) { Cell(i, j) }
fun distanceTo(other: Cell) = sqrt((other.i - i).pow2() + (other.j - j).pow2())
class Frontier {
private val queue = PriorityQueue<Container>()
fun add(cell: Cell, priority: Float) {
queue.add(Container(cell, priority))
fun poll() = queue.poll().cell
fun isNotEmpty() = queue.isNotEmpty()
private class Container(val cell: Cell, val priority: Float) : Comparable<Container> {
override fun compareTo(other: Container): Int {
val delta = priority - other.priority
return when {
delta > 0 -> 1
delta < 0 -> -1
else -> 0
class Maze(mapString: String) {
companion object {
private class NeighborInfo(val dI: Int, val dJ: Int, val stepWeight: Float)
private val neighbors = arrayOf(
NeighborInfo(-1, -1, DIAGONAL_STEP),
NeighborInfo(-1, 0, STRAIGHT_STEP),
NeighborInfo(-1, 1, DIAGONAL_STEP),
NeighborInfo(0, 1, STRAIGHT_STEP),
NeighborInfo(1, 1, DIAGONAL_STEP),
NeighborInfo(1, 0, STRAIGHT_STEP),
NeighborInfo(1, -1, DIAGONAL_STEP),
NeighborInfo(0, -1, STRAIGHT_STEP))
private val rows = mapString.split("\n")
private val heightRange = 0 until rows.size
private val widthRange = 0 until rows[0].length
val start = findCell(START)
val end = findCell(END)
fun forEachAvailableNeighbor(cell: Cell, action: (neighbor: Cell, stepWeight: Float) -> Unit) {
neighbors.forEach {
val i = cell.i + it.dI
val j = cell.j + it.dJ
if (i in heightRange && j in widthRange && isCellAvailable(i, j)) {
action(Cell(i, j), it.stepWeight)
private fun isCellAvailable(i: Int, j: Int) = rows[i][j] != OBSTACLE
private fun findCell(target: Char): Cell {
rows.forEachIndexed { i, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { j, ch ->
if (ch == target) {
return Cell(i, j)
throw IllegalStateException("$target not found")
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MarcinMoskala commented Dec 2, 2018

Good job for implementing it well. Just a few comments:

You definitely would profit from better abstraction over Maze instead of just keeping characters.

Fake constructor on Cell looks like an overkill. Instead of this caching, you could achieve a better and more readable result by designing code to not produce cells all the time.

addPath holds way too many abstractions.

Instead of own comparator, use compareWith

0 until rows.size == rows.indices.

row.forEachIndexed { j, ch ->
  if (ch == target) {
    return Cell(i, j)

can be replaced with:

val j = row.indexOf(target)
return Cell(i, j)

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