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Last active May 13, 2018 19:24
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Proposal: Kotlin collection literals
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@alanfo great points! I thought of many of these while writing.

  1. That is true, and to make it the most efficient they're probably going to specify the type explicitly, like val x: FloatArray = [1.0f] or val y: ShortArray = [2, 3]. So, even if the default type was an Array with an implied element type, that wouldn't affect this particular audience.
  2. I agree. This syntax combined with explicit typing will rid us of the need for those factory methods, too! Either way, making it an Array by default won't change much. With both my proposal and with yours, the syntax of val z: BooleanArray = [true, false] and takesBooleanArray([true, false]) is identical, and vastly improved from the existing takesBooleanArray(booleanArrayOf(true, false)).
  3. That is a great point, and this won't change that. The type hinting will kick in and the syntax will stay exactly the same for annotation arrays.

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gildor commented Apr 10, 2018

If we are going to have a default dictionary literal, then it's clear that you can't use 'to' to separate the key/value pairs because, if you did, then it might signify a list (or array) of pairs rather than a map

@alanfo This is a good point, but probably a simplification of this proposal would be still better to use to for now:

val e2: Map<Int, Int> = [1 to 2, 3 to 4] 
val list = [1 to 2, 3 to 4] // List<Pair<Int, Int>>

Of course, would be better to get Map for the second case, but it's not clear to me how type inference can solve this (choose the most specific type?), also it's related to @ilya-g question about multiple sequenceLiterals

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alanfo commented Apr 10, 2018

@BenLeggiero Reading my previous post again, I don't think I was clear about what I meant by having array rather than List<T> as the default type for sequence literals. What I'm actually suggesting is that the default type should be:

  1. In the case of a sequence of primitive types, the dedicated array type for that primitive type.
  2. In all other cases, Array<T>.

So, using the first example in your proposal to illustrate:

val a1 = ["a", "b", "c"] // Array<String>
val a2 = [1, 2, 3] // IntArray (not Array<Int>)
val a3 = [true, false] // BooleanArray
val a4 = ["a", 2, false, null] // Array<Any?>
val a5 = [] // Compiler error: type cannot be inferred (just like `arrayOf()`). 

Similarly, for a table of numbers, we'd then have:

val t1 = [ [1.0, 1.5], [2.0, 2.5] ] // Array<DoubleArray>
val t2 = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] // Array<IntArray>

There would be no boxing for the dedicated array types and so folks who do a lot of numerical work would be happy.

@gildor I agree, of course, that the use of 'to' is only a problem if we have a default dictionary literal (assuming we have any dictionary literals at all).

However, it's worth remembering that in last year's survey of possible future features the Kotlin team themselves proposed having a dictionary literal and (IIRC) they tentatively proposed using '=' for the separator to avoid any ambiguity from using 'to'. I therefore think its worth keeping dictionary literals as part of the proposal.

As regards @ilya-g's question about determining which overload should be called when sequence literals are defined for two (or more) relevant types, I think the answer must be that either you cast the literal to the specific type you want or use the existing factory function instead of a literal to resolve any ambiguity.

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I understand what you're getting at. That's adding too many "blessed" types. This is something I discussed with @raulraja on the #language-proposals channel in the Kotlin Slack. Basically, he was concerned that this proposal is too reliant on the internal implementation of List et al.

Your idea seems to take that problem to the next level by saying that if a sequence literal seems to be an array of Ints, then it should be an IntArray. I am worried that would paint us into a corner that is too tight. It solves a problem for a niche audience that, I think, wouldn't mind providing the explicit types required by my proposal. It provides no new functionality at the sacrifice of a lot of functional risks that Kotlin's stdlib is actively avoiding by pushing people towards Lists and away from Arrays everywhere it can. It also introduces confusion to newcomers, who might wonder why so many things accept and return Lists, but an implicitly-typed sequence literal generates an array. I firmly believe that, if it weren't for JVM constraints, the main function would take a List<String> (or there would be some other way to get those args), and varargs would be a List as well.

Again, my proposal doesn't preclude using these specialized, more-efficient types:

val a1: Array<String> = ["a", "b", "c"] // Array<String>
val a2: IntArray = [1, 2, 3] // IntArray (not Array<Int>)
val a3: BooleanArray = [true, false] // BooleanArray
val a4: Array<Any?> = ["a", 2, false, null] // Array<Any?>
val a5 = [] // Compiler error: type cannot be inferred (just like `listOf()`). 

val t1: Array<DoubleArray> = [ [1.0, 1.5], [2.0, 2.5] ] // Array<DoubleArray>
val t2: Array<IntArray> = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] // Array<IntArray>

This would be achieved through uses of that custom sequence type function, like this, possibly even in stdlib itself:

operator fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Int) = IntArray(size = elements.size, init = { elements[it] })
// etc.

As you can see, this is not that much more syntax to give the compiler the proper hinting, especially for the use of something that is niche andor discouraged in Kotlin. Folks who do a lot of numerical work are still happy because there is no boxing, and folks who don't are still happy because they avoid the dangers of Arrays (which many of them might not be aware of in the first place).

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KyLeggiero commented Apr 11, 2018

@ilya-g My proposal does not include any new ambiguity-resolution features. That is to say, it would act just same as if you were trying to write a function that's just as ambiguous: it simply wouldn't let you write code that ambiguous. Here's an example you can try today in Kotlin 1.2, which I imagine wouldn't change between now and the implementation of this proposal:

fun foo(x: Iterable<Char>) {}
fun foo(x: Sequence<Char>) {}

/*operator*/ fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Iterable<Char> {
    print("Used Iterable<Char>")
    return elements.asList()
/*operator*/ fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Sequence<Char> {
    print("Used Sequence<Char>")
    return Sequence { elements.iterator() }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    foo(sequenceLiteral('a', 'b', 'c'))
Error:(5, 13) Conflicting overloads: public fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Iterable<Char> defined in root package in file Sequence Literal Ambiguity.kt, public fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Sequence<Char> defined in root package in file Sequence Literal Ambiguity.kt
Error:(9, 13) Conflicting overloads: public fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Iterable<Char> defined in root package in file Sequence Literal Ambiguity.kt, public fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Sequence<Char> defined in root package in file Sequence Literal Ambiguity.kt
Error:(16, 8) Overload resolution ambiguity: 
public fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Iterable<Char> defined in root package in file Sequence Literal Ambiguity.kt
public fun sequenceLiteral(vararg elements: Char): Sequence<Char> defined in root package in file Sequence Literal Ambiguity.kt

See this live:

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alanfo commented Apr 11, 2018


I accept, of course, that using arrays in the fashion I've described is more complicated than using List<T> and more difficult therefore for people to get their heads around, particularly when it seems to be at odds with the standard library's philosophy of preferring lists to arrays.

However, my fear is that sequence literals won't be useful as they might otherwise be. For example, faced with a choice between:

val a2: IntArray = [1, 2, 3]
val e2 = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)

I think a lot of folks would just stick with the latter.

Also regardless of whether lists or arrays are the default, there is the fundamental difficulty that given a choice between:

val a1: Array<String> = ["a", "b", "c"]
val e1 = arrayOf("a", "b", "c")

nearly everyone would choose the latter because the factory functions can infer their type and it's therefore shorter to write.

However, where I think your proposal scores heavily is that it makes multi-dimensional tables much less verbose than they currently are. It's clearly better to write:

val t2: Array<IntArray> = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] ] 


val m2 = arrayOf(intArrayOf(1, 2, 3), intArrayOf(4, 5, 6), intArrayOf(7, 8, 9))

In fact, this the main reason why I'm in favor of sequence literals at all as I don't think the present system of using factory functions for single dimensional sequences is all that bad.

So, in conclusion, I hope you'll put it forward as a KEEP and (FWIW) I'll still support it as it stands even if I'd have preferred arrays to be the default :)

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@alanfo I think you're focusing too much on my example usage which was chosen to make the type inference clear. You forget other times when the amount of code is reduced dramatically because the type is not part of the line:

foo.intArrayTypedField = [1, 2, 3]
foo.intArrayTypedField = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)

functionThatTakesAnIntArray([1, 2, 3])
functionThatTakesAnIntArray(intArrayOf(1, 2, 3))

functionThatReturnsAnIntArray_1() : IntArray {
    // do stuff?
    return [1, 2, 3]
functionThatReturnsAnIntArray_2() : IntArray {
    // do stuff?
    return intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)

So the pros for each approach are, as far as I am aware:

List Array
(And specialized array types)
Immutability Generally more efficient
Custom implementations
Ubiquitous in Kotlin stdlib
Easier for beginners

So, since it seems the amount of code is only ever equal to or less than the current amount, combined with all the reasons about wanting to prioritize decreasing confusion and over catering to niche uses, I won't be adopting your approach into this proposal.

In addition, I would hope that, alongside adopting this into the language, stdlib would deprecate (and eventually drop) the current top-level-factory-function-based approach to sequence generation.

On a side note, I also hope we someday get even better inference, so we don't have to specify the generic type, like:

val x: Array = ["a", "b"] // Inferred Array<String>

I know that's not possible now, but it might be someday and that would make my life much better :)

🍻 Thanks for your support and great arguments!

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reitzig commented Apr 16, 2018

FWIW, I agree that introducing : as new syntax is not necessary, and I'll add that it's not in line with how Kotlin reads today. Due its use in typing, : reads as "is a". Here, we want "maps to" or "if lhs then rhs" which is most closely matched by ->. But I honestly think that using pairs via to for dictionary literals is fine.

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@reitzig Yeah, I agree. Maybe = would be a better fit, like we use in named function parameters. I'm still ruminating, but I'm close to finalizing. Will edit more this week before making a KEEP.

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alanfo commented Apr 18, 2018


I've found the link to the Future Features Survey now and, if you check out feature no. 6, you'll see that JB themselves suggested '=' as the separator for map literals.

Another possibility for you to ruminate on would be to use a prefix to distinguish map literals from sequence literals. If you did this, then you could still use 'to' as the separator for the former.

The hash symbol '#' suggests itself as a suitable prefix (and mnemonic) for maps and I don't think it would clash with anything else. So, for example, you'd have:

val list1 = ['a' to 1, 'b' to 2,  'c' to ])  // List<Pair<Char, Int>>

val map1 = #['a' to 1, 'b' to 2,  'c' to 3]  // Map<Char, Int>

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Some random thoughts from someone whose opinion should probably not be given a whole lot of weight since I'm relatively new to Kotlin: as a long time Groovy, Python and Javasript user I very much appreciate the concision of Map literals in those languages. It is incredibly useful in creating DSLs, using in REPL contexts, and many other situations. I feel like when there's a common shared syntax between many languages with high similarity, there's a strong benefit in just using that too unless it sharply deviates from your principles. And one of the things I'm liking about Kotlin is that it doesn't seem to gratuitously differentiate its syntax from that of other languages : where it make sense for things to be the same they mostly are.

Which is all to say, I'd prefer a single character, either : or = as the map character, even if it does mean new syntax / slightly deviating from other conventions used in Kotlin.

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@alanfo thank you for that! I don't think I like the = operator being used here because it would be unclear that assignment is not happening. For example:

var foo = "Foo"

var bar = [foo = "Bar"]

This seems, to me, unclear whether you get a map of foo to "Bar", or a list of foo, where foo has the value "Bar".

Using the hash symbol in this way certainly does not clash with current features, but... I would not be confident attempting to claim it for this feature, as it seems more fit for conditional compilation if we ever have that. Good idea, though, to use a special symbol as part of the operator.

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@ssadedin I agree with you. Kotlin, among many other things, aims to be easy to learn for those who already know another programming language. It would be silly for us to use a brand new syntax for something so commonplace. That's why I chose the same syntax used in Groovy and Swift, which only barely differs from that used in Python and JS (square vs curly braces).

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alanfo commented May 8, 2018

@BenLeggiero I agree with you that ':' seems on the face of it better than '='.

However, there was a development recently in another long running debate - whether to include the conditional (ternary) operator in Kotlin.

I've always been against this, partly because it's unnecessary when we already have the if/else expression, but mainly because '?' signifies something to do with nullability in Kotlin.

I thought that the latter would be the critical point but it turns out that the ':' is the problem! This is because the Kotlin team want to reserve its use for something else such as slices. So, if you do propose it for 'map' literals, you might run up against the same objection.

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Thank you for the insight, @alanfo! That's very useful :)

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KyLeggiero commented May 11, 2018

I've released the first draft of the collection literals KEEP proposal. You can view it on my GitHub here:

I have started going over it and refining it to become a final draft before submitting a pull request. Any comments about it here would be greatly appreciated!

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KyLeggiero commented May 13, 2018

This is now in a KEEP proposal: Kotlin/KEEP#112
Please place further discussion there :)

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